How to complete all the main objectives in the storyline, solve puzzles, find pencils, uncover criminals, escape from the children's room, and complete many other tasks - all of this can be done in the game "Garten of BanBan." This game is the third chapter of the storyline, continuing the story from where the players left off in the second part.
How to find batteries

To start a new game, you need to move to the hall next to the broken elevator. Listen carefully to the information that the mysterious stranger will give you. You will be asked to reach the Water sector, but before that, you will need to collect two batteries to use the remote control and operate the drone. Look around - to the left of the door is the administrator's desk. Go behind it and find the first battery on the long table. Opposite the administrator's desk, there is an incline. Go up the steps and move towards the far wall. In the corner near the railing on the floor, you will find the second battery. Collect it.

How to open a door using the drone

Now you have the ability to control the drone! Go downstairs and approach the large door. Press the right mouse button (RMB) to summon the drone next to you. Click the left mouse button (LMB) to indicate the direction of flight to the drone. Remember that the drone moves only in straight lines, so you will have to avoid obstacles to activate various objects correctly in the future. Command the drone to press the two red buttons to the left and right of the large door.
How to find all the pencils and activate the elevator
Go through the door, and you will find yourself in a huge room with tables and benches. Your task is to go around the room in a circle and collect 8 pencils, which are mostly scattered near the floor drawings. Once you have collected all 8 pencils, go to the far left corner where there is a hole in the wall for trash disposal. Throw all the pencils into this hole one by one. On the table opposite the trash hole, you will find a yellow key card. Pick it up and interact with the remote control located to the left of the hole. This will activate the cleaning robot, which will go through the entire room, inspect it, and if it doesn't find any pencils, a purple key card will be ejected from the slot to the right of the trash hole. You can use this card to operate the local funicular!

Return to the reception area and approach the purple funicular located on the right. Pay attention to the funicular's ceiling - there are four panels. By interacting with them, you can set the direction of the funicular's movement. Since you need to reach the Arboreal Aquatic Sector, move on the funicular to the right.

Arboreal Aquatic Sector. How to find the orange key card
Thoroughly explore the corridor of the Arboreal Aquatic Sector. Right from the entrance to the Water sector, on your left, you will notice a glassed-in room. Go around it to discover a side opening on the right, through which the drone can fly. Right-click to summon the drone, and then direct it inside this glassed-in room. Position yourself so that the glass is between you and the drone, then command the drone to fly towards you (for example, towards the opposite wall). This way, it will break the glass. Enter through the broken window and take the brown key card from the table.
Hint: Yellow glass can be easily broken by a flying apparatus.

Return to the corridor of the Arboreal Aquatic Sector, turn left, and open the door opposite the funicular using the panel on the left. Descend the stairs, pass under the giant octopus-like creature, climb up another set of stairs, and take note of the concrete slab on the right that says "Communication Kiosk." Go around it to find a terminal. Interact with it and listen to the information from the monster. When you reach the beach, find a small octopus and talk to it again.

Stinger Flynn (Memory №1)
After that, you will take control of the octopus. Right-click to release electric discharges. First, move towards the chest and the corner door to pick up a green key-card from the sand. Then climb the steps and activate the terminal. There are four buttons at the top of the terminal and two buttons underneath, on the bridge. Your task is to start the terminal and then shoot electric discharges (right-click) at the red buttons. Only one red button can be active at a time. If you don't see any red buttons from the top, go down and pay attention to the two buttons below the bridge. One of them might be lit up. Also, remember that the discharges have a specific trajectory and won't fly straight. If the button is far away, aim slightly above it to hit the active area of the button.

Once you successfully complete 2 or 3 of these mini-games, a door will open on the bridge. Go through it and activate the wall panel at the very end. Walk across the bridge in the opposite direction where another door has opened. Listen to the snail in the long corridor, and the octopus episode will end.

Sheriff Toaster's Mission. How to find 10 buckets
When you wake up, you will find yourself in the game room. Your task is to catch 10 "criminals." But in reality, you need to collect 10 pink buckets with eyes. The prison where you need to place these "criminals" is right behind you. Turn around, look up, and find the first bucket (1/10) in the corner. Walk to the left side of the stairs from the prison and find another bucket (2/10) to the left of the steps, right at their base. Next to the steps, there is a tree, and in its roots, you will find the third bucket (3/10). Keep moving forward, and next to the blue flower on the floor, you'll find the fourth bucket (4/10). At the very end, under the canopy, you will see several tables and chairs. On two chairs, you will find the fifth (5/10) and sixth buckets (6/10). Go up the slope and take the seventh bucket (7/10). Look to the right to find the chief's office. On the desk in the office, you'll find the eighth bucket (8/10). Return to the prison where you started and go up the steps on the left. Find the last two buckets (9, 10/10) in front of you. Then return to the prison and interact with it 10 times to place all the buckets. When you do this, the door on the left will open. Take the blue key card from the niche.

