How to pass all the plot levels of Stray, find memories, codes and passwords, notes, and other items.
Stray consists of 12 plot chapters, and almost every one of them contains collectible items. Here we will discuss the main steps you should take to complete Stray.

Chapter 1. Inside The Walls
After the introductory video, you will control a ginger cat surrounded by its kind. Interact with the other kittens by approaching them closely and pressing "triangle". Once you do this with three kittens, they will move to a resting place, and you can join them to wait out the bad weather. When you wake up, the whole cat family will descend using large rusty pipes.
When you regain control of the character, follow the ledges or platforms within reach. You will see a small "cross" (or "spacebar") indicating where you can jump if you press the specified button (key). There are no free jumps in the game!

You can also press "circle" (or ALT) to make the hero meow. This gesture will allow you to distract enemies or find clues in the future. Once you climb the stairs, you will see a small tree that one of the cats will begin to scratch. Press "triangle" and alternate between the L2 and R2 buttons to sharpen their claws. If you do this with all the scratching posts, you will receive an additional achievement.

Continue to move forward until you see a fence. Look to the right at the raised ramp and jump onto it. You can drink water from puddles, but this action is not associated with any achievement and is generally meaningless. Jump to the lower pipe and jump over it to continue moving until you pass the barrels and see a large watershed with platforms on both sides.

Jump down-left and continue to follow the cat family. Either go up the ramp on the left or jump onto the pipes to reach the platform on the right. When you reach the set of smaller pipes, hold X (or "spacebar") to make several jumps in a row.

When you reach the end of the watershed, follow the water trail through a small narrow passage.

Ahead, there will be another large watershed: hold R2 to take a closer look. Look for hanging beams and jump between them to reach the lower platform on the left side and approach the broken pipe. Try to jump.
Chapter 2. Dead City

When the main character wakes up from the fall, the kitten will still be injured. You can walk forward a bit until you lose consciousness again. Later on, you will wake up again and be able to exit through the large raised gates. There's nothing else to do inside the tunnel. This will lead you to the Dead City - a lifeless place that justifies its name.

Climb on the green trash container to the right of the fence and jump to the other side, using the shop awning. The surveillance camera won't do anything to you, so feel free to descend downwards.

Continue past the broken robot until you notice a sparking sign with an arrow pointing in the right direction. Follow it and descend the stairs to a small pool, then go to the right.

Jump across the floating barrels, head to the right, and squeeze through a narrow opening. From this point on, you'll see more impressive signs indicating where to go. Follow them through a small hole in the wall with a broken ventilation duct.

How to stop the fan in the Dead City?
In the large room, there will be several items on the floor, and the pipes along the far wall will be suitable for jumping onto a higher platform where a large rotating fan is blocking the way forward.

To continue, go down and press "triangle" to pick up a metal bucket. Bring it up and throw it on the slope in front of the rotating fan to stop it.

Go through it and look for paint cans on the roof. You can drop them down. After doing this, you can jump to the opposite roof, where a TV is pointing the way down. To pave a new path, jump up and drop a paint can on the glass ceiling. Jump inside the room. Inside the room, be sure to use the claw (if you want to earn an achievement).

Follow the signs beyond the doorway and crawl under the boarded-up door to find a large bucket that you can jump into and ride down (like an elevator). When you do this, your main foes, the Zurks, will appear. Don't run away just yet.

In the next area, a dying robot will start crawling towards you. You can interact with it. Move up towards the sign using the trash container and squeeze through the narrow passage.

When you emerge onto the street, a large horde of Zurks will appear, and now you'll have to run from them. Hold down R2 or Shift and don't stop. If the Zurks manage to jump onto your back, press ALT (or "circle") to throw them off. Follow the glowing signs. At the end of the path, jump into the partially open window on the left side.

You can get an achievement if you manage to escape from a pursuit without taking damage. This can be done in different places.

In the safe room, there are several monitors, all showing a kitten's head. Use meowing to light up the bulbs that indicate the path. Climb the stairs and exit to the roofs. This time, stay above ground level and use pipes, canopies, and fans to move exclusively above until you reach a large roof on the left.

When you see a big sign pointing up, first find the path to the left. Look for a large wooden plank leaning against the roof and push it down along the scaffolding. This will create a bridge and allow you to reach another roof.

Walk along the roof to see a sign pointing to a basketball hoop. Go there and you will see a glowing blue window. Climb inside! Exiting the apartment onto another roof, look at the sign offering to go higher. Find an empty barrel and enter it, then roll it to the right. Use the barrel to jump up and continue moving. Once on the far roof, jump down to the lower level next to the yellow vending machine and follow along the scaffolding to jump onto the nearest wooden plank. It will collapse, but you won't fall into the abyss.
When you come across an obstacle, backtrack the same way you came to find another suspended beam and cross to the other side of the chasm. Jump to the illuminated sign, and then to the other construction scaffolding, and climb to a higher level. Push another wooden plank to create a new bridge. Keep walking along the construction scaffolding to the far rooftop and look for a protrusion next to a surveillance camera. When you jump up, you'll see a trail of lights leading to the illuminated sign. Make your way up using various platforms and fans to reach the far building. Follow the reverse path to climb higher until you reach the illuminated sign. Walk across it and squeeze between the bars of the grid.

Once inside the building, follow the narrow path to the room with a large fan. Look to the left and you will see a panel with a battery at the bottom of the wall. Pull it out to disable the fan and enter the apartment.
Chapter 3. Apartment
In this small apartment is the source of all mysterious messages and glowing signs. Leave the bedroom to see a monitor with a surveillance camera, in which someone is asking for help. Move around the keyboard on the table to try to respond to the message.

After doing this several times, you will receive a new goal. Additionally, there is a carpet in this place that you can and should sharpen your claws on (for an achievement). The door next to you is locked, so you need to go through another one (it will open after the mysterious source sends several messages to the monitor).
How to find four batteries in the apartment?
In the large laboratory, there is a lot of clutter, and there is a console in the center. Look under this console for four empty slots for batteries.

You need to find all four batteries. Here is their location:
- Opposite the main console, there is a small table cluttered with junk, and a battery is connected to its front part.
- On the right wall, there is a large lever. Jump on it to move the monitor stand to the left. There is a second battery at the bottom of the stand.
- Jump up on the moved monitor stand and search the shelves above for the third battery.
- Search the opposite wall with bookshelves, jump onto a high stool and higher to find the last battery.

As soon as you connect all four batteries, a secret door will open. Inside, you'll find a mysterious robot and several small monitors.

Jump from the chair onto the robot's head, and it will fall off. This robot is not the one you're looking for. From there, jump onto the shelf on the left side of the room and make your way to the box at the very edge. Drop it down to find the drone. Return to the previous room. Jump onto the main console and place the drone on the highlighted platform to load it with a creature in need of help.

