Starfield, the exciting new space-faring game, offers players a plethora of captivating quests and challenges. One such task is restoring the communication computer, a crucial component in the successful completion of the quest 'Return to Vecter.' In this article, we will walk you through the steps required to complete this task, find the necessary power cells, and reach the missing characters, Barrett and Heller.

Starting the 'Return to Vecter' Quest
Initiating the main quest 'Return to Vecter' is possible right at the beginning of your Starfield journey. This quest, despite its complexity, allows players to visit three different planets. To successfully complete it, you'll need to restore the communication computer by gathering a few vital components.

Restoring the Computer in Starfield
To restore the communication computer, you'll need three power cells, which must be installed into the corresponding sockets. The process begins after a conversation with the character Lin, who appears during the 'Return to Vecter' quest. Following this, approach the orange door to your right and activate the lever to open it.

Once through the door, turn left and open the hinged door leading to an office. On the table inside the office, you will find the key to the Vecter Control Room. Returning to the door, proceed to the next orange door and activate it using the nearby switch.
Behind this door, you will discover three empty sockets and the Vecter Control Room. Utilize the key to enter and commence the restoration of the communication computer. Alternatively, you can attempt to hack the door in Starfield, which will earn you the 'Cyber Jockey' achievement.

Once you've found three power cells, return to the Vecter Control Room in Starfield and insert them into the energy sockets. Your communication computer is now operational, allowing you to contact Barrett and Heller and continue your thrilling adventures in Starfield.