During the gameplay of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, you will encounter various challenging trials and puzzles in shrines scattered throughout Hyrule. One such shrine is Tukarok Shrine, where players may face difficulties related to the Wheel Zonai devices. Today, we will tell you how to successfully complete all the trials and find the secret chest in this shrine.
Finding Tukarok Shrine

You can discover the shrine near the Wetland Stable, which is located south of Rebonae Bridge. This area is just a few minutes' horse ride southwest of Hyrule Castle. If you need precise coordinates, the shrine can be found at the following values: 0912, -0240, 0030.

Navigating the Shrine and solving all the puzzles
When you first enter this dungeon, you will see a large orange-glowing hole in the ground. The main objective is to throw a large glowing sphere into this hole after successfully completing three separate trials. While this may be a bit confusing, we will explain in detail what needs to be done.
First Puzzle

Simply proceed forward along the ledge, ignoring the glowing hole we mentioned earlier. You will come across a large sphere, a lava pit, and a moving platform on four wheels.

The solution to this puzzle is quite simple: using the Ultrahand ability, pick up the sphere and place it on the platform. Then, use any weapon to strike one of the wheels and activate the device.

Second Puzzle
The transport will carry the sphere to the opposite end, keeping it intact. You'll need to use the ability again to place the sphere on a stone platform and then add a wheel and another platform. After that, you need to shoot the wheel with a bow to set the platform in motion.

Use the ladder to climb higher. In the next room, you will see several platforms. Place the sphere on the first platform and retrieve the chest, which is on the second track from the entrance, by lifting it out from under the water.
Finding the Secret Chest
Use the ladder and ascend to a higher level. In the next room, you will see several platforms. Set the sphere on the first platform and then retrieve the chest, which is submerged underwater on the second track from the entrance.

Third Puzzle
Place the stone sphere on the large button in the ground to open a passage. Do not move the sphere until you are behind the door. Use the ability to drop it into the glowing hole, causing it to emit a green light.

This will allow you to reach the statue and obtain the "Light of Blessing," which is used to increase the protagonist's health and stamina.
Attach two wooden sticks to the wheels on the raft and strike them with a weapon. This way, you'll be able to cross to the opposite side.

Next, you will reach the statue and receive the "Light of Blessing," which can be used to increase your character's health and stamina.