Cally’s Caves 4
It’s time for Cally’s biggest adventure ever! On a mission to cure her friend Rupert’s Curse, Cally and her team must embark on a journey across the globe. Along the way, Cally will make new friends, discover a new arch-nemesis, and fight her way through hordes of enemies on the way to becoming the greatest hero in the world! Do you have what it takes to fight a secret society that holds the only thing that can save Rupert?
9 biomes with over 300 levels packed with enemies, collectibles and secrets.
11 weapon classes, with 88 unique weapon forms
Using your weapons will level them up, eventually changing the weapon’s appearance and firing effects. Level each weapon all the way up to unlock its final, super-powerful form!
11 huge bosses to fight, reason with, and maybe even become friends with.
24 enemy types spanning Regular Game, New Game + and Survival Modes.
New costume choices for Cally!
The return of Cally’s ninja bear sidekick Bera as a playable character.
Expansive Weapon Mod system that allows you to customize your weapon’s effects.
MFi controller is fully supported.
A massive story with new and returning characters.
Cally can now strafe and autofire.
Hubworld area with shops to buy Power-ups, Consumables, and Weapon mods with in-game currency.
Cally’s Caves 4 is a run-and-gun action game, with tons of powerups, weapons, and levels. When your friend needs your help, there’s only one thing to do: LEVEL UP EVERYTHING!
Steam User 2
Jak do tej pory najlepsza z serii gier o Cally. Cally's Caves 4 jest o wiele lepsza od 3 części i tysiąc razy lepsza od Cally's Trials. Discgun jak zawsze rządzi, ale ciekawe mody do broni które możemy wybrac według własnego uznania urozmaicają grę.
Jedynym minusem jest to, że tak jak mi tak części osób nie zaliczyło za pierwszym przejściem osiągnięcia zabicia 100 Ninja Warriors i po zdobyciu wszystkich innych trzeba wybrać w opcjach wymazanie danych gry i grać od zera, by zdobyć te osiągnięcie.
Steam User 0
Fajna gierka. Dobrze się w nią gra i jest dość przyjemna.