After B-12 wakes up, you will learn its name, and as a sign of gratitude for being freed, it agrees to accompany you through the Dead City. Follow B-12 to the nearest wall to find a key rack, and the drone will digitize the key, which will be added to your inventory (click on the "square" button).

Then, it will provide you with a backpack that can be used as a charging station for the drone. In your inventory, there is also a section for memories, which we have covered in a separate guide.

What is the code for the door to the apartment?
Before leaving this place, you can take a final look around the apartment and hear B-12's comments on certain items (such as the engineer's diploma in the bedroom). When you're ready to leave, approach the main door and use B-12 to open it (interact with the red panel). In the hallway outside, there will be a locked door with a keypad for entering a code. In the same hallway on the right side, there is an open doorway. Inside the room, look for a piano that you can jump on to study the board. Drop down some objects, and you will see the code combination in the corner of the board - 3748. Return to the keypad and enter the code to return to the rooftops.

B-12 will point to a large illuminated elevator located in the distance. Apparently, this is the best way to leave Dead City. Jump into the nearest bucket and ride it to the far rooftop. Here you will automatically receive the first memory of B-12. You cannot skip it, although you will have to search for others.
To proceed, walk past the Outsider mural on the wall and descend the stairs to another bucket with a sign pointing to the "Safe Zone". Descend in the bucket and run away from the Zurks. Jump onto the large green container at the end of the alley. Zurks cannot jump or climb heights, so now you are completely safe. Follow the pipes until you reach the Slums.

Chapter 4. The Slums
As soon as the level begins, move along the designated path (which is actually the only one). As you progress through this region, you will encounter several robots, but they will all be frightened and immediately hide in their homes. Eventually, you will reach an open plaza where a robot with a spear is located. After the cutscene, approach it and interact. This is the Guardian, whom you can talk to (with the help of B-12).

Talk to the Guardian again and show him the Outsider postcard. He will direct you to another NPC named Momo.

That's where we'll head next. After talking to the Guardian, you can interact with the nearby robots that have come out of hiding and resumed their activities. You'll notice that there are three ladders near the bunker that the Keeper protected. Earlier, we climbed the ladder opposite the bunker, but there are also ladders leading to the left and right.

Walk down the right staircase and look for a basketball on its top. Look down from this staircase to find a trash can. This is the "basket". If you throw the ball into this can, you will get a secret achievement. If you fail, just restart. Go down the right staircase to find several NPCs. The most important character is the trader Azooz. He has several items for sale, but to get them, you need to find some items. Remember Azooz's location. He offers:
- Electric cable for Super Spirit cleaning agent.
- A relic for 3 cans of energy drink.
- Sheet music [4/8] for 1 can of energy drink.
Go back to the bunker and descend the staircase on the left side. At the bottom, you will find an NPC named Morusque. If you bring him the notes scattered throughout the Slums (a total of 8), he will play a melody with them. Give him all 8 pages of musical notes and receive a badge along with an additional achievement. You can also interact with the vending machine in front of Morusque to get the first can of energy drink and exchange it with Azooz for the notes.

There is a paper bag on the ground next to Morusque. Interact with it to have a cat stick its head inside. For a brief moment, all controls will be inverted, and you'll get a funny achievement.
At the end of this path, there will be a dead end with a pile of garbage and a red safe lying on it. Interact with the note on the safe to get a mysterious password. Remember this place, we will come back to it later. In the alley to the left of Morusk, there are protrusions and boxes from air conditioners, which can be climbed up to the wall with graffiti. Interact with this drawing to get a memory for B-12 (02/27). The first one is that same postcard. Jump down and return to the bunker.
If you go down the stairs opposite the bunker, you can go in several directions. There are three paths leading left, right, and straight ahead. To start with, go straight ahead and just past the robot leaning on the vending machine, you'll find the entrance to the bar. Go inside. In the bar, you can talk to several NPCs and interact with the jukebox to switch the song. And if you climb onto the bar counter and knock down the picture above the BAR DUFER sign, you may see the code for that same safe - 1283. But you can get a hint about this picture from the programmer Elliot.

Note: The code you found will open the safe in the alley next to Morusque. We found it earlier. Inside the safe are the notes [8/8].
Go up to the second floor of the bar using the stairs. Once you're there, look for the plant with floating blue "sparkles" on the left side. Interact with it to get a memory [03/27]. The notes [5/8] are lying on the middle table against the far wall. Make sure to pick them up. While you're here, you can talk to another NPC. You can also play "cat billiards" if you want. When you're done, leave the bar.
Continue down the alley outside the bar until you see a couple of sitting NPCs. The door next to them leads to the shelter of the programmer Elliot. Scratch the door to make an NPC appear. When he opens it, squeeze through the crack to get inside. Once inside, pay attention to the large portrait opposite the door. There are notes [3/8] attached to it. Go up the stairs and look for another memory [04/27] on the left side at the top.
In the upper area, there are rugs that you can sharpen your claws on. Additionally, there is a green canvas hanging on the wall. Scratch it to gain access to an open window. Go back down and scratch the door to make the NPC open it again. Go outside and continue past two sitting robots to meet the designer grandmother. Talk to her. She will say that if you bring her an electrical cable, she will make a poncho for you. We'll come back to this later.
From the designer grandma, go down the illuminated yellow alley. The passage on the left leads to the beginning of the level where you came from. Continue straight ahead and soon you will reach an NPC watching TV. Simply walk past this guy, climb the stairs, and go left and up. At the bottom of the next stairs, turn left. Climb the stairs at the end of the path. Here you will find a wall with graffiti that you can examine. This will give you a memory [05/27]. You can also interact with the white vending machine next to the graffiti to get an energy drink.
Go back to the previous intersection and this time turn right. On your right, there will be a locked laundromat, and nearby there is a robot named Zoya. You can learn from Zoya how to open the laundromat: you need to make the guys on the roof drop a can of paint down. Look to the right from the locked door of the laundromat to find the objects on the wall that you can use to climb up to the roof. There you will find a guy named Vapor who throws cans of paint to his friend standing on the adjacent roof. Before he throws the can, press ALT (to meow). You will distract the robot, and it will drop the can of paint. After a short scene, the owner of the laundromat will come out and wash the floor outside her store, leaving the door open. Go down and enter the laundromat. Look for the Super Spirit detergent on the table to your left as you enter.
Climb back up to the roof above the laundromat. Look for a robot lying on a nearby rooftop. Walk past it and jump down to the roof below. Look at the nearest wall to find a vending machine that you can interact with. This will give you the third can of energy drink. From the vending machine, go to the large pile and look at the ledge to the left of it. Below is another vending machine. Jump down to it and interact with it to get the last can of energy drink. Right now, you can trade the three cans of drinks and the Super Spirit cleaner for a relic (memory) and an electrical cable.
Go back to the previous vending machine on the roof. Climb up to the roof above to find a sofa opposite the television. There is a remote control on the sofa that you can interact with. Scroll through all available TV channels by using the remote control to unlock a new achievement. There are about 7-8 TV channels in total. From the roof with the TV, jump to the adjacent balcony (it will have a square blue light with a face on it). Go past it and enter the building on the right. This is a library, and there is a piano inside with sheet music [7/8].
In the back right corner of this room, there's a small bedroom hidden behind a stack of books. Look at the letter on the bed to find the keys. If you go into the middle aisle between the bookshelves, you'll see 3-4 stacks of books. Jump on them to make them fall down, and you'll discover a safe. Use the keys to open it and get Doc's notebook.
Go back to the robot sleeping on the roof. Look around and find the same image with a blue face on the far wall. Enter the building through an open window. To get there, use the roofs and pipes. Right in front of the window, on the balcony to the right, there's a round table and a couple of chairs. Look for sheet music [2/8] on the table. Jump onto the pipe and climb through the window into a new apartment. Make your way through the doors with cells and look for sheet music [6/8] on the shelf to the right, near the bed's legs. On the left, there's a small office, and on the desk next to the monitor, there's Clementine's notebook.
Leave the building and turn towards the elevator on the right side where the bunker is located. Walk along the roofs until you reach the roof overlooking the money changer Azuz (to the right of the bunker if facing it). There is a corpse on this roof that can be investigated to obtain memory [06/27].
Now go to where you saw two robots throwing cans of paint to each other. It is above the laundry. Stand near Mito (the robot catching the cans) and look for a building with another blue face nearby. Climb to the roof where there is a working fan. Take the battery out of the nearby slot and then jump inside the building to investigate the lower room.
In this area, there is a large stack of boxes in front of the portraits on the wall. Knock them down to find Zbaltazar's notebook. To leave this place, scratch the green curtain on the wall above the bed. Return to the robot lying on the roof. This time, jump through the nearest gap and climb up the ledges to the upper balcony with the glowing sign indicated by the Keeper. Enter inside through the partially open window. When you regain control of the hero, talk to the robot living in this apartment. His name is Momo. Show him the postcard. He will give you Momo's notebook.

