Battlefield: Bad Company 2
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Battlefield: Bad Company 2™ brings the award-winning Battlefield gameplay to the forefront of PC gaming with best-in-class vehicular combat and unexpected "Battlefield moments." New vehicles like the ATV and a transport helicopter allow for all-new multiplayer tactics on the Battlefield. With the Frostbite-enabled Destruction 2.0 system, you can take down entire buildings and create your own fire points by blasting holes through cover. You can also compete in four-player teams in two squad-only game modes, fighting together to unlock exclusive awards and achievements. Battles are set across expansive maps, each with a different tactical focus. The game also sees the return of the B Company squad in a more mature single-player campaign.
Steam User 58
Google: project rome and follow the youtube tutorial from TheCadWoman and you can play multiplayer again!!!!
Best fps game ever made
Steam User 22
Very good singleplayer campaign!
It's really sad they removed it from the store, just because they shut down the online service (multiplayer).
Nobody will probably read this review, but here goes....
- Shooting feels great!
- Most buildings and covers are destructible, which means you can't just camp behind a wall and you need to think more strategic how/where to advance.
- Story is fairly good, though a little goofy
- Can't lean or properly hide behind cover, like you can in modern games. This means you have to expose your whole body, or at least a good part of it, when aiming/shooting at the enemy.
- No FOV slider and it feels a little too zoomed in.
- Save checkpoints are sometimes far between, which can be frustrating.
- Dialogue volume is too low, even on the highest setting.
- Ending is a little puzzling since there's no Alaska DLC or Bad Company 3. There's no real closure, you are left on a cliffhanger, well kinda.
Steam User 20
Best Battlefield game of all time!
Game is still active and playable online as of 2025.
Project Rome
Steam User 22
"Notice: Battlefield: Bad Company™ 2 is no longer available on the Steam store."
I know that the Official servers went down a while back, but I never really kept up with the true timeline of events. All I know is that this game is now relegated mostly to the past. Bit of a shame, though, because it was a lot of fun. I played a good bit of the multiplayer, but I actually really enjoyed playing the campaign from what I remember. On my end it says I last played this Oct 20, 2014. It's been over a decade now, and I still have some fond memories of this game if that says anything.
Well, I guess this is the way things go with these sorts of games... I hope one day DICE and EA could restore these titles into some kind of multi-game collection that won't just get shut down whenever they feel like releasing another title.
Well, Battlefield: Bad Company™ 2, you were pretty good, son...maybe even the best.
Steam User 23
Battlefield peaked with this game. You cannot convince me that any other BF games came close in comparison. This game is a masterpiece, from its sound design and visuals to it's amazing gameplay and exciting action. Rest in peace, legend.
Steam User 35
More players than Battlefield 2042, no Origin, no Battlelog, no suppression, no premium, no skins, full game available, not 3rd party launchers.
Steam User 14
Battlefield Bad Company 2 was developed by DICE and released in 2010.
It is the logical sequel to the first Bad Company,
which was unfortunately never released on PC.
Following the insolent success of Infinity Ward and Treyarch's Call Of Duty,
published by Activision,
EA decided to retaliate by creating a single-player campaign,
for its prestigious Battlefield franchise.
Released in competition with Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2,
BFBC2 stands out for its offbeat tone and destructible settings.
The U.S. Army is seeking to recover the components of a super-powered scalar weapon, missing since the Second World War.
Some elements of this technology have since fallen into the hands of the evil Russians.
The good Americans are on the case, looking for the missing components.
This is where the Bad Company unit comes in.
You are Private Marlowe, accompanied by Haggard, Sweetwater and Redford.
You'll have to eliminate a number of well-equipped but not very smart enemies,
in cold Mother Russia, the lush jungles of Bolivia,
as well as in the favelas and deserts of Chile.
The plot may be serious, with high stakes,
the game is humorous from time to time,
as the Bad Company characters often make amusing remarks or jokes.
The spirit of camaraderie reinforces the group's cohesion.
In fact, Bad Company is made up of four colorful and endearing characters.
Private Marlowe is calm and serious,
Sweetwater is the geeky nerd of the bunch,
Haggard is a simpleton, a sympathetic brute,
and Redford is the leader of the squad, reminiscent of Major Johnson from Halo.
The sound design is very good, and the music is of a high quality, albeit very classical.
In addition to being relatively beautiful for its time, Bad Company 2 is also very brutal.
Most of the scenery is destructible, especially walls and buildings.
Desert sand reduces visibility,
while the blizzard will freeze you to death if you can't find a source of heat.
Marlow and the Bad Company can kill tons of soldiers in a variety of ways,
For example, you can pilot and destroy everything aboard tanks, helicopters, boats, jeeps, and you can even use a drone…
In short, the four guys really don't have time to get bored.
They have a whole range of weapons at their disposal:
sniper rifles, machine guns, shotguns, pistols, assault rifles,
and even old-school rocket launchers, without laser guidance or homing heads.
The squad's basic weapon is the XM8 assault rifle, equipped with a sight.
This weapon, once considered the replacement for the M16, is a rarity in video games.
However, although you'll have a good time playing BFBC2,
some of the game design choices are rather curious, not to say annoying.
You can't pick up weapons from enemies you've just shot.
This is surprising, to say the least,
but you can pick up a few weapons that appear on the radar,
or choose the two weapons you want from the supply crates.
You can't lean left or right to take cover, neither prone, nor crawl.
Although the battlefield is full of enemy turrets, you can't use them.
While Marlowe's health regenerates automatically,
it's not the same for the vehicles, and it's not possible to repair them.
There are a few hitbox problems to be deplored.
Since December 8th 2023, the game has been deprived of its multiplayer mode.
Worse still, BFBC2 ends on a cliffhanger and its sequel will probably never be released.
Battlefield Bad Company 2 is a very good FPS war game,
similar to Call Of Duty and Medal Of Honor,
but with a touch of humor and a lighter tone,
and a few minor shortcomings we could do without.
The game hasn't aged too badly, but a Remaster would be welcome.