Bit Heroes Quest
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Bit Heroes Quest captures that charm and nostalgia of your favorite RPGgames!Explore and battle your way through a vast open world inspired by your favorite 8-bit & 16-bit dungeon heroes and monsters.Collect & craft endless pieces of loot from dungeon exploration to increase yourpower and build your team by capturing monsters and heroes to battle at your sidein old school, turn-based combat. Prove you’re the mightiest of heroes in the landby crushing battles in the PvP arena, successfully completing dungeon raids, andcreating the most powerful guild to take into battle at your side!
Key Features:
- Retro pixel, dungeon crawling adventure!
- A statue in the main town of the leading global PvP player!
- Randomly-generated levels, dungeons and raids.
- Thousands of mix and match pieces of loot to upgrade, craft, and recycle.
- Capture and evolve hundreds of creatures, monsters & powerful bosses to battle by your side!
Equip fantastic pets such as floating pizza, tiny unicorns, and more!
- Team up with friends/guild to tackle ultra-difficult dungeons to find great treasure!
- Level up your guild to unlock a special shop with powerful bonuses.
- Share stories and swap strategies with World and Guild Chat.
- Original chiptunes soundtrack that sounds like it was ripped straight from a NES cartridge.
New content comes to Bit Heroes Quest this summer!
- All new pixel Dungeons with new armor sets, mythic items, familiars, and fusions to explore.
- Fight your way through the Olympians so you can crash Uzum’s party in an all new raid!
Achievements Are Here!
- Celebrate all your victories and lucky finds with a special reward for each achievement earned!
Steam User 8
A game you can half pay attention to. It runs on Auto, you just have to press Rerun once in a while.
Is it grindy? Yes.
Is it P2W? Cash will definitely accelerate your progress.
Is it F2P? You can get gems from almost every activity, but it's slow.
Is it addictive? Absolutely.
Don't spend your gems until there's a sale or event. Event sales discount something by 35% each day.
Join a guild immediately. Guild points can be exchanged for tokens/tickets/badges/xeals/energy, as well as some decent items.
During a gathering event, buying from the energy box while running some kind of GOR will give you crazy progress.
Coordinate your bonuses to the day of the week. For instance, Wednesday is Capture Rate day. Use capture rate boosts on that day, and have plenty of energy!
Shrampz/Bor'lan will get you pretty far in the game. After that Ularius replaces Shrampz, and Remmyt replaces Bor'lan. These familiars are all obtainable without spending a dime.
Have fun!
Steam User 4
Bit Heroes Quest is a charming retro-style RPG with addictive dungeon-crawling mechanics and pixel art. It features turn-based combat, loot collection, and team-building. While its grind-heavy progression and in-app purchases can be frustrating, the nostalgic visuals and quirky characters make it enjoyable for casual RPG fans.
Rating: ★★★☆☆ (3/5)
Steam User 6
Big grind and gives me the gambling feel without going broke but is constant fun
Steam User 2
A fun game to boot up and leave on the other monitor while you work, game or do anything else that doesn't require constant attention. If you're looking for some daily auto grind, this game is for you.
- fun music
- nice and lively pixel graphics
- well optimized
- engaging gameplay loop
- active community
- frequent updates/fixes
- fishing
- a lot of ways and freebies to get better drop rates
- if you buy a pet/accesory chest in the shop, you're not guaranteed to get a piece which rarity corresponds to the rarity of the chest. Even if you spend 4800 gems on a legendary chest, you still have only 21,3% chance to get a legendary drop, much less the one you want. Of course every new accessory makes this worse. Annoying, especially with how important accessories are to character builds. At least you get one guaranteed epic item.
- mild content bloat. There's A LOT of modes and many gear tiers and types to go through with tens of different materials both for your gear and fusions. Many, many MANY familiars and fusions. The game can become overwhelming around Tier 10-ish with how much stuff there is to keep track of and how many different items you can go for.
- the game incentivizes spending real money a lot, which while understandable for a live-service freemium game, can get a little annoying, especially with how the material events are structured. The game isn't p2w by any means, but it can get annoying at times. Special shoutout to a huge ahh shiny bar on the bounties screen.
- tier event campers and p2ws. Forget about ever scoring 1st or even 3rd place. You are NEVER getting that mythic or legendary pet/accessory from an event, unless you're willing to either out-pay Mr. lvl621 with 1M+ points, or burn through year-worth saved up tickets. Applies to every tier.
- some older graphics/animations are slightly broken. Devs broke them while restructuring the game 2+ years ago and that hasn't been fixed since. Nothing serious though, just some minor visuals.
- NFTs and Bitverse. It isn't pushed at all in Bit Heroes itself. Overall it's completely irrelevant unless you really hate NFTs and -verse initiatives and don't wish to support them.
If you don't mind a grind-heavy games where literally everything is rng-dependant, then this game may be for you. It's a good game with some flaws. Overall, personally: 7/10 (1 whole point deduced for accessory/pet chests being rng.)
Steam User 4
"My Heroes are better at my job than I am."
I came for the nostalgia of pixel art and the promise of dungeon crawling, but stayed because my heroe and his companions are way more productive than I am. Seriously, they’re out there raiding dungeons, fighting bosses, and collecting loot, while I’m stuck here trying to remember where I put my keys.
It’s like if your party of adventurers was smarter, more organized, and had a better work ethic than you. I’ll be at work, and they will be in the background, saving the world from pixelated horrors while I try to figure out how to open Excel without crying.
The real kicker? I think I’ve spent more time leveling up my pixelated heroes than I’ve spent leveling up my own real-world skills.
10/10. Would let my heroe raid my fridge.
Steam User 1
Has the dumb freemium energy system which is a flyswatting nuisance but other than that it's not a bad former flash game at all really. It has an auto system that goes through the game for you so you can treat it like a semi-idler game and keep it on in the background while you do other stuff with the occasional glance over and click here and there to keep your progress running smoothly along. It feels good to see the small numbers go bing bing wahoo to biggy uppy numbers without hurting your brain by thinking too hard; the graphics have rich and vibrant kid stroke colors that trigger the sonic autism, and it supplies that sweet nostalgic ambrosia for a manchild like me who used to play flash games on Kongregate as a kid. All of that was good enough to sell me on it but hey, it's free so you can decide whether you want to try it out or not for the low cost of nothing but your dignity, maybe. Try to think for yourself for once, I'm not your mother. Well, if anything it'll at least be a good boredom killer for an hour or two. And at least this time curiosity won't kill the cat, but it'll definitely try to get some money out of you, that's for sure. But I know you'll be a good boy and resist those nasty little predatory microtransaction schemes that prey on your most basest, degenerate urges, right? Good. Now off to bed with you. You have school tomorrow, young man.
Steam User 2
It's a unicorn and it looks like a unicorn, but in truth it has the soul of a beautifully furious frog. The frog is magnanimously colorful and exuberantly evil. The frog rules all. It's a hoppy unicorn (frog).
The hops will make you feel special if you witness them.