Talk to him again and show him the collected notebooks of Clementine, Doc, and Zbaltazar. It turns out that we found them in advance. He will show you a transmitter, then open the window for you and ask you to install the object on top of the tower.
In the small bedroom behind where Momo was sitting, there is a poster that you can interact with. This will give you another memory [07/27]. Also, go through the other door in Momo's apartment, at the base of which there is a grate. It is closed, but you can squeeze through the grate to find notes [1/8]. Approach the window that Momo opened. The robot will point to a tower nearby and ask you to install a receiver on it.
Note: if you jump out of the window, Momo will close it behind you. However, you will come back here later and be able to continue exploring.
At the moment, you should have 7/8 notes for Moruska and four cans of energy drink. Go to Azuzu, who runs the store to the right of the bunker. Buy the last set of notes [4/8] from him for 1 can of energy drink and a relic for 3 cans of energy drink. This will give you the memory [08/27]. After giving Moruska all 8 notes, you will receive a secret achievement and a new badge.

Return to Momo's apartment and jump out the window. After crossing over to the next rooftop using the bucket on a rope, you will begin Chapter 5.
Chapter 5. Rooftops
Upon reaching the first rooftop, you'll find several carpets that can be scratched. Jump down to the lower area and you'll see several red beams over the abyss, as well as a higher ledge with several Zurks. Use the meow button/key to lure the Zurks down the nearest ladder to the lower roof before quickly jumping from the beam to the upper platform. Run to the far side and use the vents to get to the next rooftop.
When you reach the next rooftop, you'll see even more Zurks. This time, lure them to you with meows again, then use the hanging beam to cross to the other side of the rooftop and climb up the air conditioning units to the upper ledge. Climb up the next set of objects and find a large red sign among the debris ahead. Investigate it to get the memory [09/27].

Turning your back to the previous memory, you will see a beam hanging over the abyss ahead. Jump onto it to swing it. Once it stops, jump onto the higher ledge. Then jump back onto the same beam to turn it towards the next roof. On this roof, there will be a barrel. Climb inside and roll it to the railing at the edge. Once there, climb up and jump onto the higher beam. When it turns away, jump onto the overhead beam. Jump onto the roof below, and then use another beam to reach the next roof.
The Zurks are in the distance. Approach the mesh fence in front of you and ask B-12 to interact with the panel. He will open the gate on the far side of the roof. Wait until all Zurks enter the cage. Hack the console again to open the gates. Quickly run and jump over the gap to the left of the gate to cross to the other side of the roof. Use another barrel and roll it to the left to jump onto the upper protrusion. Climb higher until you can jump onto the crane. Follow the end of the "arrow" to reach the base of the large tower, where you need to install the transceiver.
Find the mini construction scaffolds near the edge of the roof. Climb up them to find a board leaning against the scaffolds. Move it to create a bridge to the base of the tower. Go through the gap in the wall. Once inside, climb the first set of protrusions. After doing so, use the scaffolds on the left. Jump onto the board above to climb over the next fence.
There will be many Zurks in this area. As soon as you jump over the fence, meow to attract their attention, then use the stack of metal pipes. You need to get to the scaffolds in the back right corner of this area. Once there, jump to the next scaffolding on the other side of the fence. In this area, there is a long room with a group of metal beams in the center. At the end of these pipes, there are a couple of gray boxes. Stand on the box on the left and meow to lure the Zurks. Once they are nearby, jump to the other side of the metal pipes and run along the right edge until you can jump onto the platforms. Climb to the higher floor.
On this floor, on the left side, there is a mesh fence with a barrel and a bunch of Zurks. First of all, run past the fence to reach the red, glowing area that looks like a cave. Inside there is a plaque that you can interact with to get a memory [10/27]. Approach the gates of the cell with Zurks. Interact with the panel to open the gates. Lure the Zurks to the left, climb up the ramp. This will trap them: the Zurks will be surrounded by metal pipes and channels. Jump out of here and go to the cell where the Zurks were.
Now that the Zurks are gone, you can roll the barrel and use it as a step to reach the overhead beam. Jump onto the second suspension beam, and then onto the higher support beam. Once you've climbed up, you'll see several makeshift metal bridges in front of you leading to the roof. You'll have to wait a bit. A pack of Zurks will appear on the opposite roof and approach you on the bridges. Wait until they almost all cross to your side, and then run across one of the free bridges. Once you reach the roof, use the construction scaffolding on the right. Climb up higher.
We are almost there! On this part of the roof, you need to find a lever and interact with it. The elevator will go down from the top of the tower... however, it moves very slowly and is filled with Zurks. After the first wave of Zurks, once the lift is halfway down, even more enemies will appear. To avoid them, you need to run around the roof in large circles while the Zurks continue to chase you. When the lift arrives, use the crates next to it to jump over it and get inside. Interact with the panel to go to the top of the tower.

