Club Dance Party VR
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◆ 夜总会舞蹈派对是在VR环境下可以享受的3D立体节奏动作游戏。
◆ 在充满激情的音乐下,佩戴VR头盔后享受真实般的舞蹈旋律,尽情欣赏虚拟舞伴美妙的身姿。
◆ 让在工作中备受折磨的你,“在家激情的舞蹈派对”
◆ 充满生动现场感的 “VR立体音响“
◆ “简单、直观的操作方法“
◆ 在现实VR世界中,”提供360度的视角“
◆ 与魅力舞伴,默契的“贴面舞“
◆ 随着节奏自然舞动节拍的游戏
◆ 在快乐的游戏过程中,还能产生”运动减肥”效果!
◆ 与迷人的”舞伴怦然心动的舞蹈互动“
◆ 享受游戏,”为舞伴选择心仪的各式服装和动作“
Steam User 7
一直关注这款游戏,终于能玩了最大遗憾是人物很模糊尤其是头部五官几乎看不清严重的马赛克,其次 触点的节奏感也不是很强。毕竟还是测试阶段希望将来会完善
Steam User 3
“ 音乐和模型还不错,选材也很好,市场上需要这类游戏。这是我推荐的原因 。但游戏本身的问题还很大,需要尽快补丁解决。否则可能面临退货。
运动空间比例有明显问题,当我低头的时候,地板会上升。当头部摆动时,甚至整个场景都会动。而且手的漂浮幅度也明显与实际的控制器的位置不同。这个体验很糟糕。 需要尽快改进。希望能尽快推出PTF解决这个问题。
我是外行,不过感觉是比例参数问题,如果正确设置或者增加用户身高 的参数,可能能解决这个问题。”
这是不是要模拟喝醉了或嗑药了的视觉感受? 如果是的话,那开发者大概是成功了。感受着天旋地转,咸猪手乱飞,随着音乐摇摆,总体还是很欢乐的。但就是有点头晕,如果有个“安静”模式的补丁,可以给玩家更多选择就完美了。。
This is my first feeling:
"TBF, the Music and the model are pretty good. However, the scale and the controls are big problems, when my head is going down, feel the floor going up, when I swing my head, the whole view is also swing, it is made me sick and unacceptable. Besides, for the same reason, the hand is floating above/below the real position. I think that you maybe need a new parameter system to set the scale of the view. or have player's hight setting.
I am waitting for your new PTF to solve the problem."
But after a few times, I felt different.
Does this simulate the visual perception of drunk or drugged? If so, the developer was probably successful. Feeling the swaying of the earth, salted pig hands flying in disorder, swayed with the music , it was still very happy. But it is a bit dizzy. If there is a "quiet" patch, it will be more perfect for players to choose more.