Borderlands 3
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The original shooter-looter returns, packing bazillions of guns and an all-new mayhem-fueled adventure! Blast through new worlds and enemies as one of four brand new Vault Hunters, each with deep skill trees, abilities, and customization. Play solo or join with friends to take on insane enemies, score loads of loot and save your home from the most ruthless cult leaders in the galaxy.
Steam User 275
First things first, if you want to enjoy this game turn dialogue volume to 0. It sounds like a joke but it's not. Treat this like BL1, story doesn't matter, go here for the gameplay and the atmosphere, anytime a cutscene pops up skip it.
Honestly that is a damn shame.
I really like the guns, I'm looking at the character classes and they've went from "+5% max shield per level" to actual talent trees with consistent builds. I like the gameplay the guns feel fun, most of them feel unique. The gameplay team knocked it out of the park.
The enemies are fun, the guns are fun, the world looks great, the guns look great, I mean perfect game right?
No. This has been beaten to death but the story is abysmal, just abysmal. It gets a 8/10 for the concept and a 3/10 for execution. This is the most "how do you do fellow kids" story ever written. Which even the height of writing in the series BL2 was pretty cringe, but the brilliance, what elevated the story was the nuance to the characters.
Handsome Jack was utterly irredeemable in BL2, but he thought he was the hero in his own story. Which made him a fun villain, he stood out.
When one of the main characters dies nobody makes a quip about it, the game deliberately stops the pacing to let it sink in, there is an entire BL2 DLC about her dealing with his death.
BL2's story was joking at you so you'd let your guard down, and then it would take a swing at you with the story. BL3's story is just joking at you as if that was the only part of BL2's story that people liked. If the story had that same one two punch as before, that same kinda cringy charm to it quenched by serious moments, this would be a 10 out of 10 game. As it stands, don't pay full price, ignore the story, play this as a looter shooter with good graphics and an atmosphere.
Edit: Friends, I have made a grave mistake. For one side mission I turned on dialogue volume and listened to the dialogue for "proof of wife". Do you know what the game's writing tried to do?
The game's writing tried to justify why it's okay to kill bandits. In Borderlands. For those of you who've played a borderlands game, I don't need to explain the insanity of that.
For those of you that haven't, see the icon for the game with the guy with the face mask? That's a bandit, in Borderlands playing through the games you will kill thousands of them, if you play all the games you might reach a five digit kill count for them. The game is written for people who think that four games into the franchise that isn't justified with how the bandits have been characterized.
For your own sake ignore the story in this game. The gameplay holds up.
Steam User 116
great gunplay, great visuals, great worlds, horrible unskippable dialogue and a bad story
Steam User 80
Main Campaign story is the worst writing of the franchise. Best gameplay though.
Steam User 246
Amazing game if you skip cutscenes and mute the story cause it's cringe
Steam User 83
I'm not going to talk about the story because millions of people already talked about it and yea, it is pretty shit and villains are trying to be Tiktok Handsome Jack.
Gameplay wise It's great. Maybe even better than 2. Shooting is great, weapon identities are great, using a gun for hours and being satisfied with your gun only to find an even better gun is great. I like the talent trees being more active ie. picking and choosing active skills and modifying them instead of dozens of passive skills. Borderlands 2 had very fun skill trees and classes but 3 made them even better.
The map is horrible. It may even be considered a crime against humanity in some countries.
Loot wise, new anointed weapons are great and enhance your gameplay if you enjoy using skills a lot. I don't like that they didn't add more loot qualities like they did in 2 like Cursed, Pearlascent etc. but the amount of loot and builds you can have is still satisfying.
Story is shit but at least quests are somewhat less memey. Worst part of 2 was EVERY SINGLE SIDE QUEST was a reference to a meme or it was a LOL RANDUMB xD moment. 3 still have quests like that but it's overall better than 2.
Even with all the negatives, positives are too much fun for me so I can easily ignore or even forget the negatives.
On one hand I'm hyped for 4, I hope they look back at 2 and 3, think about what they have done, and make a great comeback that surpasses the trilogy combined but on the other, I know 2K and Gearbox will fuck it up somehow by adding some skibidi toilet quest and making the villain a "quirky" alien that likes to eat tide pods.
I wish developers the best as they try to make a good game despite Randy Pitchford and 2K.
Steam User 131
probably the worst story and writing i've ever experienced but on the same hand its followed by amazing gun/gameplay. still recommend it just mute the dialog during story missions and its a wonderful experience
Steam User 79
Hard to go back to Borderlands 2 after playing this game, it's an improvement in nearly every aspect. I play it with dialogue volume at 0 so the amazing soundtrack distracts from the awful story/characters/dialogue