At the top, B-12 will point out where to install the receiver. Interact with it to start a cutscene during which you will receive another memory [11/27]. When you are ready to continue, jump into the bucket on the rope to slide back down to the Slums and start the next chapter.
Chapter 6. The Slums (Part 2)
After starting this level, you'll find yourself once again in Momo's apartment. Approach the spot where the robot was sitting. B-12 will point out a note on the TV. Momo has gone to the bar. There, you'll find the code to open the window and escape outside. Approach the window and ask B-12 to open it. Go down to the ground and look for Momo at the bar entrance. Follow him inside and jump onto the chair next to him to try to contact your comrades. Your path leads through the sewer, but first you'll need to get some weapons to fight the Zurks.

After talking with Momo, leave the bar and follow him. After an unsuccessful knock on Seamus's door, he'll show you a way to get into the apartment. He'll also hand over Doc's notebook. Climb inside and talk to Seamus. Show the angry robot Doc's notebook.

Then climb onto the wooden bench next to him and start knocking all the pictures off the wall. Under one of them is a hint "time will tell," and under the other - "on the keyboard." To get the code, look at the four sets of clocks on the wall near Seamus. Watch the clock hands and get the code - 2511. Apparently, the code does not change.

Enter the hidden room. You can examine the board, the table, and the drawing hanging on the back wall. However, to proceed, you need to jump on the shelf closest to the board. There is a box there. Knock it down to the floor to find the broken tracker. After obtaining the broken tracker, talk to Seamus and show him the item. He will ask to repair it and open the door for you. To fix this item, you will need the help of the programmer Elliot. To start, go to the exchange robot on the right side of the bunker. We can exchange Super Spirit detergent for electrical cables from him. To get the item, look for the laundry room. From the locked door to the laundry room, look to the right to discover some items to jump on to the roof. Here you will find a robot throwing cans of paint to his friend on the neighboring roof. Before he throws the can, press the meowing button/key to distract him. He will drop the can of paint. After a short scene, the owner of the laundry will be washing the floor next to her shop, leaving the door open. Go inside and find the Super Spirit detergent on the table on the left side of the entrance.
Having the electric cable in your hand, head to the designer grandma's house. Give her the electric cable, and she will make a poncho. Then, go to the programmer Elliot and go up to the upper level. Talk to Elliot and give him the poncho. He will be pleased with the gift, so you can give him the broken tracker. Elliot will quickly repair the item and return the working tracker.

Now that you have a working tracker, go back to Seamus and show him the item. After a short scene, Seamus will catch the signal with the tracker. Follow it until you reach the door. Talk to Seamus. A cutscene will start showing the cat and Seamus walking through the door. When the door closes, the next chapter will begin.
Chapter 7. Dead End
After leaving the Slums and entering the Forbidden Zone, follow Seamus to the nearest corner. Here, he will reward you with the Outsider badge and open a door that allows you to enter the main part of the level. Go through the gate and continue forward until you reach the street. Once you're there, turn left and look for Memory [12/27] near a large garage door.
Follow the street back, but don't turn and keep moving forward. Eventually, you will roll down the slope and find yourself in a drainage channel. After that, you will see a swarm of Zurks attacking the cat ahead. Another chase will begin.

Run forward, avoiding Zurks, who will become more and more numerous. Keep an eye on the Zurks and stay away from them. Use various objects on the way to distance yourself from the Zurks. When you reach an area with two sets of stairs and a hole at the bottom, climb up either of the stairs to attract the Zurks, and then go down the other one and make your way through the hole.

After passing through the underground passage, run away from the other Zurks and use the box at the base of the wall at the very end to jump onto the top of the wall. From this point on, the Zurks won't be able to reach you, so take a breather! To continue, jump onto the nearby beam. The beam will rotate, allowing you to jump onto the metal pipe below. From this pipe, jump onto the second beam to reach the second metal pipe. Once you do this, jump back onto the previous beam to move it in the opposite direction. Return to the first pipe, and then back to the beams. It will move far enough for you to jump onto a new pipe along the wall. Jump across the floating barrels to reach the next stretch of solid ground.

After descending down another slope and jumping into a minecart, you will see a stage. Once you regain control of the cat, you will find yourself below. B-12 will tell you that Doc is somewhere nearby. Move forward and climb onto the overturned truck. Jump onto the upper pipes from there. Climb up them until you reach a vertical wall with air conditioners.

Jump up on them. Walk a little forward until you see a path branching off to the left. Before heading there, follow the path ahead until you reach a chain link fence. There will be a hole here that you can crawl through to continue. Follow to the right to find the remains of a robot, investigating which will give you another memory [13/27].
Return to the fork and this time go left, jumping onto higher concrete platforms. Jump over the fence at the very end to reach an open area. When you do this, look to the left for a fenced-off area with an electric generator and an empty slot where you need to insert a battery (look for the slot by following the yellow cable). On the opposite side of this area is a small broken bridge that we can use to reach the area infected by Zurks.

Cross the broken bridge and you will see two paths. Both lead to the same place, so choose either one. When the paths converge, you will find the yellow cable that was visible earlier, leading to a window. Jump and go through the window. Once inside, descend the stairs and watch the cutscene with Doc. After a short conversation, he will say that he doesn't know how to escape, but we can explore his house. When you regain control, examine the mannequin with a bucket on its head nearby to get a new memory [14/27].

Enter the workroom opposite the statue. Scratch the wall. Jump onto the table and examine the object that looks like a giant flashlight with a lever. Doc will appear and say that a fuse is required to operate the generator. After he finishes speaking, follow Doc upstairs. He will be waiting by the window. When you approach, you'll receive a new fuse. Exit the house through the window. Return across the broken bridge and follow the yellow cable to reach the generator. Insert the fuse.

Installing a new fuse will cause a large number of Zurks to appear from all directions. Doc will be looking out of the second-floor window and shooting at the Zurks (purple light indicates where Doc is aiming). Cross back over the bridge, turn right, and enter Doc's house. Once you return to his house, he will talk to his cat. After the cutscene, you will receive the weapon against the Zurks, installed on B-12.

Leave his house through the open door. Use the L1 button to activate the weapon and destroy the Zurks behind the fence. Although the De-Fluxer effectively destroys Zurks, its constant use may cause malfunctions. You need to wait a little before the device cools down, and you can use it again. Keep an eye on the sensor to the left of B-12.
After Doc opens the gate, he will move forward towards the large gates ahead... but the power is out. There are two barrels on the right. Enter the first barrel and push it towards the railing, moving it aside. Enter the second barrel and (now that the first barrel is gone) push it to the left until it is below a small open ventilation opening above.
Jump into the ventilation opening and at the end of the room, find and pull the lever to open the door ahead. Go through the door and turn right. There will be a group of Zurks ahead. Use the Defluxer to deal with them. Keep moving in this direction until you reach a door. Doc will open it. When he does, Zurks will attack him. Use your Defluxer to kill them. After dealing with them all, wait for Doc to open other doors. This will trigger a cutscene, and you will return to the Slums with Doc.

