Breach & Clear: Deadline
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A deadly new breed of human monster is on the rise, and it’s up to players to stop the infestation before it spreads. Breach & Clear: Deadline is the all-new follow up to Breach & Clear, the critically acclaimed hybrid tactical strategy game. The game gives players real-time control over a squad of four elite Special Forces tasked with tracking down information on the source of the infestation.
Steam User 0
I know a lot of people hated this game because they went into it with the original breach and clear game. However the game is fun and its a nice zombie vs the military type of tactical game. If youre anything like i was you hesitate on it because you arent sure because opf thye comments. im here to say go for it. i did and im having a blast plus the game is like 2GB. im sure you can spare the space.
Steam User 2
I'm rating this positive because I'm looking at it as a cheap, mindless game to screw around with to kill time and nothing more (and by cheap, I mean get it on sale. It is NOT worth the normal $10 price tag). Consider this a negative review if there's no sale available. Either way, I kinda had some fun with it, and it was worth getting on sale for $1.
Starting with the good:
-Can play it on a potato computer fine.
-Visuals aren't too bad.
-A half decent amount of weapons along with attachments.
-A simple upgrade system.
-Open roaming maps. Go where you want for the most part. Heck, the game rewards this if you're a loot goblin and you manage to find some really good weapons before getting into the "story"/quests.
-A simple RPG-like system. Gain XP, spend it on various skills.
-Not difficult at all. Good for mindlessly chilling.
...and now the things I hate:
-The AR15's in this game either are all illegally modified to be automatic (not to mention having better stats than a lot of actual assault rifles) or the devs have no knowledge about it. Should instead be a bottom tier rifle to fit the actual thing.
-Why are weapons using 9mm rounds doing a lot more damage than .45 rounds (example, P38 does noticeably more damage than the 1911).
-In general the developers seem to have never touched any firearm or have done practically no research. Stats seem to be randomly assigned across the board with little to no basis on how the weapons function IRL.
-Your AI squad members have trouble moving around on their own if there are enemies present.
-Despite the game being called Breach and Clear, you cannot issue commands to your squad of what to do after breaching a door. You have to breach the door then immediately pause the game to issue commands.
Steam User 1
Breach & Clear: Deadline Rebirth (2016)
Has a total of 6 trading cards.
Steam User 1
Zombies. Because of course.
Steam User 3
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