1. "Let's sleep in the next world"
The game greets us with a boat ride. The main character, Major Sergei "P-3" Nechaev, sails down the river while conversing with his companion-glove, Hraz. After the boat docks, boldly turn right and walk along the canal. Along the way, you can also chat with several non-playable characters. There are several interactive events in this area that we would recommend paying attention to in order to immerse yourself in the game's atmosphere. One such event is a phone booth (when you turn left), interacting with which will earn you an
achievement. After that, head to the northeast of the area and pass through the arch next to a crowd of enthusiastic townspeople.

On the opposite side, head towards the memorial. If you wish, you can explore various inscriptions that tell the story of the chronology of events in the alternative USSR. Then, walk along a parallel path towards a building opposite a giant robot. Approach the building and talk to the woman-robot Tereshkova at the door. Nechaev will show his documents, and you'll be able to enter. Next, listen to the story about neural polymers.
Then, you need to take an injection capsule from the table and, after learning how to use the
scanner, press the Alt button to test its capabilities.
After speaking with the robot at the Future Laboratory, leave the building and head towards the huge building ahead where Dmitry Sechenov's office is located. To go upstairs, pass through the hall and enter the elevator. Upon reaching the top, turn left, open the door, and take the car key from the twin robots.

After getting the key, exit the same way you came and sit in the car parked in front of the
building. From there, all you need to do is watch, as interacting with the car will trigger a cutscene during which a system malfunction will occur.
Vavilov Complex
2. "Complex"
After the catastrophic fall, you will receive an axe. Use it to eliminate hostile robots.
Go along the street towards the quest marker. On the way, you will come across several
aggressive robots of the type "Lab Assistant VOV/A6" (also known as "White Vovchik").
**If you play on medium or easy, you can completely ignore the androids, but remember that each defeated enemy will give you some materials that will be useful for improving your weapons and your glove.

Get to the animal pen and inspect the toilet cabin. After the next cut-scene, you will find yourself in the "Vavilov" complex.
3. "Here I am, fuck..."
Climb out of the elevator cabin and inspect the room. Hraz will tell you that you need to open the giant steel door ahead, but it's not possible to do so right now. However, in the other corner of this same room, there is a pile of broken furniture leading to a hole in the ceiling. Climb up the furniture and go upstairs to the technical corridor. The tunnel is linear, so boldly go forward and pick up the red valve from the floor next to the dead body. Go back down and open the door. Unfortunately, the man who called for help will die, but you will get a shotgun.

4. "Victor Petrov. Find and destroy"
On the right, there is a door leading to a safe room. Such rooms are encountered throughout the game. In each of these rooms, there is a "Beacon" terminal used for saving progress. Also, in many safe rooms, you will find chests with useful items. They contain crafting recipes, consumables, and materials. Save your progress, then exit back into the corridor. When you take a few steps forward, a LABORANT VOV/A6 will jump out of the window on the left. Kill it.

On each floor of the complex, there are additional rooms with lockers and terminals. When
examining the terminals, you can read various letters and orders. Use the scanner to locate them.
In one of these rooms, you will find a Chirper. Run forward and destroy two more robots. There is an audio recording in the restroom.
Exit into the corridor. In the room opposite, Hraz will teach you how to use sneaking to quickly neutralize robots at Atomic Heart. Deal with the Lab Assistant and search the boxes. "Chatterbox No. 3" is on the table.
Inspect the next rooms and climb into the ventilation shaft in the last room. There are several rooms where you can find a lot of useful items and another Lab Assistant. After
that, return to the corridor and continue to follow the quest marker.

Go to the door indicated by the quest marker. When you approach it, you will find out that it is locked. Hraz will inform you that it can be opened with a "Shock" that you have yet to unlock.
Open the door at the end of the corridor and watch the cutscene. During the conversation with Larisa, you will be attacked by a lab assistant in a black suit who shoots a laser beam. After the cutscene, you will start a fight against the same android. Mostly, he uses close-range attacks, normal and heavy, which you need to dodge to the side. He can also
shoot a laser beam - in this case, use the dodge move again, moving to the left or right. You will know that the enemy is preparing to attack with a beam when his face panel opens.
Try to hit him with an axe as much as possible. This way, you will be able to save ammunition, which will come in handy in the future.

After dealing with the boss, check the chest to the left of the locked door, and then attempt to unlock it. Unfortunately, there are no life hacks on how to easily unlock the timer lock in Atomic Heart. You just need to adapt to its mechanics. Watch the circular indicator move and click the mouse whenever it lines up with the extended locking pin. The fewer locking pins left, the faster the indicator moves, and the closer you are to unlocking the lock.
Behind the door is a corridor. At the end of it is a door to a safe room. After entering the room, a cutscene will start in which you will meet Eleanor (the crafting machine). Later on, you will use it repeatedly to upgrade the main character's skills, create/improve weapons according to recipes, make bullets, and other consumables. After completing the tutorial, save and check the chest. Exit through another door. "Chirper N. 6" is lying on the box opposite, and there are several boxes with useful items behind the poster stand to the right.

5. "Not so fast, major"
Use the scanner to detect hidden wiring in the elevators. Exit through the door in front of you into the next corridor and turn left. There will be a locked door to the utility room. Examine the lock, return to the elevators, turn left, and climb the stairs to the next floor.
There will be security cameras on the way. You can disable them with the "Shock" skill or destroy them with shots.
On the upper platform with the elevators, jump over the hole in the floor and exit into the corridor. Go to the right to the room with the "Romashka" camera. You can either distract it by throwing an empty box or use the more aggressive methods described above.

