In the Remnant 2 expansion, The Awakened King, a new and unique melee weapon called the Ritualist Scythe is introduced. Its formation involves combining two crucial quest items: the Scythe Blade and its Hilt. Both of these elements can be found on the Lost Commune map in the world of Losomn.

It's important to note that the provided maps and specific locations are applicable exclusively to the "One Shot" mode of "Awakened King," which differs from the procedural map generation in Remnant 2. This approach grants players instant access to the expansion's content. For those who have already completed a single playthrough, the opportunity to obtain the Ritualist Scythe persists, but they must locate the Lost Commune and its Befouled Altars in randomly generated versions of Losomn.
Where to Find the Ritualist Scythe
The first step in obtaining the Ritualist Scythe is to reach the Lost Commune map in Lonsomn. This map is only accessible to players who have installed The Awakened King expansion and becomes available within the framework of a single playthrough of the expansion. The entrance to Lost Commune is located near the beginning of Forlorn Coast in the "Awakened King" one-shot, and its position is clearly marked on the provided map.

Subsequently, players need to find and destroy two Befouled Altars – structures consisting of bodies and wooden planks surrounded by purple candles. Enemies spawn when these altars are damaged using Remnant 2 weapons, dropping the Scythe Blade and Scythe Hilt upon their destruction.
Befouled Altar #1:

- Initiate your path from the central checkpoint.
- Progress forward into the next room, using wooden platforms to reach a circular opening on the opposite side.
- Descend a short distance to enter the subsequent room, turn left, and pass through the circular opening ahead.
- Move to the bottom of the next room, where the Befouled Altar is located. Upon entering this room, players will notice purple candlelight beneath them.
Befouled Altar #2:

- Return to the platform above the first Befouled Altar.
- Pass through the circular opening opposite the room's entrance.
- Climb the ladder, turn left, and climb a second ladder.
- Follow the path to reach a room that can be crossed by traversing a narrow wooden plank.
- Use the ladder on the left side of the room, follow the path to its end, and carefully descend into the water below. Players will now be on the opposite side of the sluice gate near the troubled Remnant 2 NPC.
- Follow the path opposite the sluice gate to reach the second Befouled Altar.
Upon completing the stage of collecting both quest items, players should activate the interaction with the Scythe Hilt highlighted in their inventory. This action opens a new menu where players must select the Scythe Blade to combine the quest items and create the complete Ritualist Scythe. This process provides players with new opportunities in the world of Remnant 2, underscoring the importance of correctly executing each stage.