In the captivating world of Baldur's Gate 3, some adventurers encounter a mysterious challenge known as the Worn Stone. In this unique article, we present a detailed guide that delves into the methods of lifting this stone, revealing the contents of its hidden cache and unraveling the quest elements associated with it.
Navigating the Enigmatic Worn Stone
The quest for the cache begins southwest of the ruins of Nautiloid. Carefully descending down the stones along the cliff and entering the cavern beneath the rocks, players must undergo a Nature check with a difficulty level of 10 to identify the "anomaly" in the stone. Successful completion of the check highlights the object, allowing interaction.

The Worn Stone is quite heavy and can be shifted by holding the left mouse button and moving the cursor. However, not every character can lift it. A hero with 13 strength can easily manage it, while a character with 12 strength may struggle. Players can also use the Tab key to switch to a character with high strength in the party or utilize a Potion of Hill Giant Strength.

Secrets of the Cache and Subsequent Steps
Beneath the Worn Stone, players discover a cache containing precious gems, gold, speed potions, a notebook, and a map of harpers. After interacting with the stone and acquiring its contents, a marker appears on the map indicating the cache.
The next step involves teleporting to the Emerald Grove vicinity and heading west towards the clay cliff. There, players will encounter the Stony Fissure, the activation of which triggers a scene involving retrieving a wallet. Successfully passing a Dexterity check or Animal Handling check rewards the player with a wallet containing a Cocoon of Spider Eggs and gold.
Effective Use of the Spider Cocoon in Battle

The Cocoon of Spider Eggs can be sold to a merchant at Baldur's Gate, or players can use it in battle by discarding it from their inventory. Upon activation, the player deals 10 points of damage, summoning friendly spiders ready to attack enemies. These spiders follow the player and absorb attacks. Utilizing the Cocoon is recommended before facing powerful bosses or enemy groups.