In addition to its attractive appearance, the open world of Pandora possesses astonishing depth. While exploring this sandbox, you will encounter numerous additional tasks, but it won't always be easy to fulfill what the game requires of you. If you've already come across the research station "Alpha," you may be familiar with the quest "Feral Hunter," which asks you to find various access codes. But where to go and why do you need these codes? In this article, we will explain how to complete the "Feral Hunter" mission in the game Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora.

Receiving the "Feral Hunter" Quest
First and foremost, you need to head to the RDA station located in the area of the cloud forest. Upon inspecting the station, on the southern side of the facade, near the label A02, you will discover a ventilation opening that needs to be broken to enter. Descend using the rope and break another ventilation opening in the floor to enter a room with a closed double door. After breaking the lock, move along the corridor until you reach a dead end with a damaged hole in the wall. Looking through it, you will see a fuse block that needs to be shot to break it.

After that, turn around and approach the blocks with burning red lights. Interact with them using the SID tool to change the light color to green.

Return to the first double door through which you entered this area. Use SID on the box above the door, causing the door to close. Repeat the same procedure with the closed door on the left wall. This time, the door should open. Once in the new room, be sure to search the weapon crate next to the new closed door, then close the door through which you entered. This action will open the next door.

Move further along the corridor. At the end of the path, you will find a ventilation shaft. Break the grate blocking your way and climb inside. Move through the shaft until the floor collapses beneath you, and you find yourself in a new room. After inspecting, in the far corner of the room, you will find a door next to a damaged block with severed wires. Repair the break, thereby opening the door.

Climbing up the rope, you will enter a new room. A little to the left, you will find a computer. Interact with it using SID and solve a simple maze puzzle—direct the beam to the exit, avoiding dead ends.

This action will awaken the Feral Hunter, whom you need to kill and scan using SID, solving the same puzzle as with the computer. From this moment, you have the "Feral Hunter" quest. Jump down through the broken window and open the door on the right. Once inside, turn left immediately, and repeat the same procedure with the computer on the left. A green path will appear, leading you to a rope that you can use to exit.
Obtaining the Remaining Access Codes
Afterward, you need to "retrieve all three access codes." It is worth noting that you already have one, obtained from the Feral Hunter you just destroyed. Now you need to find two more. Their locations may vary, as the main requirement of the game is to discover wild hunters and eliminate them. Therefore, it is recommended to complete any quests where they appear.
An effective option is to repeat the quest "Broken Bonds." If you remember, this quest activates after destroying a Wild Hunter and can be completed multiple times. Through this action, you usually quickly obtain the remaining access code. After that, completing the "Wild Hunter" quest becomes easier, as you fulfill the last requirement.
Thus, the "Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora" quest concludes. We hope our guide has been helpful to you, as navigating the game without it can be challenging.