Cally’s Caves 4
It’s time for Cally’s biggest adventure ever! On a mission to cure her friend Rupert’s Curse, Cally and her team must embark on a journey across the globe. Along the way, Cally will make new friends, discover a new arch-nemesis, and fight her way through hordes of enemies on the way to becoming the greatest hero in the world! Do you have what it takes to fight a secret society that holds the only thing that can save Rupert?
9 biomes with over 300 levels packed with enemies, collectibles and secrets.
11 weapon classes, with 88 unique weapon forms
Using your weapons will level them up, eventually changing the weapon’s appearance and firing effects. Level each weapon all the way up to unlock its final, super-powerful form!
11 huge bosses to fight, reason with, and maybe even become friends with.
24 enemy types spanning Regular Game, New Game + and Survival Modes.
New costume choices for Cally!
The return of Cally’s ninja bear sidekick Bera as a playable character.
Expansive Weapon Mod system that allows you to customize your weapon’s effects.
MFi controller is fully supported.
A massive story with new and returning characters.
Cally can now strafe and autofire.
Hubworld area with shops to buy Power-ups, Consumables, and Weapon mods with in-game currency.
Cally’s Caves 4 is a run-and-gun action game, with tons of powerups, weapons, and levels. When your friend needs your help, there’s only one thing to do: LEVEL UP EVERYTHING!
Steam User 0
Reminds me of the old shareware games. The game isn't what you'd expect today's polished game, but even with loads of flaws the game is quite fun to play.
The idea of the game is you'll find weapons to level up and everything else is lazily done. Music loops randomly and elevator music blows it out of the park. Levels shouldn't even be called levels, but speedruns with level editor. There isn't any meaning in level or boss design, which is a very new experience. For example one boss repeats pattern 1.) run wall 2.) Take damage a while 3.) Fire horizontal laser 1.) Repeat. Oddly enough the boss level has platforms that are totally useless, because boss only runs into wall and fires horizontal laser... The game is full of things that suggest that there was initially some idea to design proper platformer around weapons, but it was abandoned.
However leveling weapons is fun.
Steam User 0
I had played this since childhood,and addicted to this game deeply;even its not that interesting but i still love this game
of course this is my first full achievement game and my first time to leave a comment too
i really recommend this to some one who looking for cute story act game,u will definitely love it))))
Steam User 0
This is pretty fun. It might lack a little variety.
Steam User 0
cool platformer
Steam User 1
I am 32 years old.
My ex-wife and I have a daughter together, and we adopted our son together. Both are now 4 years old.
When we were going through our separation, I felt lost and unhappy. I was self-destructive. One day, I was so angry with everything spiraling out of control that I punched a concrete wall in a moment of overwhelming emotion. This resulted in breaking my fifth metacarpal in my right hand—the hand I worked with, played games with, and used to carry my children to bed—the hand I desperately needed to ensure I could continue providing.
Upon learning the severity of the self-inflicted damage, I became almost suicidal. Keep in mind that just a few months before this, I was the happiest man, with no history of depression or anxiety. I had never experienced anger outbursts, nor was I the type to break down and cry, but I was in a tough situation that truly prevented me from seeing the light on the other side.
With nothing better to do, I looked for a game I could play WITH ONE HAND while recovering. Somehow, I stumbled upon this game and read some of the comments. I decided it was worth a try... I must admit I didn't beat the game, nor did I play as much as some of you. In fact, I may have played this game for only a day or two. That being said, after doing so, I had a new joy and hope for life. I managed to leave behind the pain and suffering that had been thrust upon me. I could experience the joy and happiness of other people. I relaxed for 5 ♥♥♥♥ minutes listening to this music, long enough to realize that I would be okay.
After realizing this, I turned off the game and went back to work. My hand hurt a lot, but I was motivated. I stopped feeling so sorry for myself and became the father I needed to be at that moment, not the weak boy I was behaving like.
Today, I am close friends with the mother of my children. We don't fight, argue, or say hurtful things to each other. We are parents and friends.
Now I have 3 children. My third child is, wait, ALSO 4 YEARS OLD. The woman I am with was going through a very similar situation at the time of my separation, and we just unexpectedly stumbled into each other's lives. We have been dating for a year and are very happy together.
Moral of the story: you never know what life has in store for you, and if I had given up when all odds were against me, I wouldn't be where I am today. This silly little game helped me realize that.
Thank you.
Steam User 3
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