Burst Fighter
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Burst Figter is a shoot ’em up game with unique customizable ship feature fused with modern graphic and gorgeous art style. Inspired by lot of classic shoot ’em up titles.
Background Story
Zirodia is once peaceful planet then suddenly invaded by hostile mechanical alien race. In desperation, Zirodian found a strange message which revealed to be a blueprint of technology that could overcome invader’s forces. Follow Queen Sehra story line as she fights her way to the source of Invader Planet which is located on Earth.
- Customizable ship wings, weapons, colors, and cores. Suit your playstyle with 36 parts for each situation and for each boss battle
- 2 players local co-op mode
- Arm your ship with experimental Blade (melee) weapon to add some challenges and awesomeness
- Follow unique storyline from Queen Sehra’s perspective herself
- Infused with modern atmospheric HD graphic in 60 FPS
- Atmospheric dark experimental music to enhance your Burst Fighter experience
- Dodge, counter, and defeat various unique enemies / attack patterns
- Intense 8+ boss battles
- 3 level of difficulties: Casual, Normal, and Expert Mode.
- Achieve High Score with the chain bonus
- Steam leaderboards and achievements
- Controller support
Steam User 8
Highly recommended SHMUP..
The control and the game design is good :)
The art style is also beautiful, the only thing that I don't like is some background area that is similar with the enemy or enemy bullets. It's very annoying :(
Play it with my friend and it's a lot of fun! I hope that the game will support 4 player mode in the future!
Steam User 6
Recommended SHMUP game.
-Very good gameplay
-I'm surprised by the design, it's so COOL
-Awesome Graphics
-Multiplayer support
-Annoying background :(
-Didn't support my bluetooth Gamepad/Joystick.
FYI i'm using iPega 9021 bluetooth joystick that works out of the box with many other games or emulator.
Steam User 3
Sound effects are lacking, bad and repetitive music, no replay feature, power up literally blends with the background, the (default) game's color palette in general makes it difficult to differentiate between your own ship, enemy's ship, your own bullets and enemy bullets, some shots are more beneficial than the others to the point of very drastic difference of boss busting time, and the game is obtuse with its controls where there's just no rapid fire button to maintain my fire consistently while I still want to zip around. Worse still, the controller can't be configured. The game is also too wide for its own good. This is a vertical-scrolling shmup, for Sans' sake.
But why do I say Yes? All in all, it's not a horrible experience. I think I enjoyed this game, but not wowed by it. The game does feel overstaying its welcome at times. The scoring system is a chore where it's an item collector but no capability to absorb, but the stage design and damage balance is nice enough, with correct ship setup it's a pleasant ride. At best, this game is a mediocre game that is likely to not harm you.
Must you play this game? No. But when you want to play will you wish to have never bought it? No too. Hence, if you're interested in this game, give it a try. Just don't forget to set up the ship to Blade-Angel-Lancer.
Steam User 6
- Awesome graphics
- Customizable ship
- Tight and challenging gameplay
- Cool boss design
- I'm bad at this game
- I've died a lot
- like, A LOT
- I got frustrated
- my life's been spiraling out of control since
- fuck my life
Edit: beat the game on the lowest difficulty. my life is good again.
Steam User 3
I'm a shmup fanatic and I'm glad I found this game. Good graphics, good sound and music, good gameplay. 5 stars out of 5 for me.
Steam User 3
It is a cool game with different kinds of customization. The graphics are cool, although the bullets can be polished more.
The thing that is great about this game is the variety of enemies.
Steam User 3
The girl that shown when I start the game is cute.
Summary of first play
Played the normal diff, died at second boss, Played it again, died at third boss twice. Close the game. Open the game again, played the beginner mode, beat it in one hour.
The positive
Gamepad supported
You can customize your ship to fit your playstyle.
Unlockable skin for your ship.
Graphic and art is well done.
The art has unique style.
Bosses are so cool.
Difficulty in beginner / normal mode is challenging, increasing replayability to beat the game better than previous playthrough.
Story is standard save the world theme.
The Negative
There is some area where I thought the enemy bullet come at me, but it is just the background.
The burst attack lack of feedback, I expect some kind of sound effect when my burst attack (especially the blade one) hit the enemy , but nothing came out.