Shovel in Baldur’s Gate 3: Key Tool for Excavations and Adventures

Shovel in Baldur’s Gate 3: Key Tool for Excavations and Adventures

In the world of Baldur's Gate 3, magic and treasures abound at every turn. However, among all the arsenal, the shovel plays a far more significant role than meets the eye. It becomes an indispensable companion capable of unearthing the secrets and riches buried beneath the ground. In this article, we will discuss the location of the shovel in the game and how to effectively utilize its capabilities.

Where to Find the Shovel

Your journey in the world of Baldur's Gate 3 begins on a beach, where your character finds themselves after a shipwreck. From this moment, your adventure begins, and soon you'll encounter the Overgrown Ruins and a group of bandits who have taken up residence there. At this stage, you can attempt to interact with the bandits, convincing them to leave, or you might have to resort to force and engage in battle. The initial opponents can pose a considerable threat to a first-level character, so the decision is yours.

Ruin Area
Ruin Area

Afterward, you can head west from the ruins to free Lae'zel and meet Astarion to form a party. Once done, return to the Overgrown Ruins, defeat the bandits, and commence your exploration of the area. However, be prepared for another group of enemies within the ruins.


While navigating the northern part of the ruins and descending to a wooden door, take note of the "Alt" key. Press it to discover a shovel gleaming to the right of the door. Use the left mouse button to add it to your inventory, and the shovel will become your reliable aid for future adventures.

Alternate Paths to the Shovel

If you choose to bypass the Overgrown Ruins, there's an alternative way to find the shovel. After investigating the Illithid ship and meeting Astarion, head north. You might stumble upon the first burial mound and find a shovel nearby. For clarity, refer to the screenshot provided below.

Additionally, shovels can also be purchased from traders at the Emerald Grove.

Using the Shovel

Your journey through the world of Baldur's Gate 3 will be fraught with surprises, and occasionally, your character will make a perception check. A successful check might lead you to a small burial mound. However, without the shovel, you won't be able to interact with it or access its contents.

Interact with the burial mound
Interact with the burial mound

One of your party members must have a shovel in their inventory. In case you lack the tool, you can mark the excavation spot on the map to return when you obtain the shovel.

Once equipped with the shovel, approach the burial mound and click the left mouse button. Your character will start digging, unearthing a chest from the ground. After the animation concludes, you can open the chest and examine its contents. If your party lacks perception, pay attention to Astarion – his skill in this aspect can prove useful.

The shovel in Baldur's Gate 3 illustrates that even the most mundane objects can hold immense value in the world of fantasy adventures. It becomes the key to excavations and treasure discoveries, further enhancing the excitement of your journey.

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