Call of Duty: Ghosts
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Outnumbered and outgunned, but not outmatched. Call of Duty®: Ghosts is an extraordinary step forward for one of the largest entertainment franchises of all-time. This new chapter in the Call of Duty® franchise features a new dynamic where players are on the side of a crippled nation fighting not for freedom, or liberty, but simply to survive. Fueling this all new Call of Duty experience, the franchise's new next-gen engine delivers stunning levels of immersion and performance, all while maintaining the speed and fluidity of 60 frames-per-second across all platforms.
Steam User 52
I personally liked the campaign and multiplayer can be fun at times but extinction is one of the greatest and most underrated game modes in cod history
Steam User 38
Despite the hate this game gets, I really enjoyed the story, the weapons and gameplay of it. Sadly the multiplayer is completely dead, buy only on sale and for the campaign! Hopefully we can get a sequel someday since I'm not done with Rourke....
Steam User 39
I played this game a decade ago and in 2024 again. Maan, the singleplayer still hits the same. I played roughly 15 cod campaigns and this is the ONE. Idc, what anyone says, to me this is the most slept on, underrated and the deepest campaign in COD HISTORY. If this game gets a sequel I will literally cry.
Steam User 32
One of the under appreciated Call of Duty
Rating: 8.5/10
Solid opening. Solid ending. This campaign is better than your average COD.
I think this was the point where they started to introduce infamous sci-fi stuffs like space and under-water shootings (there are few such missions here). Personally, did't like many of the maps and guns were not that fun. But the overall campaign, graphics, and plot saved the day for me. Unfortunately, there is no sequel even after 10 years, although the ending strongly suggest otherwise.
Please note that these Ghosts have nothing to do with the character Ghost in other CODs.
I couldn't test Multiplayer as no one seems to be playing it, but they have a new mode - Extinction, which felt good even on solo. It has some sort of locked story and its gameplay involves alien shooting and defence. Wish there were more players or friends to play with. Zombie lovers might give it a try.
Now release the sequel, greedy bastards.
Steam User 35
honestly one of my most favourite CoD games ever, the hate is absolutely forced. (not considering online) I think it's a worthy 10/10! (Logan and Hesh make me cry</3)
Steam User 32
The story is short but man they went all out with this one. Still just as good as when I played it on release. Some of the best missions and story of any of the COD games. Totally worth the replay.
Steam User 22
Really enjoyed the game, campaign has an engaging story and a lot of potential for continuation. I liked the characters and the dynamic between them, even with silent protagonist. Riley is the best boy there is. One can dream for Ghosts 2.