After neutralizing the "Romashka" camera, inspect the cabinet in front of you and then enter the room on the left, making sure to deal with the Lab assistants. On the table to the right, there's a key to the storage room lock. Once you have it, don't hurry to leave. Explore the rooms on this floor and gather useful resources and items, including another "Chirper No. 7."
**If the "Romashka" cameras spot you, Lab assistants will rush to the floor and start attacking you.
Return to the storage room and use the key. Inside, there's a puzzle with a color code ("Passive Security Relay"). To solve it, you need to rotate the parts of the relay so that the red and blue beams are directed towards the indicators of the corresponding colors. You can control the color by moving six red circles on the relay. Moving one of the circles in the top row will switch between the middle and top elements. Moving one of the circles in the bottom row will swap the middle and bottom elements.
To solve the puzzle, first rotate the top right part, and then the right center part.

After solving the puzzle, go to the platform with the elevators, enter the left cabin, and press the lift button. Go to the closed door in the hallway and use your "Shock" skill to hit its mechanism.
Now we can use the shocker on enemies, stunning them and giving us the opportunity to safely attack them with powerful strikes.
After passing through the door, turn left and open the second door on the left to find the rest area. Search the chest, upgrade your weapons, and unlock new abilities if possible. When you have done all this, return to the hallway. There will be three enemies here. Destroy them all, search their bodies, and go to the end of the corridor. On the right, there is an entrance to a tunnel with cable cars. They are all out of order, so you will have to walk. Follow the path ahead until you see a moving cable car. Time it so that it does not knock you off your feet. Wait for the cable car to pass, then run forward and turn right. Wait for the cable car to pass again, then run forward and jump into the crack in the floor.
When you reach the polymer cluster on the left, dive into it and swim to the room with the cable car control panel.

Inspect the code lock on the door, and then talk to the dead soldier nearby. Speak with them and you will find out that you need to find the station chief who had the correct combination for the lock. Use the shocker to open the large gates and proceed into the tunnel. The path forward is blocked by debris. Move along the left wall up the slope until you find a corpse with a piece of paper. Remember the code on the paper. Return to the lock and activate the necessary points as shown on the diagram near the corpse. Once you have unlocked the dispatch room, enter inside, pull the lever, and sit in the cable car. Wait until the main character falls down. Then, defeat several lab assistants.

Approach the yellow pipe on the wall, and climb onto it by pressing the Spacebar. Jump onto the ledge on the right and grab onto the rails above your head. Use them to reach the other side of the gap. Be careful, as "Buravas" periodically emerge from the wall. The camera shakes before they appear.
The fallen cable car will destroy most of the lab workers, but you'll have to fight one of them, a black-clad one. Defeat him, then go back a bit and find the crack in the floor. Descend and crawl through the opening on the right side. It's right where the tunnel robot appeared for the second time. This tunnel leads to a small workshop. Search the room and talk to the corpse on the floor, then head to the ventilation shaft at the back. Crawl through the ventilation until you reach the tunnel that leads to another cable car tunnel. Dodge the other cabins by running back and forth from left to right. You need to go to the left. Keep dodging until you reach the station where you'll be safe. Take the ax improvement blueprint from the chest next to the "Lighthouse".
Exit through another door and go to the laser wall. Go around it through the room on the left, interact with Eleanor, and upgrade the talent that Hraz will recommend to you. Go through the laser and descend into the room with the giant birch tree in a jar.
As soon as you enter the room, a video will start playing, showing Victor Petrov, who manages to escape.

6. "In hot pursuit"
Fight off a large group of robots and grab the chattering on the bench next to the birch. Run to the opposite side of the second floor and go through the open door. Here you need to climb into the ventilation shaft.
First, inspect the table and pick up the chattering. Here you can also find a PM pistol - it is lying to the right of the corpse.
Pick up the candle on the table and bring it to the door where Petrov disappeared. Use the stun gun to stop some of the machines. Jump on the cabinets and reach the polymer. Dive into it and swim to the opposite side.

In the rest room, you can open the blueprint for the "Electro-Emi Generator" module. After reaching the lunar module, inspect the shelves to the left of it. Here you will find the first vial (vials are needed to open doors in the Seed Vault). Dive into the polymer in the wall and swim through the room. After emerging from the polymer, press the red button to open the doors. Take the second vial from Eleonora's receiver and climb into the ventilation system. Crawl through the ventilation until you find the third vial. Then go back to the cabin with the Moon.
Install the vials in the Moon's slots to open the Seed Vault door. Enter the huge storage room and take a look around. There are a lot of boxes with useful items here, which we recommend not to miss. Always follow the marker and dive into the polymer.

So you will get back to the storage room. Inspect Petrov's body, take the candle, and hack the lock on the door. Return to the hall and place two candles on the columns.
Birch PK-4
7. "In an overgrown park..."
To escape from the Vavilov complex, you need to activate the Birch tree PK-4, which is located in the center of the main hall. To open the door, you need to find and bring four flasks from the Hot, Cold, Pesticide, and Algae shops. Each flask is installed in the corresponding slot near the tree.
8. "Race against time" (Algoshop)
It's important to inspect the door you're about to open. After a few seconds, one of the two red side doors should open. Follow the new corridor, turn left at the intersection (there's a chirping device on a box here), turn left again, and inspect the resting room. When you're ready, leave the room and press the button next to the door in front of you. Once in the corridor, pay attention to the laboratory behind the glass on the left. There, you will see your first organic enemies - infected ones.

