Minsc and Boo are two legendary characters from the Baldur's Gate series and the Dungeons & Dragons universe at large. The phrase "Go for the eyes, Boo!" had become a meme even before the release of Baldur's Gate 3, and Minsc, his hamster Boo, and their iconic battle cry gained a multitude of fans. However, encountering them in the game can be either marred or even missed entirely. In this guide, we will explain why it's important to save Dynaheir, how to rescue Minsc, how to access the sewer, and how to solve the valve puzzle.
Why Save Minsc in Baldur's Gate 3
Minsc is an iconic character in the Baldur's Gate series. Rescuing him has numerous benefits: you will gain a powerful ally for your party and a new resident for your camp, as well as access to a significant amount of content that can be easily overlooked.
Why Save Dynaheir

One crucial aspect of the quest is saving Dynaheir. If she dies during the second act, then unfortunately, the chance to rescue Minsc will be lost – the game won't provide such an opportunity. The choice of saving Dynaheir will have important implications for the events that follow.
How to Rescue Minsc

Rescuing Minsc becomes available only in the third act. To do this, you need to complete Kaelar's quest or independently infiltrate the High Hall, descending to the Vaults. You can accomplish this either through combat or through a more diplomatic approach by talking to First Clerk Medowho and passing several skill checks to obtain a temporary pass. It's essential to solve the puzzle in the Vaults, as it's a key moment for progression.
How to Access the Sewer

There are several ways to enter the sewer. You can embark on Kaelar's quest, initiated at the "Elf Song" tavern, where you will be asked to search his former room. Additionally, you can use manholes and grates scattered throughout the city. There are plenty of options.
How to Solve the Valve Puzzle
In the sewers, there's a location called the "Abandoned Cistern" – that's where you need to go. Upon reaching this area, you will encounter a closed door, three valves, and a sluice gate that requires an Athletics skill check. If you fail this check, you can solve the puzzle using logic.

The task is to simultaneously increase both the temperature and water level. To achieve this, start by turning on the water, wait a few seconds, and then adjust the valve to increase the temperature.
Fighting Minsc
It's crucial to remember that you won't be able to rescue Minsc if you allow him to die. You should choose non-lethal attacks to prevent killing him but still eliminate other enemies. In the final stage of the battle, switch to non-lethal attacks and use healing to maintain Minsc's health.

After successfully defeating Minsc, he will break free from Absolute's control and reunite with his faithful companion, Boo the hamster. You can meet Minsc at your camp or invite him to join your party.