In Chapter 5, Gollum and Grashneg attempt to escape from Mordor and end up in the sewer beneath the Tower of Light. It seems like success is within reach, but it turns out that Grashneg cannot swim. You need to help your companion navigate through the location, avoiding contact with water and other hazards. This puzzle is considered quite challenging in the game "The Lord of the Rings: Gollum," and in this guide, we will try to help you overcome it.
Step №1
First, you need to construct a "bridge" for Grashneg by raising the water level in the sewer. This is done by a lever on the opposite side of the room. Descend to the lower platform using the ladder and jump into the water.

Swim to the wooden platform where another ladder is located. Climb up, go around the room to the right, and reach the lever. After interacting with it, a cutscene will start.

Step №2

Next, you need to activate the next lever. Enter companion mode and guide Grashneg across the newly formed bridge. Then climb the stairs and raise the water level again.
Step №3

Switch back to Gollum and swim towards the adjacent wall on the left. Climb onto the ledge, and you will enter the next zone. Go to the right and raise the water level using the next lever. Control Grashneg and head towards the opened lever to interact with it.
Step №4

Regain control of Gollum and swim towards Grashneg. A little to the left, you will notice the remaining levers located on two platforms. Gollum's instincts will guide you to several barrels that you can use to solve the puzzle.

Step №5
Descend into the water and proceed to the barrels near the right lever. Move them to the opposite side of the location, towards the faucet. Return to the spot where the barrels were and have Grashneg lower the water level by interacting with the lever again.

Now Gollum can easily climb onto the platform.

After activating the lever, move towards the staircase on the right. It leads to the previous section of the sewer. Climb onto the planks and ask Grashneg to raise the water level, allowing Gollum to reach the last lever.

Return to the platform beneath Grashneg and descend to the bottom of the sewer.