Once the infected are (again) dead, take the chirper from the table in the main room and go through the door in the back of the lab. You'll enter a large corridor. Search the rooms, then return to the corridor and go to the huge window overlooking the Algoshop. Turn left and open the door by hacking the lock with color indicators. Once you go through the door, a short cutscene will play. You'll see the "Hedgehog" breaking the panoramic window. Jump down and deal with the nearest aggressive robots so they don't get in the way later.
Find the stairs leading to the platform above. Pick up an empty flask, killing enemies beforehand. There's also a talking corpse nearby. Jump over to the other side using a jump dash. There's also a Chirper on the floor. Install the flask into the white device ahead. Polymer production will start, but it will take 36 days for this process. You need to speed up production. First, get to the platform located under the marker and use the polymer to go up. Save the game, use Eleanor (make sure you have enough ammo for firearms), and press the red button. Stand on the platform, which will start moving counterclockwise around the perimeter of the hall.

The platform will stop near the mechanisms marked on the map. Use the shocker to activate them. When the mechanisms are activated, the pools of algae will start to glow blue, indicating that they are active. However, until you activate the mechanism, the platform will not move on. Activate three mechanisms along the right wall to speed up the polymer creation process. After the first device is activated, Xraz will report that the fault-tolerant security system has been activated simultaneously. You will be attacked by a group of bees - blue and yellow, firing lasers. Destroy them and continue to activate the mechanisms until you reach the middle of the way. By the way, you will be attacked by a Sipukha - an advanced drone that shoots two laser beams at once. The funicular will stop at the turn.

9. "And everything was lit up" (Algoshop, continuation)
Jump onto the wooden plank on the right and solve the relay puzzle. After activating it, lab workers will appear from both sides. First, defeat them and then solve the puzzle. Rotate the middle top part, and then the bottom right part.
Retrieve the filled flask from the device at the bottom and go to the elevator through the opened gate in the Algoshop. It will take you up to the corridor with a safe room. Save your progress and return to the birch tree. Install the flask in the corresponding slot.

10. "They want to green Mars" (Hot shop)
Return to the elevator that just brought you from the Algoshop and go straight through the door up the stairs. It's not possible to enter the Hot shop now due to the high temperature inside. First, you need to cool down the boilers in the boiler room.
Before entering the workshop, turn right and go to the room with a hole in the wall. Don't forget to check the cabinets and boxes along the way, where there's a lot of useful items, including a blueprint for the medium capsule.
Crawl through the hole and go down the stairs, passing by the locked door.
11. "Into the thick of it" (Hot shop, continuation)
Once in the boiler room, deal with the Lab Assistants and approach the broken boiler with blue spheres. Take one of them and go to the room indicated by the quest marker.

Inside the room, there is a glowing groove attached to the wall, which will automatically pull in the sphere when you approach it. After that, the sphere will appear in the main hall, near the boilers, through a pipe. Using his telekinetic abilities, Khrazu needs to direct the spheres through the glass pipes to three boilers.
To cool the first boiler, you need to move to the right and turn left at the fork. To cool the second boiler, follow the left pipe and turn left again at the fork. Finally, to cool the third boiler, move to the left, then take the lower path, and then turn right. Once all the boilers are cooled, you need to climb the stairs to the right of the door to the office with the intake valve, take the Chirper from the box on the left (another hopper is located in the office where you brought the candles), and then follow the path to the left and use the rest area that is ahead.

When you're ready, leave the room and turn right into the Hot shop Atrium. Jump down to the lower level and head towards the forklift that's raising a pallet in the center of the room. Jump on the pallet and use it to reach the platform above you. Climb the crates in the corner of the platform and jump to the next higher platform. Leap onto the next one and look down to see the final platform with the polymer synthesizer. Jump over to it and retrieve the polymer flask. There's a Chirper on the floor next to the device. Once you have both flasks, return to the birch tree and place them in the corresponding slots. This will open the second wing of the labs and allow you to find the two remaining polymers.
Follow the new corridor and turn right. Walk down the corridor and enter the rest area on the right. Then, using Hraz's telekinetic abilities, move the metal shutters aside to enter the Cold Lab. Along the way, Hraz will draw your attention to the organisms contained in the side rooms behind the glass. You will learn about the runners that produce shoots and the evil killer chicken. After you move all the metal shutters aside, enter the room on the left to find useful items and another corpse to talk to. Then, climb into the ventilation shaft on the left and proceed forward until you reach the lab you previously saw behind the glass. Note that every enemy you saw in the lab can attack you, so it's best to be prepared and act proactively.

In the room, there are capsules containing mutant animals. In the center, there is a computer showing nine cells. We need to turn all the valves until all cells turn green. The solution is to turn all the valves to the right. If any valve turns to the left, we need to turn it again. If we fail, all animals will die, and they will be turned into polymer. Then we can proceed through the blue door, and there is a save point on the side.
12. "March of Flowers" (Cold shop)
To activate the cold shop, we need to supply energy to it. Several robots are in the hydroponic beds. First, we need to climb the stairs where a body is located, and bypass the "Agricultural Club Games" to reach the room upstairs. In this room, we need to solve a laser puzzle by directing a blue beam to the central branch. Then we press the red button to turn on the lights in the room.
The drones will turn off the lights again, so we need to clear the room of enemies and shock the red circles on the ceiling. After that, we can restart the lights.
Once the flask is filled, we need to return to the control room, take the flask, and go back to the birch. We need to jump through the round hatch with a pipe. At the bottom, there are three robots, then four more, and a black robot. We need to unlock the timer lock (or go past the boxes to the round hatch, climb up the beams on the wall to the pipe above).

