The Red Mile" in Starfield is one of the most captivating and unique places. This small casino outpost, located on the planet Porrim 3 in the Porrim star system, serves as an arena for an unusual game in which spectators place bets on the participants' completion of a challenge known as "The Red Mile." The quest "Journey to the Red Mile" is available to players who have intercepted conversations among random NPCs in New Atlantis regarding this location.
The Porrim star system exists in a neutral zone, not under the control of any faction, making it an ideal refuge for Starfield players seeking high rewards from specific factions. Unlike other locations such as "The Den" or "The Key," "The Red Mile" is not a trading post and does not feature a variety of traders, as it is focused on a "sports" event rather than the typical settlement life.
The Red Mile

Upon arriving at "The Red Mile," players immediately notice the prominent red sign on the building's façade. Armed mercenaries are often encountered here, but inside the casino, the ambiance is surprisingly luxurious, considering the frigid planet it's located on. There may be a minor altercation at the entrance, almost resulting in gunfire, but it is diffused by the establishment's owner, May Devine.
Although the purpose of the quest remains secretive, May attempts to persuade players to participate, promising a lavish ceremony and generous reward for completing the quest hidden behind the large red door. Players must convince May of their sanity and that their decision is made of their own free will, but this is not difficult since May profits from bets related to this event.
The Mile Run

After receiving clearance to enter, players participate in a brief ceremony and then pass through the red door, revealing "The Red Mile" before them. In the center of this massive open crater stands a tall structure, littered with debris and corpses. Players are given a choice - either rush towards the central objective, aiming to complete the challenge quickly, or proceed cautiously, eliminating enemies and ensuring safety before advancing.
The adversaries players must contend with are called "Red Mile Maulers," and their sheer numbers can be overwhelming as they attack in large groups. Powerful weapons are required to defeat them, and shooting nearby barrels and canisters can be helpful. After reaching the summit, players must activate the pedestal at the base of the structure to complete the quest. Upon activation, the challenge starts anew: players must return to the main objective while defending themselves against the Maulers. Exploring the competition area may yield additional valuables, as there are crates and valuable items scattered among the remains.
Upon returning to the casino, players can speak to May, who will reward them with credits and inform them of the opportunity to return to "The Red Mile" at any convenient time. Afterward, players can participate in "The Red Mile" quest again, earning credits and experience points for completing it.