Starfield, Bethesda's new space-faring universe, offers players a vast realm for exploration, with every corner concealing treasures and valuables waiting to be discovered. However, like in all adventures, you are always limited by inventory space. Fortunately, you have access to spacecraft in Starfield, providing limitless opportunities for storing various items, albeit not without limitations.
In Starfield, it's not just about exploration but also about efficiently managing your resources and cargo. The new approach to organizing and storing loot makes it simpler and more engaging compared to Bethesda's previous games. Let's delve into the details of this process and learn how to maximize your cargo capacity to carry more items in Starfield.
Cargo Capacity and Carrying in Starfield: Secrets of Effective Management
The first thing to know about increasing cargo capacity in Starfield is that overburdening your character has consequences. It leads to increased oxygen consumption and prohibits fast travel. Given the vastness of the game world and how far you can stray from your ship, overburdening becomes a real concern for space explorers.

The simplest solution to this problem is investing skill points in "Weight Lifting." This skill increases your maximum carrying weight by 10/25/50/100 kilograms, depending on the rank. To unlock higher ranks of this skill, you'll need to complete specific trials, such as "Run 1000/2500/5000 meters with a load of at least 75% of your maximum carrying capacity."
Specialized Equipment

Another approach is to find gear with prefixes that increase your maximum carrying weight. For instance, you can find a backpack that adds +20 kg to your maximum carrying weight. Such items are scattered throughout the game world.
Temporary Weight Boost with Consumables and Provisions

Consuming alcoholic beverages, like whiskey or cocktails, temporarily increases your carrying capacity. This can be useful for quickly ferrying items back to your ship or removing the restriction on fast travel while overburdened. However, be aware that alcohol also increases oxygen consumption and stamina drain. Some other items in the game have similar effects.
Companion Usage

Perhaps the most classic way to increase your carrying capacity is by using companions. Initiate a dialogue with your ally and request to trade items. Load them up with all the resources you've collected and venture forth to explore the Starfield universe. Note that your companions have their own carrying limits, and you can easily switch between your inventory and theirs.
Increasing Spaceship Cargo Capacity
Your spaceship at the beginning of the game can hold up to 450 kilograms of items. However, you can enhance this figure, allowing you to gather more resources and improve your space expedition. Here's how:
Modifying Cargo Modules

Every spaceship in Starfield has the potential to increase its cargo capacity. You can achieve this by installing additional cargo modules or upgrading existing ones. To start this process, consult a ship technician, typically available at spaceports. They will assist you in making modifications to your vessel and grant access to the ship's customization screen. Typically, you can find these technicians near trade kiosks.
The Upgrade Process
On the ship's customization screen, switch to the construction mode, following the instructions located at the bottom of the screen. You'll then be able to attach various components to different parts of your ship, indicated by white circular points. In the control menu, you'll find the "Add" function. To review available components that will boost your cargo capacity, press the corresponding button (usually the "G" key on the keyboard).
Power Enhancement
If your ship becomes too heavy, you may need to install additional engines and chassis. More powerful models of these components become available as you reach B and C ranks in pilot certification. This not only increases cargo capacity but also enhances your ship's overall efficiency.
Concealed Transport Containers
Some cargo containers can be installed only on the sides of your ship, while others can be attached to the bottom. Players contemplating smuggling goods through faction-controlled territories may want to consider using shielded containers instead of regular ones to provide extra protection for their cargo.

Here is the essential information on how to increase your cargo capacity and effectively manage resources in Starfield. These skills and insights will be crucial as you embark on your thrilling journey through the cosmic universe of the game. Be prepared for boundless expanses and the undeniable adventures awaiting you among the stars!