Before leaving the city, be sure to exchange all of your energy drinks. You won't be coming back here again. To continue, go to the bunker and then descend the stairs to the left of it. Opposite the base of the stairs are large gates leading to the sewer. They are now open. Descend down to start the next chapter.
Chapter 8. The Sewers
Entering the sewers, follow a small wooden walkway over the water. Jump through the window at the very end. Ahead you will see Momo sitting in a boat. When you're ready to continue, jump into the boat for a short conversation. The boat will start moving. When the boat stops at the metal gates, jump onto a small ledge on the right side and squeeze through the bars of the gate. Follow the pipes to the right and climb up the barrels to reach the upper passage. Move back in the opposite direction, to the left, and when you reach the gap in the railing, jump onto a large platform below.

Here you will see eggs of Zurks. There is a switch on the wall behind them that opens the gate. If you get too close to it, you will make the Zurks hatch from the eggs. If you want to get an achievement/trophy for completing the level without killing the Zurks, you need to pull the lever and quickly run back to the barrel. Wait until Momo approaches on his boat. The boat will continue moving for some time until you reach the big round gates. Momo will jump off and interact with the panel. Once the explosion happens, approach and talk to Momo. He will climb up the nearest ladder and use a valve to manually open the gate.

Jump from the boat onto the floating barrels ahead to reach the gap under the gates. You will continue without Momo from here. You will find yourself in a tunnel with slime. Climb up to the first passage and enter the door on the left. Follow the corridor. Eventually, the paths will split: continue forward or take the side passage on the left. The side passage leads to a collectible item, but there are Zurk eggs there as well. Run past them and jump into the pipe on the left wall. Follow it through and collect the memory [15/27].

Return to the junction and continue forward. Jump over the first two passages and descend the stairs. Go through the pipes ahead, and when you reach the end of this path, jump into the large tunnel from above. You will find yourself in a large room filled with Zurk eggs. Now, if you're careful, you can avoid these eggs without causing the Zurks to hatch. Walk along the right wall to avoid the first set of eggs, and then make your way between the groups of eggs, keeping at a safe distance from them. Pull the lever.

As soon as you pull the lever, the large shutters ahead will rise, and two swarms of Zucro will burst into the room. Avoid them and run through the gates into the next room. You can kill the Defluxer enemies (if you're not going for the achievement) or just keep running. Cross the bridge, and another swarm of Zurks will appear. Go through the next rooms filled with Zurks (avoiding or killing them). Keep moving until you reach the door with blue lighting - jump down to the pipe and the Zurks will stop chasing you.
When you reach the desired area, turn left and follow the pipe until you reach a blockage. Look to your left to find a smaller pipe that you can jump onto. Do so and find a large opening. Go inside to find Memory [16/27]. Return to the previous room with the pipe. After a short break, continue through the next hole in the wall.
You'll find yourself in another large room with Zurks eggs. In the center of the room, there are two large columns with square passages at the base and other passages on the sides of the room. At the far end of the room from the entrance are large circular gates, and on either side of them are panels that you need to interact with. Avoid the eggs (which is fairly easy) and go to one of the switches. Activate it, but the door won't open since you need to interact with the second panel. To make matters worse, Zurks will appear in the room, so you'll need to avoid them and navigate around the eggs. Move towards the second panel. Once you successfully navigate through this particularly unpleasant section, press the second panel to open the gates. Proceed forward.

Moving through this area, look for a piece of cardboard/rug on the left side. Scratch it to make sure you don't miss the opportunity to get the corresponding achievement. Pass under the partially open gates. Approach the round platform surrounded by large creepy eyes. Watch the cutscene. When you regain control, a new chase with the Zurks will begin. Run forward. As usual, keep an eye on groups of Zurks and go in the opposite direction or rush past them, staying as far away as possible.

Running across platforms and metal protrusions, you will see a slowly closing door ahead (red lights are flashing above it). Run towards it and get inside before the gates close. The chase is over. At this point, if you passed through the area without killing any Zurks, you will receive the corresponding achievement/trophy. Interact with B-12 lying on the ground. He will tell you that the Defluxer is out of order, so you won't be able to kill any more Zurks.
To continue, ask B-12 to hack the red console on the wall between the two rotating fans. Climb up the right fan and go to the end of the tunnel. You'll end up in the yellow tunnel. Follow it until you reach a boarded-up area. There's a small gap in the ground. Squeeze through it to start the next chapter.
Chapter 9. Antvillage
At the beginning of this chapter, you will meet an NPC named Balladeen, standing by the bridge leading to the village. He will say that Zbaltazar can be found on the upper floors of the tower.

When you cross the bridge to reach the village, a cutscene will start, during which you will unlock a new memory [17/27]. Climb the stairs on the left. At the top, you'll see a pair of robots on a bunk bed. To the left of them is a wall panel that you can scratch. Also, look for a couple of robots playing Mahjong nearby. Jump on their table to unlock a hidden achievement/trophy.

Climb up the next staircase. B-12 will start talking to you again at the top. After that, climb onto the stack of boxes and air conditioners behind the robot to reach the next floor. Here you will meet Zbaltazar meditating. Approach him to start a cutscene. After the video, he will give you a photo of Clementine. B-12 is active again, and now you can scan different things and communicate with robots from below.

Return to the area with the robots on the bunk bed and the Mahjong players that you passed earlier. This time, pass by the staircase to find a person on a couch watching TV. Look at the wall to the right of the couch to find graffiti that you can examine for another memory [18/27]. Nearby is a tree with purple flowers. Jump onto the branch and follow it until you reach the purple plant, which you can pick.

Return to the mahjong players. Just behind them is a bucket that you can use to enter a secret area. Use the pipe to reach a small island ahead with a tree with red flowers and a couple of robots. Climb up and pick the red plant from the tree. Return to where you descended using the bucket. Use the higher wooden poles and pipe to return to Robo-Weenie.
Head towards Zbaltazar and pass by him. For a moment, ignore the staircase and find yourself in a small snack bar. Talk to the robots. Walk past them and find a small pipe along the wall of the central structure, right at the end of the platform. Jump to it and walk a short distance until you can pick the yellow plant. Return past the snack bar and climb the stairs. Use the pipes along the wall to reach the level above.

When you arrive, there will be a robot watering plants to your left. If you talk to him, he will mention that he wants the red, purple, and yellow plants. Give them all to him (we found them above) to receive a new badge.

Use the nearby crates to reach the top ledge, and then continue to climb the pipes and other ledges/platforms until you find an upward sloping pipe leading from a large metal cylinder to a new tunnel. Go inside to complete the chapter.

