In Blazing Chrome, machines rule the world and the few humans left are on the edge of total extermination, lacking power, prestige or status among their metal and circuits overlords. Bring your best pal and kick some metal butts to free the humankind while enjoying a classic run’n’gun, fully loaded with action and exciting fights! Humans are expendable after an AI controlled robot army take over the world. They survive in hiding while their hunters rule the surface. When a small rebel group gets an intel about a big AI's power plant, the machines strike their camp before they can organize an attack. A small group of rebels escape and go in a suicide mission to destroy this power plant. Choose to play as Mavra, a super badass human resistance soldier, or Doyle, the equally groovy and deadly insurgent robot. This suicide mission will result in heavy casualties and a ton of lock-and-load fast-paced action where scraping robots and blazing chrome with your powerful weapons is the only thing standing between you and your freedom. Dash through 5 apocalyptic environments with hundred of robots-enemies to blow to pieces. Blast your way through the enemy lines and and try to defeat a bunch of mechanical bosses with using hoverbikes, huge armors and a whole arsenal of kick-ass weapons. Blazing Chrome offers a lot of features in the legacy of classic run’n’gun games: ● Local Co-op Gameplay ● 16-bits post-apocalyptic environments
Steam User 34
Contra-like game pretty much, where you run and blaze everything on your path. Quite difficult and very unforgiving but also rewarding when you finally beat that last boss. Great music and sounds. Plenty of weapons and lots of enemies. Make sure to drink some coffee before playing!
Steam User 10
Incredible bosses, npc and gameplay in this run and gun game . It is one of the few good run and gun games I've played lately in coop over remoteplay with my friend. I had asked for recommendations of run and gun games when Contra Operation Galuga came out and this was one of the games recommended to me, rightly so i'd say.
con - the save and progression system is a pain in the keester, ruining an otherwise mindblowing game.
Steam User 4
Have only seen the first couple of missions. It certainly succeeds in being a run-and-gun akin to Contra/Metal Slug. Looks like it came straight out of the Super Nintendo or Arcade.
Will have to give it a proper playthrough one day. Admittedly the genre isn't a favourite, I prefer platformers.
Steam User 5
There's a miniboss in stage 4 that died standing like an absolute badass.
First impressions after beating the game on easy: the enemy aesthetics are just incredible and the gameplay is more contra than contra itself. Simply outstanding.
Impressions after beating the game on normal: for some reason I expected different characters to have different weapons, like in contra hard corps, mainly because extra weapons we get are kinda situational, and sometimes less reliable than basic gun, so it felt as if each character would have their own set, but that is not the case. It's just standard shooters and standard melee ninjas.
There's also a slight visibility issue on one part of a snow stage where enemies shoot bright missiles on a bright moving background while other enemy throws a snowball at you. It stands out because it's the only 30 seconds of the game where that's an issue.
Steam User 3
A good spiritual successor to the legacy of Contra III and Contra: Hard Corps— very fun and hard as fuck.
Steam User 6
I finally gave this one a shot after having it lying around for ages (mostly because Wayforward's new Contra looks super bland and safe aesthetically)
This game is great. I wasn't that crazy about Joymasher's first two games (Odallus and Oniken had potential but their level design and action was just kinda OK), but this one really feels like they hit their stride
Great level design, great pacing. Just the right amount of chaos while feeling very fair. A few cool gimmicks to set it apart from its inspirations. Lots of great setpieces. It just feels exciting and fun to play on a raw level.
It's a very nice game and I could see myself revisiting this every now and then when I need a shot of adrenaline, just like the best Contra games.
Steam User 3
In 2019, The Arcade Crew decided to make a new Contra game without Konami being attached to it. It's a fun game and a huge middle finger to Konami.