13. "What goes around comes around" (Pesticidal shop)
Here you will see a robot. Sneak up behind it and silently kill it before approaching the door and performing the hack. Continue down the corridor, turning right at the very end. Open the door to find the scientist. He will say that there is a sleeping giant monster in the large hall, and Sergey will need to find a pesticide polymer to destroy it.
After the cutscene, walk past the scientist and open the door on the left. Go down the nearest staircase, don't forget to grab the chirper near the dead soldier, not far from the container. Once you've done that, head down and move towards the marker. In the next room, a battle with several mutants, runners, and sprouts will begin. After dealing with them, in the far right corner, on the upper platform with a broken ladder, you can find the chirper.
Look for the third Chirper in the far room near the rotating platform on the right side.
Eventually, you will reach a large yellow tank that, as P-3 quickly realizes, contains the pesticide polymer. You need to tow it to the scientist. Climb the ladder next to the tank and jump onto the platform with the yellow control panel above it. Press the up arrow, and the tank will move forward. Use telekinesis on the platform with the small yellow mechanism right above the tank. Eventually, you will reach a large yellow tank that, as P-3 quickly realizes, contains the pesticide polymer. You need to tow it to the scientist. Climb the ladder next to the tank and jump onto the platform with the yellow control panel above it. Press the up arrow, and the tank will move forward. Use telekinesis on the platform with the small yellow mechanism right above the tank.

Your task is to deliver the tanker to the room with the Borschtweed plant.
When the tanker moves forward, a cutscene will play. It will show the death of a worker in the Pesticide Factory and the destruction of the Borschtweed plant. The main character will also receive the last vial.
14. "Locked up with enemies" (Pesticidal shop, continuation)
On the way back, several mutants will attack us and trap us in a corner room. We will shoot at clumps of plants on the walls. A strong mutant boss will appear, and its health will be shown as a white bar at the top. After defeating it, we will return to the birch tree.
15. "We take our feet"
Approach the birch tree and place the last two vials to open the door opposite. Go there and turn right.
You will be in front of an elevator.
Press the button next to it, and Hraz will ask if you are ready to leave the Vavilov complex. If you want, you can refuse, but you will only be able to visit the rooms where you searched for the vials. You cannot go back to earlier rooms. Don't worry about missing blueprints. There are many containers in the game, and some of them contain duplicates.

Lesnaya station
16. "Breath of fresh air"
The quest objective is located in the north of the region. However, don't hurry to go there. First, break the nearby "Worker" type robots to get some crafting/upgrading materials. If you can't deal with the machines quietly, it's okay. The main thing is that the "Daisies" don't see it.
Next, we recommend exploring all the nearby houses, sheds, and other local attractions.
After searching the area, follow the main road until you come across a barrier like a locked gates.

To open them, you need to hack the security system. This can be done using SDK-2 "Shuttlecock". "Shuttlecock" is a tall tower located on a hill to the left of the locked gates. Approaching it, stand on the elevator that will take the main character to the top. In "Shuttlecock," examine the mattress and pick up the "Chirper N. 28" from it.
A code is required for access. At this point, Grandma Zina will contact you. She will ask Sergey Nechaev to come to her. She has something that will help him leave the village and get to the "Lesnaya" station.
17. "House in the village"
Go up the hill through the open gate in the fence. Examine the washbasin in the yard, where a robot with many eyes will attack us. It will be spotted by Grandma Zina's flying hut.
In the hut, watch the TV. Sechenov will report that the malfunction at the plant has been fixed. Molotov is still unhappy, as this could ruin the "Atomic Heart" project. Molotov will start his own inspection at the plant.
18. "Cheat sheet for SDK-2 Shuttlecock"
Take the "Dominator" blueprint from the table. Return to the tower, and hack Shuttlecock at the top. On the map, you can view the image from any surveillance camera. Choose the camera near the gates, look at them, and open them.

19. "Morning express"
We descend and pass through the gates. We get into the red car and continue driving. On the left, we can inspect several houses. In the yard, there is a lumberjack and a black robot. We drive to the end of the road and take out the robots.
Further, the path is on the trail to the right, through the forest. We inspect the hut, kill a robot. Near the rocks, there are many lumberjacks. Near the second hut, there is one robot and one black enemy.
At the bottom, there is a large building with a cafeteria. We search the two floors. Outside, there are several robots. On the tower, there is a chest with resources and a black robot. We climb to the platform of the "Forest" station, enter the "Whirlwind" train. A robot in the restaurant car will tell us that we definitely need a ticket.

20. "Excellent"
We descend to the ground and search the bodies of the killed passengers. In the dead-end of the road, we find a dead loser and take a ticket from him. Nearby, we need to kill a black lab worker. If we bring the ticket to the robot, he won't accept it, the ticket has expired and needs to be replaced at the ticket office. On the central street, there is a dead ticket collector. A little further across the road, there is a dead weirdo.
We enter the two-story building. The required room is cluttered. We bypass the building, enter the cafeteria from the back entrance. There is a polymer window, and we swim through it to the second floor. In the locked room, there is a dead technician, and we take a month's pass from him. We return to the train.
VDNH station
21. "What the coming day prepares for us?"
Upon arriving at the "Sunny" station, wait for the conversation with Doctor Stockhausen to end and look around. There is a "Lighthouse" and a security system access device on the platform. By interacting with it, we can connect to the nearest "Romashkas" and explore the area. We also recommend opening the world map and seeing where the polygons are located in this location to plan our further route in advance.

Descend to the platform under the station and find "Chirper N. 29" on one of the tables with umbrellas.
Next, head towards the quest marker, which will lead you to the next locked gate that leads to the park (to the arena). Your presence will surely attract the attention of robots, so you need to quickly get to the boat station and lower the "Griff" by hacking the relay.
At the boat station, examine the relay terminal. It's locked. To get inside, go to the "Shuttlecock" tower and use the device that gives access to the surveillance cameras. Select the camera at the boat station, aim it at the relay terminal, and open the doors.

