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ClusterTruck is a new kind of platformer on-top of a speeding highway! Use agility and acrobatics through insane levels in a game of 'the floor is lava' on top of unpredictable, speeding trucks! The game only gets harder when dangers such as swinging hammers, lasers and flamethrowers are added! Unlock new abilities like the Grappling Hook, Truck Cannon and Time-Control!
Steam User 0
this game is the biggest adhd game known to man . whoever came to this idea must be an genius or had just smoked some shit from da streets. there some bugs especially in the sci fi world. i recommend you to play it while listening to the song "Bababooey 2" for the bes experience. its definitly worth the price (i buyed it at sale for 1.50€) good game for in between
Steam User 0
For the low amount of hours this game took to complete (100%), Clustertruck felt very well worth the money I spent, even more than other longer or more costly games. The game is just pure challenge/movement with satisfying designs and mechanics in a very cool thematic campaign through 9 worlds (or 10 if you count halloween).
The achievements were a really cool addon where you finished the game and still had something to finish, its a 10/10 game for me as there are no ingame purchases, pay to win or anything negative and it was an extremely fun experience from start to finish.
Steam User 0
This is s ofun and stoopid that after i 100% it i want to have dementia and play it agen thanks for this banger of a game :D
Steam User 0
richtig nice, wer trackmania like restarts aushält, zielstrebig ist und dabei chaos aushält und sogar flexibel genug ist,
sich diese nutzbar zu machen, dann noch einen controller oder maus quake rocket jump artig durch auffassungsgabe fordernde level hüpfen will, wird seine wahre freude haben.
Steam User 0
Unironically one of the most fun games ive ever played. Its pretty short but its definitely worth checking out. The fast paced gameplay and a unique focus on precise movements make for a surprisingly fun mix.
Steam User 0
Ein sehr feines Spiel. Damals immer bei Youtubern im Hintergrund gesehen und wollte es dann auch mal spielen. Sehr feines Movement und sehr kreativer Level.
Steam User 0
Great game, but the Leaderboard is full of cheaters which get less than 0 seconds.