Chapter 10. Midtown
At the very beginning of the level, follow the only path until you reach the subway station. At this point, a cutscene will play, after which B-12 will recover another memory [19/27]. Go to the other platform and climb up the stairs. Go through the gap in the fence, then look to your right to see a glowing bookshelf that you can interact with for the next memory [20/27].

Exit through the main door and you will see a robot running by. Eventually, he will be stopped and questioned. Continue walking down the road, stopping to talk to robots as desired. Enter the next doorway on your right. When you reach the top of the stairs, you will receive an achievement/trophy.

Now let's explore this open location, similar to the Slums explored earlier. Walk down the main street. Note that you can jump into the first yellow store window on the right. Examine the wall behind the cashier to find the code (always the same, 8542). Climb up the nearby shelves until you find a locked safe at the top. Enter the previously found code to obtain a new emblem.

Continue moving along the main street, past the clothing store on your left - there's a cassette player in the back of that store (you'll need it later, but first you'll have to find the audio cassette). Next to the clothing store, there's an alley. If you climb up the ledges along the right wall, you can climb up. Continue climbing up various ledges until you reach the back right corner. Here there's a grated window you can crawl through. Look for a dead robot inside from which you can take a badge.

At the top of the slope outside the clothing store is the main square with a hologram in the center. To the left of the hologram is a locked police booth. Just behind it are locked doors. To the right of the hologram is another street. Just behind the hologram is a small restaurant. Go inside and climb the wall behind the robot behind the counter. Jump up through the hole in the ceiling to find a memory [21/27]. Return to the hologram and go right. On the left is a red bar that can be explored, and across from it is a hair salon. The alley next to the hair salon leads back to the road you came from.
Inside the hair salon, if you climb onto the couch behind the hairdresser and then jump onto the shelf above him, you can discover a secret room. Do this to find memory [22/27]. Enter the alley next to the hair salon and continue down the short staircase until you find a sweeping robot. Here, use the garbage can to climb onto the awning under the blue neon sign. From here, you can climb up a series of ledges to reach the platform with memory [23/27].
Return to the hair salon and follow the road from the hologram to the end of the alley to reach the residential complex. In the courtyard, there are three robots. Talk to Simon (sitting) and he will promise to give you an audio cassette if you help him. You need to destroy three surveillance cameras in this complex. Climb the stairs in the back area and follow the second floor until you are above the courtyard where Simon and his friends are located. Approach each of the three surveillance cameras and jump on them to disable them. All cameras are on this floor. One camera is being watched by a female robot, another is hanging on a white railing, and the third one is on one of the doors on the floor. After disabling all cameras, return to Simon to receive the audio cassette from him.

Climb to the top floor of the residential complex and find the boarded-up window located near one of the apartment doors. There is a small gap between the boards. Jump through it into the apartment. Once inside, go to the main room to see the cutscene with Clementine's appearance. After the video, Clementine will enter the adjacent room. Follow her and talk to her again. She will say that a battery is needed for the train to work. You will also receive a note.

Now you need to find the informant - a robot in a bomber jacket with a gold chain. This robot is named Blazer and can be found in the alley across from the club and to the left of the clothing store. He is reading a newspaper, leaning against the wall. Talk to him and show him the note. He will point you to the factory and ask you to get a work jacket and a work helmet. To do this, you need to complete a couple of mini-quests. First, enter the clothing store. Go to the back where the fitting rooms are and insert the audio cassette you received from Simon into the cassette player. This will attract the store owner, who will leave for the back, and you will be able to take the work jacket off the mannequin in the store window.

To find the helmet, go to the hologram in the center. Here you will see a truck. The door opposite the restaurant is now open (turns out it's a hat shop!), but guarded by a pair of robots. You can't get in that way. You need to find the missing worker. Enter the bar (the one illuminated in red) next to the residential complex and go to the far room to find the sleeping robot on the table. Use the ladder in the far right corner to reach the top shelf. Push the box located on the shelf towards the sleeping robot to wake him up.
Follow the robot from the bar to the hat shop. He will talk to another robot waiting by the truck. While they chat, climb into the box on the ground between them. Once the conversation is over, the robot will take the box and bring it into the shop. As soon as the robot puts the box on the floor, exit and run to the window to retrieve the worker's helmet. Interact with the small grate on the wall to the left of the window to open it. You can escape through there, though you can also run out through the main door.

Having a helmet and a worker's outfit on your hands, return to Blazer. Talk to him and hand over both items. He will ask you to jump into the nearest box. Do it, and Blazer will take you to the factory. Note: during the next episode, you will see the Guardians - small flying robots with a blue beam patrolling the locations. Stay away from the light beams. If you can pass this section (and the second one a little further along the level) without allowing the robots to detect you, you will receive an achievement/trophy.
As soon as you regain control of the cat, jump out of the box and go under the nearby metal gates. You will see the first Guardian moving back and forth. Meanwhile, after passing under the gates, jump into the nearest box. Wait until the guard on the left passes by, then jump out of the box and run to the right, turning the corner.
In the next room, you will see a pair of Guardians. One will be motionless, standing by the open door, and the other patrols the room from left to right and back. Wait until the patrolling one moves to the left, and jump over the barrels to reach the platform patrolled by the Guardians. Stay behind the boxes and jump into the box. Wait until the patrol passes to the right, jump out, and run to the next barrels on the other side. Jump over them and enter the door behind the motionless Guardian.
On the right side will be a robot. Talk to him, and he will ask you to find the wrenches. Do it to get a badge. Walk along the platform. Ahead will be a motionless Guardian, periodically swaying left and right. Run up and hide behind a pile of metal beams in front of him. Wait until he looks to the right, and run to the left. Climb the boxes and jump onto the swinging beam to reach the platform behind the Guardian. Pull the lever to open the door.
As soon as the door opens, use the nearest crate and beam to reach the platform again. As before, hide from the Guard behind pipes and beams, and when he turns away, run to the open door. When you approach the door, you will see a robot wiping the floor and the Guard in front. There is a conveyor on the roof that will regularly carry a large container past the Guard. Wait for the cargo to appear and hide behind it from the Guard. Continue walking behind the crate past the second Guard, then jump onto the barrels. Before passing through the doorway, look to the right to see a small open hatch on the floor near the wall. Jump over to the nearest barrel and inspect the hatch to find the worker's keys.
Do not bother trying to go back to the previous room to hand over the keys - the Guards will notice you if you do. Instead, continue down the tunnel, using the floating barrels. As soon as you reach solid ground again, you will see a Guard ahead. Ignore him and check the left wall to find a doorway. Next to it on the wall, there is a lever that can be lowered to return to the previous area.
Go through the door to the previous area. Avoid the patrolling Guard and use the barrels on the left to reach the door. Go through and talk to the worker to return the worker's keys. In return, you'll receive the Neco badge. Note: if you followed this walkthrough, you'll get the sixth and final badge and unlock the next achievement/trophy.
Return to the door you opened seconds ago using the barrels. Once you're back, sneak up behind the first Guard (the one you ignored earlier), then use the hanging crate to hide from the second Guard. Head to the platform at the end of the path. There will be a laser fence nearby. On the ground in front of it, conveniently enough, is a red barrel. Enter the barrel and roll it through the laser grid to get to the next room.
Here you will find a large structure in the center and three pressure plates on the floor. There is also a robot nearby that can be turned on/off. When turned on, it will follow you. Turn it on and drive it to the left fence. Turn it off, jump to the other side, and pull the lever to open the door and activate the second box. Now bring each of the two boxes to the left and right pressure plates. Leave the far one empty. When the central platform drops, roll the barrel onto the far pressure plate to pick up the battery. Watch the cutscene. When you regain control, go through the open door. Use the cable lift to return to the main area.
If you return to Midtown, you'll notice that something has changed. It's important (at least from a collection standpoint) that the police booth to the right of the large hologram is now open. Enter it to find a painting on the wall that you can examine for another memory [24/27].

