Within the framework of the "Luna Festival at Maji Market" event, our main character, Zeki, displays a firmness in not participating in the local customs and traditions associated with wish-making. Despite not explaining this position, the essence of his convictions will become clear through the trials described in the "A New Year to Remember" quest.
Zeki informs players of "something strange" happening to him during the festival, which tasks them with exploring the meanings and symbolism of the "strange dreams" tormenting him. Help Zeki decipher these "strange dreams" and make this Luna festival unforgettable for him by following the objectives presented in the "A New Year to Remember" quest in Palia.
Tasks for the "A New Year to Remember" quest
- Meet Zeki at the Maji Market.
- Decrypt the meaning of exploding stars.
- Understand the significance of boiling lava.
- Solve the riddle of soggy paper.
- Consult with Reth for additional explanations.
- Speak with Zeki again at the market.
- Discuss the current situation at the Maji Market with Chayne.
- Gather kind words about Zeki from market residents.
- Deliver the gathered data to Chayne.
- Return Zeki's candy box.
- Provide Zeki's wish paper to Chayne.
The "A New Year to Remember" quest marks the final stage in a series of events at the Maji Market, evolving from the events of previous quests. After learning that Zeki has yet to hang the Wish Ribbon and understanding the reasons behind his avoidance of local customs, players turn to him at the market to help resolve the issues that have arisen.

Quest Completion
While assisting Zeki, players consult with other residents, including Chayne, to understand what is happening to Zeki during the Luna festival. Let's consider all the tasks that will help players complete the "A New Year to Remember" quest:
The "something strange" turns out to be "strange dreams" haunting Zeki for several nights, and he struggles to explain them. After a thorough description of these "strange dreams," three key details emerge that can help unravel Zeki's problem: exploding stars, boiling lava, and soggy paper, which players can investigate at the market.
During conversations with various market residents, players first consult with Chayne, who suggests turning to Delaila after hearing about Zeki's "strange dreams." Delaila keeps a dream journal to better understand their meaning and interprets "exploding stars" as suppressed feelings or emotions and "boiling lava" as emotions ready to burst out.

Unable to decipher the meaning of "soggy paper," players turn to Reth, who offers a completely different interpretation of Zeki's "strange dreams." Unlike Delaila, Reth interprets "exploding stars" as fireworks and "boiling lava" as lettuce soup or a hotpot but also cannot understand the meaning of "soggy paper."
However, returning to Delaila to clarify what "soggy paper" could mean, she suggests that it could be related to Wish Ribbons, which players can discuss with Reth for a full understanding. Returning to Zeki to explain the meanings of "exploding stars," "boiling lava," and "soggy paper," players conclude that the cause of his "strange dreams" is his preoccupation with market plans for the Luna festival.
Emphasizing memories of "the good old days," Zeki recalls his childhood years when life was simple, and he had parents to rely on. He admits missing his parents and siblings, including his sister Zara, whom he hasn't seen in years due to Grimalkin traditions of sending children away at a young age.
Zeki also reminisces about a candy box his father brought home from the festival and the sweets he enjoyed upon returning home. Zeki advises players to inform Chayne that he is doing well and suggests a plan to entertain Zeki by placing messages in the candy box.
Players receive a journal from Chayne and go around the fairgrounds to speak with each resident who has a stall at the Maji Market, including Delaila, Hodari, Najuma, Kenyatta, and Reth. They can also speak with Eshe and Kenli to contribute before returning to Chayne with messages, which are placed in the candy box along with a message from Chayne.

Bringing the candy box to Zeki, players listen to three messages before learning that Zeki experienced the Luna festival not with his biological family, but with his adopted family in Kilima Village. Honoring this experience, Zeki gives Chayne his Wish Ribbon to hang on the Wish Tree, concluding the "A New Year to Remember" quest.
Reward for completing the quest
Players receive 15 Reputation and 500 Lucky Envelopes, which can be spent at the stalls during the Maji Market. Additionally, they complete the "Cat's Outta The Bag" Stamp Card for the event, which allows them to claim the New Year Candy Box as a reward.