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Beeswing is a game set in a small village in rural Scotland, the village I grew up in, home. Visit the places and people who shaped a life and discover their stories. Represented in hand painted, water colour graphics with a unique, acoustic soundtrack.
- No puzzles or fighting or anything like that.
- Under 3 hours of content!
- Stuff you find in your regular day like people who leave their TV on when they have visitors and friends feeling a bit glum!
- My mum, she’s there.
- Quite a slow movement speed.
- Old People!
- Sad bits.
- and not much more!
Steam User 1
En verdad amo cada cancion de este juego, en gameplay dirian que no es la gran cosa, no deja de ser un walking simulator, sin embargo las visuales sin demasiado bellas y hacen que quieras seguir jugando, el como juega con su propio estilo y lo moldea una y otra vez haciendote sentir diferentes cosas es muy lindo. Ojala hacer algo asi algun dia.