Return to the relay, enter it and interact with it. "Griff" will descend to the center of the water body.
Approach the device and grab the yellow pipe in the center. When "Griff" takes off, turn the camera and find three ropes around you. The rope behind you will help you return to the boathouse, the rope in front of you will take you to the lake shore, and the rope on the right will take you to the park (arena). You need to go to the right, but you can choose any side if you want to explore the area. If you want to lower "Griff" again, you can hack the relay again.
Get to the arena on the "Griff" rope and hit the "Shock" device in the form of a pillar in the center.
After the metal flower blooms, you will have to fight the boss "HEDGEHOG".
"HEDGEHOG" or robot HDG-H7 is a dangerous enemy resembling a giant ball. It will give you a lot of trouble even if you play on a low difficulty, so be careful.

Descend down the main staircase and at the bottom, use the glove to push two movable balls to the sides. The right ball will activate a mirror, while the left one will get stuck. Push it away and quickly jump into the nearby hatch.
Exhibition VDNH
22. "Cloudy Mirror"
Underground, you need to fix the mirror mechanism. On the way, you'll encounter a room with magnetic fields. Shoot the Shock at the ceiling, and all the objects will fly up. Climb up the empty platforms to reach the door.
In the next room, charge up the ceiling and jump on two platforms in the center. Look for the talking body in the center of the room. Turn off the ceiling, jump onto the blue island, then to the far-right corner. Charge up the ceiling again, and jump onto the balcony with the exit.

In the corridor, we unlock the timer lock. On the floor, we solve a laser puzzle: blue beam to the other side, fork to the center. This will open the door to the second room.
Downstairs, we search all the boxes. In the corner under the stairs, there is a talking body. We step on the red platform against the wall, charge the ceiling, and jump onto the balcony with the raised bridge. We switch the ceiling, then on the blue platform to the side, we solve a puzzle with beams: blue beam down.
We jump onto the central red platform, switch the ceiling, and jump onto the blue platform between two columns, switch the ceiling. From the next red platform, we jump onto the balcony with the exit.
Third room. We jump onto the red platform on the right, switch it, go on the blue path, onto the central island. We switch it, jump on the blue platforms to the wall platforms. We switch it, go to the corner platform, use the red platform to get to the balcony.
On the wall, there is a laser puzzle: blue beam to the center, both forks to the center. In the broken room, we climb onto the loader and continue on the platforms. We switch the ceiling, go on the blue platform, climb up, switch it, jump onto the adjacent blue platform. We jump onto the inclined ladder, switch it, stand on the blue path. We climb to the top of the steel wall, switch it, and go to the door.

On the floor there's a laser puzzle: we change the central bottom circle. We enter the doors and go up together with the mirror. We enter the VDNH exhibition building. In the corridor, there's a lock with light bulbs, but we don't have the code yet.
Behind the wooden doors, in the room, there's a dead guide tied up. There are three messages. On the chalkboard, there's a code for the lock: a diamond shape, starting from the bottom left of the center. We open the room across, inside there's a chest, and on the round table with balls, there's "Concern for Health". Next on the left is a save room.
At the end of the corridor, there's Tereshkova the robot, disconnected from the infected network and without hands. She will help us if we find her hands.

23. "Hands off"
In the room near the robot, we search all the cabinets, read the messages. We return to the room with the body and climb into the ventilation hatch. In the next room, there is only a waiter robot.
When we take Tereshkova's hand, the waiter will attack us, spitting acid and jumping from afar. In the corridor, we unlock the timed lock. In the corridor, there is no need to give the robot the hand, we immediately open the main doors.
24. "Made in USSR"
Tereshkova will meet us at the reception desk in the hall. She will not believe that the protagonist is a real human and will refuse to activate the military training mode. To prove to her that Nechaev is not a robot, we need to pass Darwin's test, namely to find three things that represent art, labor, and life.
- The Voice of the Motherland. We take a radio receiver from under the counter in the center.
- The Symbol of the Motherland. We go to the room with the golden statue, look up, and attract the hammer from the worker's hand.
- The Sprout of the Motherland. We go to the room on the left, put 3 boxes on the scales on the left, and then the capsule with an indoor plant will open on the right.

Go back to Tereshkova and click on the dialogue lines in order to complete the Darwin test. After the conversation, follow her to the administrative drive. At the end of the path, interact with Tereshkova to complete the procedure.
Enter the multi-level room. Your goal is to find Clara. Explore each level one by one and make your way to the bottom floor.
Clara's Gathering
25. "Mustachioed Karl stoled coral from Clara"
This quest consists of four separate quests, the essence of which is to find parts of Clara.
26. "Major, witch and old warehouse"
Follow the nearest marker and hack the lock on the door. Before that, you can explore the large hall on the left. There will be many cocoons and several chests. A Chirper lies on the seats at the end of the hall.
Return to the lock and proceed forward. Turn the wheel several times to pass through. In the next room, turn the wheels to open the passage to the stairs. In the last room, a group of lab assistants will attack the hero. Kill them and solve the puzzle. Jump down and turn the wheel so that you can climb up. Now turn the top wheel once and make your way to the exit through the pipe. Clara's leg is in the trunk of the car.

27. "Red arrow"
Follow the marker, hack the door, and deal with a large group of enemies. Interact with the button in the center of the room and play "Snake". When you finish, the hero will receive the necessary part of Clara's body.
Before leaving the room, you'll have to take care of another wave of robots.
Return to Tereshkova's broken partner and attach the right arm to her body.
28. "Trembling of the earth"
On the third level, hack the lock. Enter the room where there is a glass sculpture of a whale. "Brilliant Exhibition Idea" is lying on the table near the entrance, and a dead ichthyologist is lying next to the button on the side.
On the lower level, a plant in the shape of a human will crawl out of the flask. Dodge its attacks and strike it with an axe. After the victory, take Clara's left arm and bring it to the first level of the hall.
29. "How restless is that brow that is crowned"
The last part of Clara is located on the upper level, in the "Neptune" wing.

