Atomic Heart
About This Game
Welcome to a utopian world of wonders and perfection, in which humans live in harmony with their loyal and fervent robots.
Well, that’s how it used to be. With the launch of the latest robot-control system mere days away, only a tragic accident or a global conspiracy could disrupt it…
The unstoppable course of technology along with secret experiments have brought rise to mutant creatures, terrifying machines and superpowered robots—all suddenly rebelling against their creators. Only you can stop them and find out what lies behind the idealized world.
Using the combat abilities granted by your experimental power glove, your arsenal of blades and cutting-edge weaponry, fight for your life in explosive and frenetic encounters. Adapt your fighting style to each unique opponent. Combine your skills and resources, use the environment and upgrade your equipment to overcome challenges and fight for good.
• An utopian world, both mad and sublime
• Visceral, spectacular and unforgiving combat
• Blast giant machines and mutants using your multiple skills and advanced weapons
• Upgrade your arsenal and equipment
Steam User 190
Ah yes, Chaotic Soviet BioSTALKERShockCry.
I always wondered what was happening in Russia during the Fallout timeline... now I know.
1 cup of Bioshock, 1 cup of Metro, a tablespoon of Fallout, a sprinkle of Doom, and there you go, a freshly baked Atomic Heart.
It’s Bioshock Infinite without Elizabeth, starring Duke Nukem without the jokes or self-awareness.
Comrades, welcome to Sovietshock!
Atomic heart is one of the greatest games I’ve ever played. This is a game you have to stick with! The story comes full circle towards the end and everything makes sense. Huge plot twists and turns! It’s a movie!!! And the gameplay is amazing you just have to stick with it, it’s a game that gets substantially better as it goes on. I loved this game, and I’m not just saying that because otherwise my hot communist Cuban wife would leave me if I ever bad mouthed communism.
It's an homage to so many games I love with a unique twist and a ton of passion. And while the dialogue can be repetitive, it's so funny, like the one liners and cussing walked straight out of Duke Nukem and right into Soviet Russia. The game has flaws, but there’s something about it that's addictive and makes me want to play more. This explores what happens to the Sweat of Your Brow if the Man in Moscow has his say. So good to know they go dystopian too.
The game has a lot of great things going for it, art style was top notch, and the setting/story was interesting even if a bit derivative of Bioshock. The graphics are absolutely astounding, music is exceptional and the gameplay is fun, and combat is kept interesting. I enjoyed the main characters personality and the over-all asthetic is beautiful, everything is also so damn horny. It’s clearly partially inspired by Bioshock but it actually plays more like a Bethesda Fallout. It has some big flaws but can be very enjoyable.
There were parts I loved and also there were parts I hated. The standard missions and level design were awesome, it felt like Half-life/Bioshock. The puzzle based lab areas were excellent, probably my favorite parts of the game very Portal inspired, and it even ran well on PC which has sadly been rare for recent releases. Once I understood the rythm of combat, using melee weapons to charge eletrical ones it was great. Also using the polymer powers was necessary or at least with my build. The Combat was overall great, but the looting by sucking everything in quickly became tiring, as you have to target so many sections of e.g. a filing cabinet to get all the loot out of it. Cumbersome. The open world sections were also a chore that I rushed only to get to the test sites or story missions, and relentless robot respawns coupled with a useless map made exploring the overworld far more a chore then it needed to be.
The one thing I will give the game above all else was the story. I had fun with the game, pretty much all the way through, but it definitely had its issues and the open world and dialogue could have been easily improved. But man, I really did not expect that ending (the confrontation one) after what was a decent but predictable storyline. The characters (other than the plot twist at the end of course) were not subtle at all in showing if they were a good guy or bad guy but I truly could not have predicted that ending and it completely wowed me, it actually made me want a sequel.
It's a deeply flawed game, but it's worth playing through for sure. Like a 1950s Soviet Bioshock meets Doom in the best ways, and it's the most fun game I've played in a while. Yes there are a few rough edges but I loved it. I enjoyed the combat for all of the options it had. Weapons and abilities/polymers were really fun. The game certainly looked great too. With perhaps another 6 months to a year in the oven it would have been a masterpiece, cause it’s really such an interesting world that’s let down by some game design flaws. Overall though, I very much think it’s worth checking out.
