Cold Iron
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Puzzle. Shooter.
Sorry, wave shooters–there’s a new sheriff in town. Every enemy is unique, every duel is different, and every bullet counts. Imagine if Punch-Out!! married Stranger Things and they honeymooned in Westworld.
–Puzzle Shooter: The most lethal challenge in VR–speed, accuracy, and cunning combine for a heart-pounding adventure.
–Action Packed: Split-second showdowns against notorious outlaws, sorcerers, and unstoppable killing machines.
–The Weird West: Forge a dark pact with Cold Iron to avenge your father’s murder.
–All The World’s A Stage: A complete narrative experience told in bite-sized VR chunks, Cold Iron is a story rich with gripping voice acting and thought-provoking characters.
–Into Another Dimension: Explore new worlds filled with lightning-fast gunfighters and long-forgotten beasts.
–The Future Is Here: Cold Iron is a new genre for a new medium. Experience it exclusively in virtual reality.
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