Return to the residential complex where you met Clementine and find that the area is now blocked off by the police and Guards are searching the area. Run under the barrier and into the complex - be aware that the Guards may spot and attack you. Once again, you need to sneak your way through to achieve a new milestone. In the first courtyard, there are two Guards. Watch their movements and use the benches outside to hide from their beams. Run between them when the Guards can't see you. Climb up the stairs.
At the top of the stairs, turn right (the left side is blocked by a Guard). Follow the path until you see a trail leading to the right. Follow it, but stay in the middle. On the far side, there's another passage - the right side is covered by an immobile Guard, and there's a patrolling Guard moving back and forth on the left. Wait until the patrolling Guard starts moving away from you and follow him. When you see a box on the left side of the passage, jump onto the ledge next to it and then down to a smaller ledge overlooking the inner courtyard. Stay here, out of the patrolling Guard's line of sight, until he flies back to the path we just came from. When this happens, jump over the barrier and run in the opposite direction. Turn the corner and climb up the stairs.
You will find yourself on the floor with Clementine's apartment. In front of you is a stationary Guard, and the second one patrols the path at the entrance to the apartment and the area to the right. When the path is clear, use the beam in the center of the room to safely reach Clementine's apartment and jump through the hole.

Once in the apartment, you will discover that the girl is missing. Approach the large board with clues and interact with it. You will receive a mysterious message. Look at it, and you will see four items that need to be inspected in Clementine's apartment. We need to investigate each of them to find out what happened to Clementine. They can be found in the following places:
- In the bathroom, you will see a mannequin with a traffic cone on its head. Examine it.
- In the kitchen, inspect the lava lamp on the highest shelf, right above the stove and kettle.
- In the main living room, examine the diffuser on the table. Get the third clue.
- In the guest room, find the drawer with a piece of fabric sticking out. Scratch the fabric to pull out the drawer. Jump on top of the drawer to reach the top of the closet and find a big crystal with the last clue.
Once you have collected all four fragments of the clue, B-12 will put them all together... yes, we need to go to the Club.
Leave the residential complex. Note that you can use the beams/signs in the center of the paths to quickly jump down to the ground—just be careful with the Guards on the first floor courtyard and time your jump so they don't notice you. After leaving the residential complex, if you haven't been spotted by the Guards at ground level, you will earn an achievement/trophy.
Now we need to get to the Club. If you talked to the bouncer on the main street earlier, you know he won't let anyone in. Fortunately, you can sneak in from the back. Go down the alley behind the nightclub (the one that connects to the hair salon). Here, on one of the rooftops, you'll find a new NPC, and the guy who used to sweep is now talking to another robot through an open window. Climb up to the awning under the blue neon lights and follow the boards, rooftops, and pipes to the robot in the window. Talk to this robot, and he will let you into the club.

Once inside, you will see a bar and dance floor to the right. First, go to the bar and find the kitchen lift built into the back counter (between the bottle shelves and sink). Take the kitchen lift down to find a table with alcohol that can be scanned for a memory [25/27]. Return to the bar. Talk to the robot named Fripp (in a green jacket, leaning against the wall to the right of the dance floor). He will mention that he stole a lever but will give it to you if you bring him a drink. Return to the bar and find the yellow drink on the bar counter closest to the window through which you entered.

With the strange drink in hand, return to Fripp and give it to him. In exchange, he will give you the lever. Go to the stage and you will see two cylindrical columns - one with the lever and one without. Insert the lever handle into the column without it. Before continuing, approach the small round table located furthest from the window through which you entered. There is a vinyl record here. Pick it up, bring it to the DJ with the green head and place it in the player. Interact with the record on the turntable to scratch it and get an achievement/trophy.
To proceed, pull the lever on one of the columns on the stage (the one you just fixed), thereby disabling the hologram. When the column lowers, jump onto it. One of the DJs will notice that the holographic dancer has disappeared, approach and pull the lever again, sending the platform up. Jump into the area above.

You will enter a small control room with a large panel with three buttons. Each of these buttons controls the position of the hanging decorative lights in the room. Use the buttons to reach the VIP room. To do this, you need to do the following:
- Interact with the left button.
- Interact with the middle button.
- Interact with the right button.
- Interact with the middle button.
As soon as all the fixtures are in the correct positions, jump on them to reach the VIP area. Once you're there, climb the stairs to see the stage and complete Chapter 10.
Chapter 11. Jail
At the beginning of this chapter, you and B-12 will be separated and locked in a metal cage hanging from a chain. Move in different directions to swing the cage.

Eventually, it will hit the pipe on the left and break. Once this happens, jump onto the pipe. Walk along it and climb up to the higher platform to find a locked door. Jump onto the railing opposite the door and from there onto the beam above. It will move deeper into the room. When this happens, jump higher. Climb onto the next solid ledge and continue moving through the grid and through the illuminated red tunnel.

You will find yourself in another chamber with two beams. There is another cage on the left beam, and the right one is empty. First, jump onto the left beam to move the cage aside. Then climb up and jump onto the right beam. It will move, allowing you to jump onto the cage hanging from the beam. From here, you can jump to the barrels in the room below. Go through the open door.
Immediately after exiting, look for several wall-mounted metal boxes near the door that you can climb on. Use them and the pipes to reach the passage above. Keep moving until you see a Guard standing ahead. Jump onto an improvised ledge. There will be another Guard below. Wait for him to fly away, then follow him - you can use the open chambers on both sides of the main path as cover when the Guard moves in the opposite direction (two chambers on the right are connected by a small tunnel that allows you to move safely between them). Once you reach the end of the corridor, use the pile of junk to reach the ledge above.