Go to the far end where you will find an ascent. Climb up, turn right, and look under the table to find a button. Interact with it to reveal a hidden panel on the opposite wall. Activate the panel to lower the platforms. Use the ascent and build momentum to jump onto the lower platform and then onto the next higher platform. While jumping, grab the video cassette from the green corner shelf. Remember that this is an additional item, and you can view its contents in the starting location.
Then return to the prison area and climb the stairs on the left side. Use the previously obtained key-card to activate the terminal. Colored spots will appear on the long dark path. You need to quickly jump on all three spots to reach the islet. Repeat this action and hop to the second islet. Continue this pattern until the very end. It is important to remember that you need to jump on each of the three spots when you hear three distinctive musical sounds, rather than simply running through them. Once you've done everything correctly, press the panel on the opposite side and walk back, repeating the same actions. If the room turns red after completing it, it means you made a mistake and should go back and repeat the steps. Once you successfully pass through in both directions, a door will open, allowing you to exit this room.
By the way, if you want to be caught by the monster, you can look behind the blue door on the left side of the Water Sector corridor. Otherwise, use the funicular and head to the Medical Sector.
Medical Sector. How to correctly perform the operation and administer solutions
In the Medical Sector, there is only one open door. Find it and enter the room with Nabnabline, specifically created for a lonely Nabnab. You need to complete the process of creating her. First, interact with the monster twice to place it on the operating table. The table is located in the left corner from the entrance door, and all the available tools will be placed on it. You can use the drone control panel, pliers to adjust the color tubes, or a syringe to collect and inject the necessary fluids into Nabnabline.

When you are ready, interact with the "Start Procedure" panel next to the small door. Use the drone controller to press all the buttons that are colored red. If you notice that the tubes in the corner have become multicolored, take the pliers and work with them until they all turn green. Then, when a colored droplet appears on the screen, approach it and pay attention to the table on the left. Depending on the color of the droplet on the screen, you must press two buttons under the monitor, based on the equations in the table. For example, to get a purple droplet, you need to mix red and blue.

Press the corresponding buttons under the screen displaying the purple droplet. In this case, the syringe is not required. Once the fluids are mixed (which will take about 2-3 seconds), take the syringe and fill it from the vial to the right of the monitor. Note that the droplet on the screen may change color. If you inject the wrong fluid into Nabnabline, she will come alive and may attack you. In that case, you'll have to start over.
In general, if you notice the appearance of a droplet, first mix the fluids and inject them into Nabnabline, and then proceed to activate the red buttons or restore the color tubes. Once everything is done correctly, a niche will open, and you'll be able to retrieve the floppy disk. Return to the main area with the floppy disk.
Main Area
If you found a videocassette in the game room where you collected pink buckets, go up the elevation on the right and insert it into the monitor to watch the recording. It won't have any impact on the game.
Arboreal Aquatic Sector
Return to the Water Sector, proceed straight, and then turn left down the corridor. On your left hand, you'll see a large glassed area. Use the yellow key card obtained at the beginning of the game to open it. Insert the floppy disk into the audio player on the wall opposite the door and watch the cutscene where Nabnab meets Nabnabline. Then, return to the funicular to meet the octopus.
After a long car ride with the monsters, you will once again take control of the octopus. Your task will be to shoot electric charges at the red buttons. Do this with the first two buttons to create a bridge. Cross over to the center of the room. On the left, you will see three panels that activate sequentially. First, you can activate the far-left panel. Four buttons will appear, moving slowly. Shoot at each of them, then activate the second panel. The buttons will move faster, but your task remains the same.

When you activate the third panel, the buttons will move very quickly. The task remains the same, so just shoot at the same spot and rely on luck. Once you activate all four buttons, a bridge will appear. Cross over it and interact with the terminal to open the door and complete the episode.
Jumbo Josh boss. How to leave the room

When you regain consciousness, you find yourself in a children's room, behind a long table. The monster with long ears warns that the evil supervisor is watching you. If the room turns blue and you don't return everything to its place, the supervisor will know that you're up to something, and you'll have to start over. When you're ready and gain control of the characters, go to the far-left corner from the table. There is a passage blocked by four cubes.

Remove all four cubes from the path, then enter a small storage room and take two red cubes. To avoid raising suspicions from the monster, you need to put all four cubes back in place. Interact with them in the following order: gray, green, red, yellow.