Upon entering the dark room, take a look around. There is a chest with a blueprint and a door to the left of it. To open it, destroy all the Mothers in the room.
Proceed down the corridor to the castle, break in, and descend into the ventilation through an open hatch in the floor. As you move through the ventilation tunnel, follow the quest marker. It will guide you to a hatch that leads to the room with the suspended Beluga device.
Deal with all the robots, deactivate the cameras on the wall, and hack the lock on the wooden door. Inside, you will find an elevator that will take you upstairs. To the right of it is another door with a lock. Behind it, there is a chest with a blueprint.

Upon exiting the elevator, deal with several "Sipukha" creatures and climb up the polymer material to reach a ledge on top of a cliff. Then, use the bars to get to the bridge where the wandering "Laborant" is.
Go to the panoramic window and press the red button. Go outside and walk to the gap, then cross it using the bars.
At the top, you will find a booth with a puzzle - the passive security relay. To solve it, first rotate the double beam discs in any order, then turn the blue beam disc.
Now return to the elevator near the pool. Go down, press the button under the "Beluga" machine, after which it will move to the left and fall. Use it to climb to the second level of the hall.

Interact with the device at the edge of the balcony to control the mechanical island. Your task is to get the ball into the hole.
After solving the puzzle, go down, pick up Clara's head and take it to the robot's body. You can leave this room using the floating clouds. Jump on them to reach the door on the opposite side of the room.
When Clara is restored, a video will start playing. After it, the main character will be transported into a vision.
30. "Limbo"
Follow the road made of cookies. You can collect all the apples hanging in the air as game bonuses.
Soon there will be scenes of war. Climb onto the tank from the side of the gun. Go around the entire beach on the left. In the center, walk through the submarine, onto the wing of the plane, through the air islands. Then dodge the rockets that jump out of the submarine in time. Enter the tube on the plane.
When you wake up, Sechenov will come into the room with the twins. Molotov and his guards have already been killed by someone. Sechenov is about to launch the "Collective". The twins will dance and thus retrieve two keys to activate the new network. The bloody silhouette will take Molotov's body. We find out that someone turned on the government line using Petrov's head. Sechenov will send us to search for the signal.

Sechenov Center
31. "Bug in the system"
Take the elevator to the surface, then use a vehicle to travel to the specified location where the Sechenov Center is located. It's very dangerous here because there are many robots around. The entrance to one of the ranges is right here - through the elevator inside the building with three red lamps on top (you need to activate three devices scattered in different parts - from the steering wheel, from the roof of this center, and from a device away from the center).
Go inside and examine the lock in front of you. You will hack one of the locks, completing a familiar mini-game. The other lock can be opened with a cookie that can be found on the roof of the building. Exit through the main door, look to the left and you will see boards that you can climb to get to the roof. Once you have the cookie, go back inside and open the door to see a cut-scene featuring Larisa Filatova and Petrov.
Plisetskaya Theater
32. "The show must go on"
On the street, we continue driving. After a kilometer, we'll reach the theater.
At the shore, a robot with multiple eyes guards a round platform. It's better to stay close to it and attack with an axe. But as soon as it starts to attack back, back away. Approach again shortly after, hit it from behind, and retreat. Repeat until victory.
**If you only kill Belyash in close combat, you will receive the achievement "Unequal fight."
After the platform, we descend into the basement, search the cabinets in the first room, and take "Clear flow of energy in the eyes" from the table. There are also three messages nearby. We take the elevator down.

33. "Petrov opera"
At the entrance, there is a storage room. From the elevator, turn right and at the dead end in front of the grate, there is a talking body lying there. Clean up several floors. Behind the door, we will see Petrov, and he will turn on the electric floor.
After coming to our senses, we kill the mutant. Ahead, you can inspect the mechanical ballerinas. In the corridor and side rooms, there are several mutants, and a save point. Next to the fallen soda vending machine in the corridor, there is an "Echo of the Past" on it. At the end of the corridor, on the right, we enter the red room and unlock the lock.
34. "Higher and higher"
Pass by the talking "Rafik," inspect the fallen soda vending machine, and climb into the ventilation opening on the wall. At the end of the tunnel, there is an exit to an additional room. There is a chest with a blueprint for crafting ammunition there.
Return to the corridor with "Rafik" and hack the double lock on the door. Behind it, the boss, Plyush, is waiting for you. He has the same characteristics as Plyush from the hall with the whale at the VDNH exhibition, but you will defeat him much faster. After destroying the monster, clear the room of Mothers and Sprouts, and then hack the lock on the ventilation duct hatch. After getting out of the ventilation, walk down the corridor and on the left, find the puzzle - the passive security relay.

Solving the puzzle activates the elevator in front of it. Open it with the white button on the wall and go up to the upper level of the hall with a giant hanging ballerina statue.
35. "Behind seven seals"
On the upper floor, we bypass the dressing rooms and kill the robots. On the table with an illuminated mirror, there's "Crazy Clown at the Wedding". On the right, we crawl into the ventilation, in the adjacent room, on the nightstand, there's "Did he know what madness was?".
We go in the other direction on the floor, at the dead-end, one ballerina is dancing, underneath her is "Now, that's ballet!". Through the hole in the wall, we get into another room, there's a talking body. We look for a hole in the floor, go down to the floor below, and in the room near the TV, there's a recording "Calibrate the Ballerina", a talking body.
From the upper floor, jump off the balcony to the hall with large masks on the wall. Here, there are several ordinary robots and a couple of drones. In the side corridor, there's a save point room.

