هل نسيت كلمة المرور؟ رابط الاسترداد
جديد في الموقع؟ إنشاء حساب
هل لديك حساب بالفعل؟ تسجيل الدخول
العودة إلى تسجيل الدخول
لم يزود المؤلف بعد وصفًا بلغتك.لم يقدم المؤلف وصفًا بلغتك بعد.
Beeswing is a game set in a small village in rural Scotland, the village I grew up in, home. Visit the places and people who shaped a life and discover their stories. Represented in hand painted, water colour graphics with a unique, acoustic soundtrack.
- No puzzles or fighting or anything like that.
- Under 3 hours of content!
- Stuff you find in your regular day like people who leave their TV on when they have visitors and friends feeling a bit glum!
- My mum, she’s there.
- Quite a slow movement speed.
- Old People!
- Sad bits.
- and not much more!
مناقشة اللعبة