Comedy Quest
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Comedy Quest is a point and click adventure game set in the magical world of standup comedy. It meshes the retro look of 80’s Sierra games with the feel of Lucas arts adventure games.
The game begins with you as a young hopeful open mic’er. Trying to be the worlds greatest comedian. Armed with no money and a note book for writing new ideas down. Your adventure will take you to some pretty amazing places.
Featuring the voices of: Fabian Lapham, Jarrod Fitch, Ted Wilson, Doug Gordon, Angus Hodge, Demi Lardner, Mog Thistlethwaite, Ged Cogley, James Masters, Bert Goldsmith, Lauren Bok, Neil Sinclair, Nellie White, Craig McLeod and Trav Nash.
Steam User 0
Krótka, ale bardzo przyjemna gra, Jest też dość prosta, dla mnie to zaleta, bo mało gram w przygodówki i może przez to wielu nie umiem przejść bez poradnika, co mnie frustruje i zniechęca, a tu nie mam tego problemu.
Steam User 2
Zabawna i prawdziwa zarazem, choć dość krótka i prymitywna w rozgrywce. Niemniej warto.
Steam User 0
Actually, a funny game in 90s adventure style. had a great time