36. "It's not a password at all"
We are climbing to the top floor on a broken ladder. On the way, there's a white key with light bulbs, and we need to find the password for it. There's a talking corpse nearby that will tell us the password is with the electrician in the wardrobe. We go to another corner, take the note "Unrequited Love of a Simple Electrician" from the table. In the makeup room, there are two robots on the floor, a dead prima ballerina. The café's buffet is where the waitress is lying behind the counter.
We return to the top floor, to the room with the masks, and enter the wardrobe. In the far corner of the wardrobe, there's a talking corpse that will give us the password to the computer and the code to the lock with light bulbs.
At the top, we unlock the light bulb lock. On the table, there's a note "The Theater Needs Changes." There are six records on the computer, an audio message. On the back wall, there's a laser puzzle: a blue beam and two forks in the center. After that, the second computer will turn on, and we play the ballerina's performance on it.
Downstairs in the hall, we wait for the ballerina to finish her performance on stage. We defend ourselves from robots and mutants for a few minutes, to the music of "Carmen." When the music ends, we take the ball from the ballerina's hands. "The Emergence of a Psychopath" is lying beneath the ballerina's foot. In the adjacent hall, we open the gates.
37. "The path to the (scaffold) main stage"
We go to the toilet on the left, descend into the gap, and take the note "What the hell is this?!" from the hands of the dead robot. Further down the corridor, we examine the red sofas and find "Fantastic Women of the Robo-Theater."
38. "Art is sacrifice"
At the ballerina's stands, we can see various ballet poses. We choose poses for all four ballerinas so that their shadows strike the bodies hanging nearby: the second pose, the fourth, the third, the first. After this, the doors on the side will open. We go to the storage room, talk to the glove about the "Collective." In the corridor, we go through the wooden door on the right.

39. "Madman in a box"
Let's meet Petrov on the main stage. He will talk about Sechenov's plans: the combat mode of the robots was built in from the beginning, and Petrov just activated it ahead of schedule.
Petrov will intentionally be killed by the activated robots, and he will pass two beta rings to us. We'll retrieve Petrov's head and Sechenov will send us a drone with a flask, where we'll place the head.
40. "Boy-women"
A large combat robot will jump onto the stage. It can spin and attack everything around, drop mobile mine balls, fire missiles, and hit with a sledgehammer. We'll shoot at it from afar all the time. Its only vulnerability is to fire. If we run out of bullets, we'll approach and attack from behind.
After victory, we'll examine the debris. On the edge of the arena lies the body and the note "Petrov and Lastochkin." Under the balcony, in the darkness, lies Lastochkin's corpse. We'll look for concrete debris, to the left of them, on the red chairs is the "Record of a Prison Psychologist." We'll climb up the concrete debris to the top row, then exit the Main stage. On the way, there is a save room. We'll exit through the elevator.

Sakhalin Station
41. "Hospital"
We are driving on the street for 600 meters until we reach the Bridge. Grandma Zina will get in touch and ask about Petrov and the rings again. We can stop by her hut. Further along the way, there is a bridge with large triangular supports.
Polygon 11. Nearby to the northwest, near the shelter "Mushroom" and a destroyed body, between the rails lies a body and a "Report on the Incident."
After the bridge, there is a road gap, we turn right and walk 200 meters on foot. We look for the entrance to Pavlov's Complex.
In the building, we go to the registration room, and "Man is a wolf to man" is lying on the table by the green lamp. We read the messages. In the corridor, we enter the left room, where there is a speaking body. We go to the far right room, examine the central couch, and find "The Thorny Path of Science."
We go up to the second floor, and right in front of the stairs, there is a couch, on which "The Innocent Always Suffer" is written. A little further in the corner with a barricade, there is a speaking body.
The main path is on the lower floor. In the narrow room, there is a speaking corpse. We take the elevator downstairs.

Pavlov complex
42. "Blood Courier"
At the entrance there is a storage room. We need to bring Victor's head to the laboratory. There are several mutants on the upper floor. In the side room near the armchair and the body lies "The Tragedy of the Neelovs."
On the lower floor, we shoot into the bushes on the walls. We go through a hole in the wall and find the "Star Handle" drawing in the dead-end room, and a little further, the "Railstron" drawing in the cabinets. In the corner room, there is a body and "Bykov's Diary." In the center, there is a locked Sister's room, and we need to find the code from the light bulbs. Inside there are a dozen chests, and the last entry is about the Neelovs.
At first, we descend on a square staircase. At the bottom, we go through a hole in the rooms, enter the toilet where there are many monsters, and find the booth "Does Exist is NOT Collective?"
We return to the middle floor and go to the far corridor, past the big white robot. In the right hall, there are many pots and monsters. In the center, we need to turn a valve. After that, we go to the left room, which is filled with water. We dive and resurface in the adjacent room.
The laboratory is next. On the way, we find a lock that requires a cookie key. In the side rooms, there are three records and a dead doctor. We go to the center of the room, kill the Ivy, and get the cookie key from the cabinet.
We open the lock with the key and examine the room. Near the storage room, on the couch, there is "Science on the Brink of Morality." We take the elevator downstairs and find ourselves in the control room. To the right of the window, on the table, there is "Bykov's Diary: Password."
Next, there is a large morgue with loaders and another Ivy. In the hall, we climb the stairs and find a dead scientist on the upper platform. We open two locked doors.

