Beyond: Two Souls
Beyond: Two Souls is an interactive movie blockbuster, featuring an intense storyline, where player makes decisions affecting it. This game was created with motion capture technology, and filmed with famous actors – Willem Dafoe and Ellen Page Young Jodie Holmes (Caroline Wolfson) lives with her foster parents in a suburban home. Since birth, Jodie has had a psychic connection with a mysterious entity named Aiden, with whom she can communicate and perform telepathic acts, such as possessing people's minds and manipulating certain objects. After an incident with some neighbourhood kids results in Aiden almost killing one of them, Jodie's foster parents seek help to care for her condition, permanently leaving her under the custody of doctors Nathan Dawkins (Willem Dafoe) and Cole Freeman (Kadeem Hardison) of the United States Department of Paranormal Activity.
Steam User 93
Healing my inner teenager by playing all the games I would watch on youtube. The graphics and story are definetely something you have to play yourself. Thank you for creating such an amazing game.
Steam User 37
I seriously cannot believe people can hate this game. I will admit, I was hesitant to buy this because of the gameplay (which doesn't really feel like gameplay at times) and because of the other reviews I had seen, but after my playthrough, I have COMPLETELY changed my mind. This game is a masterpiece, it was written so amazingly.
I really can't say anything more, you have to play this for yourself to understand. This game has easily become one of my favorites, from the music, to the incredible cast of characters and the amazing performances, it is INCREDIBLE. I almost never write serious reviews for games, but this game has changed that because of its impact on me---it was just that good.
Jodie deserves the world. 10/10.
Steam User 68
Beyond: Two Souls | ★★★☆☆
I feel like David Cage wanted to do a lot of stuff and seemed intent on expanding the environment settings so he can push his Hollywood actors range, and while he succeeded in that regard, the game suffers from a big ass identity crisis. This is likely why the scenes were re-ordered to mask this issue.
The approach made me curious and engage but unfortunately killed any story momentum since they basically spoiled you their own story from the start or worse, you don't even know what's happening making the purposely emotional scene worthless.
It’s kinda puzzling to review this as a game since it’s basically an interactive movie, with you massaging buttons to progress the sequences. It's awfully linear, and the choices you make merely add context rather than truly impacting the outcome.
The world characters are great, with performances that surpass typical vidya acting. However, beyond that, the game is a collection of colossal movie tropes repackaged into one person's storyline.
Steam User 39
Ignore my gameplay time here on Steam. I’ve played this masterpiece of a game multiple times on PS4, enjoying the story way more than I probably should. I still vividly remember ordering the disc online and waiting two whole weeks for it to arrive. The excitement I felt when it finally showed up was unreal.
I absolutely loved obliterating people as Aiden and annoying the living daylights out of Jodie until the very end. The game is beautiful, and I still want to give my precious baby Jodie a big hug; she’s such a precious bean. Beyond: Two Souls has a special place in my heart, and I can’t recommend it enough. 10/10. Please give it a try, it’s truly beautiful.
And Ryan... I love you, man.
Steam User 53
Undoubtedly, it had one of the best storylines
The atmosphere of the game and the story were completely combined, which made the game more beautiful
The only problem of this game was having letter box in full screen mode and this problem was really annoying
In general, it was a beautiful game, I hope they make a remaster or a remake of the game
i Love it :)))
Steam User 29
Good story, Bad controls
Rating: 8.5/10
If you played Detroit, and wanted more from Quantic Dream... this game may just fulfill your hunger. Sure it's not as significant as Detroit, but it has its moment with great story telling especially near the epilogue where things could get a little emotional.
Regarding other reviews ranting about bad mouse controls, they are legit. It sucks, it could get irritating on repeated occasion. It's simply a bad design. But its manageable at least. Some UI elements are also confusing like the choice list we get after every mission. Plus significant part of the gameplay has letterbox (thick top and bottom black borders) to make it appear cinematic, but it only makes it look worse. Game needs some serious QOL improvements.
Other than that, It's good. Pick it up for story, dump it up for controls.
Steam User 21
This is my "Roman Empire", and a game that is forever in my heart.