Note that one of the side rooms is currently open. This door is open by default, so you don't need to close it. Enter that room. Interact with the empty space on the left, where there is a dotted line depicting a square. This will place one of the two red cubes. Then go to the end of the room and place the second cube on the last stack of two green cubes.

Climb onto the first red cube, jump over the other stacks, and climb up to the ledge to get the third red cube. Don't forget to collect the two previous red cubes.
At this point, the lighting in the room may change. Since you returned the cubes to the corner and sat on your chair, the monster still can't see anything beyond the walls. It's important to continue sitting in your place, and the colored cubes should be in their positions in the corner. Furthermore, remember to close the side doors.
Keep moving and open the middle room. Place one cube on the left and one cube on the right, on the two green cubes. Then climb onto one cube, jump onto the stack of two cubes. Take a running start and jump onto the stack of three green cubes, then turn left onto the stack of two green and one red cube. From there, you can climb up to the ledge and retrieve the fourth red cube. Don't forget to close the door to the middle room!
Exit the room by removing all the cubes (you should have four red cubes in total) and open the door to the right room. Place one red cube on the empty spot and place the other one on top of the green cube. Use one cube to climb onto the two cubes and jump over the wall made of green cubes into the new room.

Use the drone to press three red buttons. The other two buttons will be inactive. Place one cube on the left and the other on the green cube on the right. Jump from the lone left cube into the corner in such a way that you activate the hidden panel in the niche while in mid-air. This will enable another red button that you can press using the drone. Repeat the same step with the niche in the upper right corner, but this time you'll have to jump from the stack of two cubes, and it will be a bit more challenging. If something goes wrong, return to the table, remembering to remove the red cubes in front of the door and close the door itself. When you do everything correctly and activate all five buttons, the niche will open. Take the green key card from the niche, return to the main room, and use the End Training panel.

Move back together with the white monster. Your friend will leave this place on the elevator, but you will stay in the complex. If you don't find a cable car nearby, you will have to restart the game. For example, you can jump into a pit. Ride the cable car to the Progressive Sector.
Progressive Sector. How to solve the puzzle with eggs and parrots
Upon arriving in the Progressive Sector, it is recommended to look around and open the door on the left using the panel. Do not approach the pink bird, as it will trigger an attack from a giant bird, and you'll have to start over. In the main room, you'll see multiple terminals and various images. There is a clue in the glassed room. According to the clue, the blue egg is represented by the number "1," the green bird by the number "2," and the pink bird by the number "4." Using these clues and the equations next to the terminals, you need to activate the terminals in the correct order.
Let's start with the terminals on the left, next to the glassed room. In each row from top to bottom, activate the terminals as follows: "1," "2," "5," "3." On the right wall, from top to bottom, activate the terminals as follows: "4," "1," "3," "4." If everything is done correctly, the nearest door will open. Ahead, you'll see a niche with a hanger. To move this object, you need to wear it first. Open several doors to the left until you enter the room with the boss.
How to defeat the bosses Tamataki & Chamataki
The boss is a giant creature that can attack with its long tongue or throw large spheres. To avoid getting hit by the tongue, you need to climb onto the platform on the left or right. The monster can only attack with its tongue on the central platform. While you're not on the central platform, the monster will throw spheres at you. It's not recommended to wait for that to happen. Instead, it's better to return to the central platform, wait for the enemy to stick out its tongue, and jump to the side.

A few seconds after the start of the battle, press the right mouse button (RMB) to summon your drone. A red button will appear on one of the three platforms. Hit it with your drone to trigger a fireworks display. Pick up the firework, return to the central platform, and jump to the side when the enemy attacks with its tongue. Then, return to the tongue and place the firework on it. Repeat these actions 2 or 3 times to defeat the enemy. Move to the spot where the enemy was and collect two cones.

Go back to the coat rack and place both cones on it. Move the coat rack forward until you're next to the pink chick. Activate the terminal to scare away the chick. Catch it and climb up the elevation on the right. After some time, a large bird will burst into the room. Jump on top of it and perform a sequence of actions in the correct order to tame it. Only then will you be able to ride it! If you fail to press the interaction key, you'll lose, and you'll have to go back for the cones. You have quite a journey ahead of you!
How to defeat the Evil Banban

After activating the switch, listen to Stinger Flynn, who will release Evil Banban. Once you've tamed the bird, you'll be outside. Place the pink chick on the adjacent purple bird and interact with the terminal. After interacting with the monster, you'll need to run through a long section with doors. The doors can be illuminated in green or purple. If a door is illuminated in green, your bird should cross the dashed line first. If a door is illuminated in purple, slow down using the "S" key to let the purple bird surpass you. Alternate between these actions until you pass through the section. After the scene, activate the terminal and proceed to the elevator ahead. Start the elevator to complete the third chapter.