Surgical laboratory. We open the folding door in the corridor. Strong robots with scythes are on the way. In the corridor before the dining room, in the center, there is a field of "Gastronomic delights." We pass through the boxes into the dining room.
In the room with the statue, we inspect the center, where a wicked dead man lies. We go up to the second floor, inspect the benches near the overturned table, and find the record "Criminal routine." At the bottom, we open the side gates.
Factory laboratory. Let's enter the room with red liquids. There is a person lying next to the third bathtub, "The Snake Waltz." The storage is in the far right corner.
Behind the sliding gates, we will give Stockhausen's head, which they will connect to the red neuropolymer. Filatova will run up and throw a grenade under Stockhausen's feet. We will lose consciousness from the explosion.

In the vision, we find ourselves in a corridor and come out onto a platform with a statue. Here, we need to visit all three rooms. We walk through the corridors, which will change if we turn around. Along the way, we will listen to the story of Sechenov's life. We walk through a rotating corridor.
Next, we follow the moving tear through the floors. We jump from the left cliff onto a white pipe, then onto the balcony on the left. We climb over the grate, and on the left, we climb the staircase landing. We crawl higher on the ledges on the wall, jump around the corner onto a vertical pipe, and onto the upper balcony. We go around the floor. We jump over a chasm on the stairs and the appeared couches.
When we wake up, we will find dead Stockhausen in the bathroom. We take the elevator. Filatova will contact us and demand to meet to tell the truth about Sechenov.

43. "And everything lit up"
On the surface, we can climb up the slope, open the lock on the fence to return to the open world near the Hospital. According to the plot, we jump onto the sandy beach.
A robot octopus with a powerful laser will jump out of the whale's body. We constantly dodge and shoot at the laser source. We can hide behind the whale's body and shoot from the corner.
After the victory, we climb up the rocks. The glove will persuade us to throw the beta rings into the water. There are many laser drones behind the door, but they won't attack. There is a save point in front of the lighthouse.
We climb up the yellow tube to the lighthouse, climb in through the window. We go to the top of the spiral staircase and search the chests. We go down to the basement. There is a "Diary of the Lighthouse Keeper" on the work table. We sit in the chair in front of the TV, and the platform will sink underwater.

Academy of Consequences
44. "Full bottom"
In the underwater complex, we talk to Larisa Filatova and learn that we are in the Academy of Consequences. We enter a room where Filatova shows us the Cemetery of the Mind, where all the volunteers who suffered from previous versions of the neural network "Collective" are locked up.
45. "Crazy house"
We follow Filatova and along the way hear counting rhymes: "P-1, P-2, P-3! The mind is locked from the inside!" We experience colorful glitches in our vision and hear memories from "Limbo". In the hall, we search the cabinets and read messages.
Filatova will guess our symptoms and say that it is a reaction to the neuro-implant in our head. We learn that we have a polymer expander "Voskhod" installed. We enter the archive and along the way, we learn that the Hraz glove is actually Professor Hariton Zakharov, who died during experiments.

46. "An incovenient truth"
In the archive room, we request information about ourselves as Agent P-3. We inspect the computers around us and find dozens of records. To the right, under a fallen cabinet, we find the first coil. We insert it into the device in the center and watch a video. The second coil is on another balcony, on the table. The third coil is at the bottom, on a small table to the right of the projector.
We learn that our code name used to be "Plutonium," Major Nechaev. We underwent an operation after the war, and the implant allows us to suppress bursts of aggression and disable memories of our wife. We also have a hidden combat mode. The glove tells us that our wife, Ekaterina "Argentum," became the prototype for creating ballerinas and twins. We exit through the elevator.
We lose consciousness again and have visions of crawling through all the ventilation tunnels. Along the way, Sechenov tells us about his ideas. We exit the room and find ourselves in the water.
We wake up on a flying island next to Grandma Zina. We learn that she is Ekaterina Nechaeva's mother and our mother-in-law. Filatova died staying with us in the elevator. Grandma Zina demands that we kill Sechenov. We make a narrative choice:
- "I won't lay a finger on Sechenov" - a good ending. "Okay, mother. Show me" - a bad ending,
- "Okay, mother. Show me" - a bad ending, "Finale".

47. "Ending"
In the room, we use an automatic crafter and save. We roll down the rope to the main building of the island. We will meet her in the hall.
Boss: Left Twin. She shoots a laser in an arc, jumps and releases a wave on the ground, and attacks with sound waves. When we reduce all her health, we dodge multiple lasers. The twin will fly up.
We take the elevator up. Along the way, we listen to the operation plan for the "Atomic Heart". At the top, we read the report on the computer. We pass through a corridor with exhibits of robots. We save.
Boss: The Twins. Sechenov will send both of his bodyguards after us. One twin will jump from above, we dodge quickly by pressing "Q", "E". We bounce off the falling turbine on "Q".
The enemies have a protective shield, which we need to knock down first, and then we can start dealing damage to their health. We need to act quickly so that their shields do not recover. But we will have to dodge multiple lasers several times, during which time the enemies will heal.
After the victory, we will shoot Sechenov. He will accuse Haritonov's glove of treachery. It turns out that he was switching us to combat mode and killing people around us. We will try to remove the glove, but it will shock us. The biomass from the glove will make its way to the bathroom and connect to the red polymer, turning it black. Haritonov will kill Sechenov and take the main alpha-transmitter for himself.

Atomic Heart endings
- Bad ending. We'll see a summary that the black polymer has left the building. We'll wake up in an artificial world and meet Ekaterina in two rings.
- Good ending. After talking to Grandma Zina, we'll realize that Haritonov is deceiving us and destroy the glove. We'll see a summary that we went on vacation, and Sechenov didn't pay much attention to it. Scientists found and neutralized a drop of black polymer from the glove.