How and Why to Speak with the Deceased in Baldur’s Gate 3

How and Why to Speak with the Deceased in Baldur’s Gate 3

Conversing with the deceased is one of the fundamental abilities in Baldur's Gate 3 that not only helps you complete quests 80% faster but also offers a fascinating way to explore the world through the tales of the departed. In this guide, we will explain how to engage with them and what it takes.

Why Speak with the Deceased in Baldur's Gate 3

Reviving a Trapped Corpse
Reviving a Trapped Corpse

First and foremost, conversing with the deceased is essential for saving your time, nerves, and undoubtedly health. It allows you to gather information in the simplest and safest way, and sometimes even unveils new aspects of the plot.

Interacting with the Deceased

To speak with the deceased, you'll need the "Speak with Dead" spell. Keep in mind that not all bodies can engage in conversation. For this to happen, the body must be minimally damaged and possess all the necessary parts for dialogue (hence, for instance, skeletons cannot be conversed with). The game provides hints along the way and highlights in green those who are willing to chat.

Using the Spell
Using the Spell

Important Note: If you personally killed the character, they will certainly refuse to speak with their killer. However, you can summon a companion who was not involved in this deed and try the same interaction through them. In this case, you will succeed in engaging in a conversation. You can also use the "Alter Self" spell on yourself — and this approach will also work.

Obtaining the "Speak with Dead" Spell

Speak with Dead
Speak with Dead

You can obtain the spell in various ways:

  • Purchase a scroll (in the first two acts, you can randomly find scrolls from most merchants; in the third act, only those specializing in scrolls sell them);
  • Learn it at the fifth level (you need to be a bard, cleric, or wizard for this);
  • Receive it from an item (one such item is "Thayan Necromancy").

Simply approach, activate the spell, then select the body — and you'll enter the dialogue window. You'll have only five questions available before the spell exhausts — so choose your questions wisely!

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