Climb up to the higher path. Here you will see Clementine locked in a room on the right. During the cutscene, Clementine will point to the nearest office where the key is located. Continue down the hallway and squeeze through the grate on the right. Exit through the window with the grate and go right until you find another window you can climb through to enter the room. Once inside, take the key. Return to Clementine's room and throw the key to her so she can catch it.

Clementine will open her cell and then unlock the locked door at the end of the hallway. Follow her until a cutscene plays in which the cat finds B-12. When you regain control, Clementine will open a new door leading down into the area where B-12 is being held. Go through the gate and down the stairs until another cutscene plays. At the end of this passage, you will find an office area. There is a window/hole in the grate that you can use to get inside. Jump through the second window to reach the room with several laser beams.

Use the boxes to jump onto the ventilation openings above, and use them to climb onto the pipes to bypass all the laser beams, then descend to the floor. Go to the nearest door. In the next corridor, you will see a moving laser grid next to you and a stationary Guard behind it. There is a window on the right. Wait until the lasers move away from you before running up and jumping through the window (the laser grid won't let you get to B-12 from this side). Wait for the laser in the previous corridor to pass through the window into the previous room, and jump back. Quickly run to the Guard. When he turns away, run past and hide behind the table across from him.
Wait until the Guard turns away again, and continue through the passageway on the left side of the drone. This time, you need to overcome two moving laser grids - horizontal and vertical. Jump onto the metal box on the wall closest to you and wait for the horizontal laser grid to pass beneath you. Quickly jump behind it and run to the next door. Immediately jump into the box right behind the door.

Wait for the patrolling Guardian to fly away and run into the small round office room ahead. Hit the lever to make the laser walls surrounding B-12 disappear. B-12 is lying on the floor, and you need to bring them back to consciousness. There will be three Guardians in the room, all in a state of heightened alertness, so you need to act carefully. One is looking at the small room with the switch you just used, while the other two are hanging around the cell: one is patrolling the room clockwise, and the other is stationary but looking back and forth.
The nearest stationary Guardian can be bypassed through the window in the wall to its left. Pick your moment and jump when no one is watching. Use the desks and tables to sneak up to B-12's position. Wait for the patrolling Guardian to turn away and make a dash for B-12 when both it and the stationary Guardian are looking elsewhere. Pick up the drone. If necessary, you can hide under the cell.
Once you've taken B-12, go to the window in the back right corner (you used it before to hide from the lasers). Stay by the window as a new Guard patrols the corridor behind it. Wait until they head to the right and pass by the window, then jump through it and run to the left. Return to Clementine with B-12 to trigger a cutscene. Then ask B-12 to open the nearest door.

You'll find yourself in a junk room or something like that. The door ahead will be blocked, so you'll need to find a way to open it. Climb onto the nearest trash container to Clementine and interact with the pile of bricks to knock them over. Clementine will pick up one of the bricks and throw it at the window above the door. After she breaks the window, the robot will crouch down, indicating that it needs help. Approach Clementine and jump on her head. She will stand up, allowing you to jump into the new gap in the window above. Descend to the floor and enter the nearest office. Pull the lever to open the gates.

Clementine will climb up and open another gate for you. It leads to the yard. Here, there is a Guard, and to the left, an open prison cell. You need to lure the Guard inside this room and then close it. Once inside, run around the room in a circle until the Guard gets inside, then quickly use the wall panel by the door to lock the drone inside. Once you've done this, Clementine will run through the first open courtyard and open the gate. Enter these gates and look for the dead robot on the right side. Approach it and interact with it to get the penultimate memory [26/27].

Go to the next gate to find another yard. You need to do the same thing here, but this time you have to deal with two Guards at once. Do the same thing - lure both into the room on the left and then lock them inside. Try to pick the moment when the beams of both drones intersect, and you could lure both. Once the Guards are locked up, follow Clementine through another door to find another locked gate. Crawl through a low ventilation opening on the right side of the room, and when you get to the other side, go back to the gate and pull the lever.

Freedom is near! In this room, you need to examine a small truck on the right side of the square. Its door has the keys. Interact with them to scratch the door, retrieve the keys and get Clementine's attention. When you regain control of the character, jump onto a small ledge at the back of the truck. Clementine will drive up to the nearest fence, and you can jump over it. Follow the only path behind the fence, and you will find a lever. Pull the lever to open the gates.

As soon as you do this, the Guards will appear. Quickly run back through the same area and jump over the fence. Clementine will start driving the truck. Run after her to jump onto the back.
When the scene ends, Clementine will drop you off at a new location and hand you the keys to the subway. You will find yourself at the beginning of Midtown. Go back down to the subway station. Keep moving towards Robo Valley until you find a large wall panel where you need to install the battery. Return to the subway platform and board the train. Approach the train driver's cabin and ask B-12 to interact with the control panel to start the train. Chapter completed!
Chapter 12. Control Center

Once the train stops, exit the car and continue up the nearest staircase/escalator. The second set of stairs/escalators leads to an open platform. Upon arrival, inspect the large red door to the right. A robot next to it will inform you that this door leads beyond the city, but it is currently sealed. Climb the short staircase opposite the red gates. Explore the large living room, then go to the large door leading to the control room.

Approach the door to the control center and ask B-12 to interact with the red panel. Unsuccessful! There is a large rectangular robot nearby. Interact with it and escort it to the panel to the left of the locked door. Stop. Jump up and interact with it again. B-12 will open the panel, and you can scratch the wires. This will open the door.

Enter the control room. A cutscene will start, and you will receive the last memory [27/27]. When you regain control, go to the computer consoles at the back of the room. There is a large white sign and a flashing screen on the back wall. Approach and interact with the table with the flashing light. Watch the video.
B-12 will ask you to turn on all the computers nearby. Jump onto each row of computers. Some monitors will be blue (turned on), and others will be black (turned off). By pressing the keyboards, you will turn the computers on or off. Therefore, you don't need to press the keyboard if the monitor is already blue. Once the monitors become blue on all three rows, a new cut-scene will start.

At this moment, B-12 will discover the control console of the city's roof, but they are held back by three locks. To remove them, you need to find three computers with yellow screens in the room. Use the cat to open the panel next to each of them and then scratch the cables inside before B-12 can interact with the computer. Look for the computers in the following places:
- The first one is located to the right of the window next to the roof control console. Scratch the metal panel below the screen to make it fall off. Scratch the cables inside.
- The second one can be found to the left of the main computer you used earlier (the one with the flashing light). You need to get behind a large metal panel leaning against some boxes and push it down. You will find that the cables you need to scratch are hidden behind it.
- The third one is to the right of the main computer. You need to jump onto the metal structures to the right of the screen to find a small hatch that can be scratched open by the cat. After opening the hatch, tear the cables hidden inside.

After you perform these actions with the three computers, B-12 will sustain irreparable damage. Lift it up and take it to the roof control station. Place it on the keyboard and watch the cutscene. After the cutscene, exit the control room. Go down to the big red door and escape outside to finish the game.