In Valheim, resource gathering can be lengthy and tiring, but there are several methods that can help simplify the process. In this guide, we will explore effective ways of automating the gathering of wood, stone, resin, dandelions, and other resources.
How to farm resources automatically
To do this, you need to build a special structure, but keep in mind that it will take several in-game days to create. However, it's worth it, as this will allow you to collect the most important resources for survival.

Step №1: Find the greydwarf nest
Your main goal will be to use a Greydwarf nest, which periodically spawns hostile monsters of various types. Some of them can be especially dangerous for beginners. However, after defeating them, you will be able to collect various resources such as wood, stone, resin, dandelions, trophies, ancient seeds, Greydwarf eyes, and goo.
The nest can only be found in the Black Forest, which is inhabited by trolls, skeletons, and other enemies, if you are familiar with the world of Valheim.
Step №2: Stop enemies and begin construction
Before starting to gather resources, it is necessary to stop the spawning of monsters. To do this, we recommend working in a team with a friend: one player should quickly destroy the enemies, and the other should build a shelter. To stop the nest from spawning new Greydwarfs, you need to build a small house around it.

The idea is that the Greydwarf nest can only generate enemies in open areas near the spawning point, and it cannot create monsters inside buildings. By using this trick, we can create a secure shelter as shown in the screenshot above. To do this, we will need:
- Wooden beams as supports
- A thatched roof
- Wooden floor (necessary!)
If you follow all the steps correctly but the monsters continue to appear, try to expand the roof and floor a few tiles around the nest. Don't forget to clear the area of branches and level the ground with a hoe before starting.

Step №3: Dig a trench
Now it's time to clear the area of large trees and rocks, and it's better if the nest is located on a small hill. After that, using a pickaxe, you need to create a large trench around the "house." The depth of this ditch should be maximum, so you need to keep digging until the ground stops disappearing, but at the same time, you need to be careful not to destroy the newly built structure.

Tip: You can place a campfire and a bed nearby for rest, so you don't have to keep going back to your camp.

Step №4: Build the main building
Once the trench around the greydwarf nest is completed, you can start building an automated resource gatherer.
First, you need to lay wooden beams from several sides in a way that they are connected to the ground and our constructed building. If the structure collapses, you will have to rebuild the house and fight the spawning greydwarves again. The result should be something like what is shown in the screenshot below.

Next, you need to remove the remaining soil without destroying the construction and then level the ground in the trench.

Using stones, build walls and a floor, leaving only the area where the greydwarf nest is untouched. It is recommended to start building the floor from the highest point.

Step №5: Install a source of fire
The next step is to set up a fire source, which can be placed directly under the nest using several campfires. It is necessary to leave some space for the ground where monsters will appear and level the ground to the level of the campfires using a hoe.

Placing trap campfires at the edges can also be useful for quickly destroying enemies standing in one place.

It should be kept in mind that Greydwarves will try to destroy the campfires, so they will have to be regularly repaired. A more advanced method involves using bonfires, but to build them, Fenrir's claws must be obtained, cultists must be defeated, and ice caves must be explored. Bonfires are less sensitive to the ground and can be completely buried so that monsters appear directly above them

Tip: we did not fill the bonfires with earth. As soon as monsters appear next to them, they immediately burn in the enclosed space.
Be sure to install a stone fence around the trap, as greidwurfs are very fast creatures. After that, you can remove the wooden structure and finish building the stone walls. The result should be a beautiful stone sarcophagus. The main thing is to cover not only the pit, but also the greidwurf nest, so that a random troll cannot find the structure and destroy it. Also, remember that your camp can become a target for monster attacks in a random event.

Step №6: Install a roof
When building the structure, there will be a problem with rain. It is necessary to protect the fireplaces or fire pits from moisture so that they do not go out during a downpour and do not allow monsters to destroy them. However, if you put a roof over the nest, the monsters will stop appearing, which is not suitable for our purpose. We solved this problem by placing a couple of stone arches directly above the nest.

Step №7: Furnish the interior
In order to enter inside, it is necessary to install one portal outside the trap, and another one inside.

Inside, you can place chests to store loot and a portal to your base. It is also recommended to set up a bed and decorative items to improve comfort. If you are using furnaces, it is advisable to set up an additional campfire.

Regularly return to the trap and collect the resources that will be waiting for you there. Also, do not forget to add wood to the campfires and coal to the furnaces - this will keep them running for several in-game days. It is important to remember to protect the campfires and furnaces from rain so that they do not go out and do not allow monsters to get inside.

The advantage of this method is the ability to teleport all resources that drop from killed monsters. In addition, it should be noted that the more free land area under the nest, the more often graydwarfs appear.