How to Obtain Ammoniacal Glands in Enshrouded

How to Obtain Ammoniacal Glands in Enshrouded

In the game "Enshrouded," the collection of resources plays a crucial role, with Ammonia Glands being an essential element for upgrading the Flame Altar. In this article, we will explore optimal methods for farming Ammonia Glands in one of the most promising locations - Umber Hollow.

Where to Find Ammonia Glands

Nomad Highlands Spire
Nomad Highlands Spire

Umber Hollow stands out as the ideal location for gathering Ammonia Glands, thanks to its easy accessibility from Nomad Highlands Spire and a straightforward descent. Inside the mist, you will encounter mushroom enemies, perfectly suited for a successful Ammonia Gland farm.

Umber Hollow
Umber Hollow

How to Farm Ammonia Glands


Maximizing the efficiency of Ammonia Gland collection involves focusing on the glowing parts of the mushrooms. Each mushroom provides an average of 5 Ammonia Glands, and quickly destroying their glowing elements helps avoid prolonged battles.

For successful combat against high-level mushrooms, it is recommended to use ranged weapons, as close-quarter engagements require an active dodging tactic.

Using Ammonia Glands

Ammonia Glands are not only essential for upgrading the Flame Altar but can also be utilized in crafting valuable items at the Tanning Station and the Alchemist. These items include leather and staff charges.

Ammoniacal Glands
Ammoniacal Glands

In conclusion, choosing Umber Hollow for farming Ammonia Glands is justified not only by its accessibility but also by the presence of valuable resources. Maximize your progress in "Enshrouded" by following these optimized strategies for Ammonia Gland farming!

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