Remnant 2 is a direct continuation of the hardcore action game Remnant: From the Ashes, developed by Gunfire Games. The game maintains its familiar gameplay but becomes even more expansive and challenging. Whether you're a solo player or enjoy cooperative play, you'll face various challenges while battling bosses and completing levels. This guide is designed to assist players of all levels in understanding the key features of Remnant 2.
In Remnant 2, you'll embark on journeys through different worlds, where you'll have to fight against diverse monsters. Surviving each battle will be difficult, especially at the highest difficulty levels. Progressing through this game will be as "tough" as the Dark Souls series, but even mastery in evading attacks doesn't always guarantee victory against bosses. In this guide, we've compiled the most useful gameplay tips to help you navigate the game both solo and with a team of companions.
Explore locations for secrets

One important aspect of Remnant 2 is exploring the areas for secrets. The new jumping and maneuvering physics allow you to explore the in-game world, discover hidden places, and obtain valuable items. Structures and various platforms in the levels may hint at opportunities for exploration, often leading to finding useful items and additional routes.
Don't forget about consumables

Paying attention to consumables is equally important. Remnant 2 is a typical hardcore game with limited loot drops, making it challenging to find resources. However, this doesn't mean you should conserve consumables when facing tough bosses or elite enemies, as they can provide you with valuable passive effects that aid you in battle.
Monitor your character's attributes

To make your progress easier, it's crucial to carefully monitor your character's attributes. Character progression in the game involves numerous systems that influence your combat abilities. Regularly check your character's attributes screen to understand how equipment and weapons affect your efficiency.
Check the merchants' inventory

Merchants in Remnant 2 offer a wide range of items. At the beginning levels of the game, you might not afford many things, but it's worth checking their wares regularly as the merchants' inventory constantly refreshes, and you may find useful items and equipment for your character.
Stick to one chosen weapon

Remnant 2 offers an enormous variety of different ammunition types, tempting players to use each weapon. Contrary to expectations, it is recommended to focus solely on one weapon. Since the game has resource limitations, it's impossible to upgrade all weapons. It's better to choose one and upgrade it to its maximum level for smoother gameplay.
Methods of obtaining scrap

An important aspect of Remnant 2 is scrap - the primary currency of the game used for weapon upgrades and item purchases. Chests and various objects can give you more scrap, so it's worth paying attention to them.
Utilize the modifiers

Don't forget to use modifiers - special items that can be inserted into the player's weapons to gain unique bonuses. Upgrading modifiers requires significant resources, but they can be very helpful.
Armored enemies

Some enemies in the game have armor and receive less damage from physical attacks. In such cases, it's best to use weapons with elemental damage or shoot vulnerable areas of the body to overcome the enemy's defense.
With these tips and recommendations, you'll be able to successfully progress through Remnant 2 and enjoy its deep and expansive gameplay.