Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition
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Step into the boots of Grayson Hunt after a crash landing on an abandoned resort planet forces him to make a hard choice: survival or revenge. An exiled member of the elite assassin group Dead Echo, Grayson’s blind desire for vengeance finds his crew stranded on Stygia where he can finally confront the commander behind his betrayal—or get his team off the planet alive. Battle your way through throngs of Stygia’s mutated inhabitants, performing masterful kills throughout the single-player campaign—or one of 30 competitive score-challenge or 12 co-operative multiplayer maps—using Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition’s unique “Skillshot” system that rewards you for executing the most creative and deadly kills imaginable.
Steam User 39
Сontrary to the original marketing strategy, this is still way closer to Call of Duty than to any classic run-and-gun kind of shooter.
But it is the most ridiculously entertaining Call of Duty campaign ever.
It's gorgeous; every setpiece hits an absolute bullseye, every gun is fun to use, and nothing ever overstays its welcome.
Oh, and it actually has good writing. I know it's kind of trendy to use the same "I will kill your diсks" clip and dismiss the whole thing as juvenile nonsense, but "juvenile" is not a synonym for a lack of quality; it's just a style. You can do it poorly (i.e., Borderlands 3), and you can completely pull it off. And let me tell you—it's not Borderlands 3.
Steam User 35
If you're looking for a quick 10ish hour drug fueled linear action adventure with corny dialogue and stereotypical characters; this is the one for you.
In a market where it seems that every game has an open world, crafting, perks, leveling up, and inventory management; Bulletstorm is a blast from the past with crazy big guns, over the top set pieces, and just putrid violence.
Go forward, shoot gun.
God I miss this era of video games.
Steam User 14
Just short and sweet, this is just peak singleplayer campaign, amazing gameplay, the game never ceases to amaze me with how good the story is and it's just an incredibly well paced game.
The biggest shame is how the sequel was never made, it really ramps up towards the end but we all get cockblocked at the end because of money, game did not sell well enough for the sequel, sadly.
What a fucking shame.
Steam User 12
One of the best single-player shooters that is out there. It is a shame that there is no Part 2. The end is really frustrating, knowing there is no sequel to the game...
Steam User 6
Fun gameplay and hilarious dialogue from each characters in the story.
This game came out in 2011 and it was during the time when games was actually fun and developers actaully put in the work.
Steam User 6
Bulletstorm was just as good as I remember it being. Silly, cheesy fun with solid controls, great gunplay, and the "hook," the leash, is great at setting up and executing great skillshots throughout the game. I thoroughly enjoyed it when it first came out and revisiting it was a treat. Full disclosure: I did not revisit Echoes mode and did not play through the Duke Nukem campaign. The 10 solid hours I spent in the main campaign was enough for me.
Steam User 4
This game is very underrated and it is borderline criminal that it didn't sell better when it came out. Highly recommended for anyone who enjoys FPSs.