Fort Solis is an exciting game that allows players to explore a vast mining base, which has become the site of a mysterious disappearance of the entire personnel. To unravel the story and progress deeper into the base, you'll need access cards of various privilege levels. In this article, we provide you with detailed instructions on finding and using access cards of levels 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th.

Obtaining a Level 1 Access Card
The first access card is located in the lower levels of the mining base, accessible after completing the first chapter of the game. After passing through the door on the stairwell, descend into the personal quarters of Fort Solis' staff. Here, you'll find two main rooms: "Rec Rooms" and "Private Rooms." "Private Rooms" are locked, so head to the "Rec Rooms." Traverse this room and the cafeteria, then follow the corridor to a locked door that can be easily hacked.

Upon opening the door, you'll enter the personal quarters of the staff. Enter Helen's room to gain access to her computer terminal and read her work report. Afterward, inspect Claire Smith's room, where a level 1 access card will be on her desk. This card will grant you access to all doors requiring a level 1 access in Fort Solis.
Finding a Level 2 Access Card
The level 2 access card is located in the medical section, but before obtaining it, you'll need to unlock a sealed door. Upon entering the medical bay, head to zone B2. You can explore various rooms here, but your objective is Room №3.

Enter Room №3 and interact with the computer terminal on the desk. Select the "Observation" tab and unlock the door leading to the main part of the medical section. Then, return to the main corridor of the medical ward, where you can now pass through the door.
In the laboratory, examine the corpse to collect evidence. After completing the examination, you will receive the level 2 access card.
Acquiring a Level 3 Access Card
The level 3 access card can be obtained while playing as Jack during the second chapter of the game. It is located in the drilling area, zone B1. To access this area, you will need a level 2 access card.

In the Drill Bay room in the drilling area, you'll find three different rooms: the main hangar, a bathroom, and Nick's room. Enter the bathroom and inspect the wall to find Block i5. Collect Block i5 and exit the bathroom. Then, insert Block i5 into the console to gain access to Nick's room. Enter the room and obtain the level 3 access card. Interact with the card to elevate your access level to the third. Afterward, you can open the hangar door and advance further in the storyline.
Obtaining a Level 4 Access Card
The level 4 access card is exclusively available while playing as Jessica in the third chapter of the game. To obtain it, you need to reach the communications section and enter the server room. In this area, approach the terminal next to a corpse at the far end of the room and solve a simple puzzle by connecting server modules.

Activate the servers with the numbers 25, 28, 23, 35, and 39 in that order. Once they are connected, return to the computer and restart the server. After a short cinematic sequence, Jessica will find the level 4 access card. With this card, players can access the Atrium and proceed to the cafeteria, advancing the storyline.
Finding a Level 5 Access Card
The final level 5 access card is also located in the third chapter of the game. Jessica can find the last crucial item by exploring the cafeteria, which is located near the personal quarters of Fort Solis' crew. Go through the tunnel to the server room and open the elevator door. Take the elevator up and open the Crew Quarters door in zone B1. Pass through Private Rooms or Rec Rooms to reach the cafeteria.
In the cafeteria, traverse the corridor to reach the main cafeteria door, where you will discover the body of Adam Hoskins. Interact with the body and conduct an examination to obtain the level 5 access card. This card provides the highest level of access and allows entry into all areas and stations of the mining base.

By following these instructions and collecting all the access cards in Fort Solis, you will be able to delve deeper into the game's storyline and uncover its mysteries. We wish you the best of luck in this thrilling adventure!