Just wait until it's on sale though. It's not worth paying $70 for it.
Steam User 96
This is a unique but somewhat flawed game. It feels very much like a cross between Bioshock and Soviet Wolfenstein The New Collosus, and that's really cool. The overall world building of the game is incredibly novel, and the presentation is very well done. Where this game excells, it feels like game of the year material. Unfortunately, there are elements in the game which are a lot less brilliant, and these aspects pull the whole experience down from glowing greatness to just good.
One major flaw in the game is the writing. While the world building itself is great, and the overall story is pretty good, the dialogue that carries the story often feels annoying, mostly because of the protagonist, who is a huge whiner. Throughout the game, he doesn't stop complaining about how everything sucks, and that clashes with your own experience of being pretty impressed with the world and wanting to enjoy it. To be fair, the Russian version of the dialogue is better, so it is definitely a fault of translation. Russian cursing has a lot of subtleties in tone and context which the English language doesn’t have (I sometimes like to joke that a true master of the Russian language knows how to curse politely), and all of those nuances are homogenized into a unidimensional tone that often sounds whiny in English. Since most people will probably play this in English, the issue stands, even though the original script is obviously not this flawed.
For the same reason of cultural tone lost in translation, some of the attempts at humor end up being quite obnoxious, like that horny upgrades machine that is a lot more tame in Russian, but goes full cringe in the English version.
Another major problem that spoils the game is the combat, which feels a bit like a chore. The weapons feel underpowered, the reload animations are long, and the enemies constantly knock you down. Overall, the combat is actually reasonably balanced, it's just annoying that the balanced experience is one of you fighting big waves of enemies while constantly being held back by the shooting mechanics, where nothing feels powerful, and things like getting up from a knockdown or reloading feel slow. I played it on the medium difficulty, thinking it's the "regular" difficulty, and it actually feels like the hard difficulty. Playing it on easy is such a better experience, and feels like most other shooters.
There were times when I was hoping to avoid battle using some stealth, but there's pretty much no stealth mechanics in this game. Aside from crawl-sneaking behind an enemy when they are not looking, or keeping a large enough distance, there's no way to pass enemies unnoticed. If you try to hide behind bushes, they'll see you anyway.
In conclusion, the game has great world building and pretty cool level design, as well as fantastic graphics, and a lot of Russian charm, but is dragged down by annoying dialogue and tedious combat. Both are fixable if you play on easy and use the Russian voice acting.
Steam User 107
This is a very difficult game to review. It has some really awesome moments and a lot of annoyances and weird stuff.
Played on Armageddon difficulty.
Main game
- Visuals are fantastic and work perfectly in tandem with music to create the high-tech alternate soviet reality. Music is especially good, some oldies, some metal covers of them, some modern music too - all work great in creating the mood and it even has lore explanation as to why there is music from the future. Atomic Heart is something in-between Prey and Bioshock gameplay wise.
- There are "portal"-like dungeons with puzzles and good loot that are fun to explore, accompanied by "club" music, which fits well and creates a unique vibe.
- At the time of writing this review there were 2 out of 4 DLCs released and they are important for the lore and story which I enjoyed. Though DLC's gameplay, especially in
- Atomic heart allows you to change your skills or weapons at a vending machine (Eleonora ;)))) anytime you want with a full refund which is awesome, I wish all games would have this feature, it's nice to experiment and try things out for yourself without the need to follow some guide to avoid choice errors.
- Enemies are sponges and there's not enough ammo in the beginning, you MUST use abilities and melee. I got used to it and later in the game was actually shooting more and had a bunch of ammo. Maybe playing on normal difficulty would solve this.
- Enemies are also almost endless in the open world part, which is very annoying. Technically you can disable them for a time, but it's not worth it IMO, better to just move to objective or "run'n'explore" and fight only if necessary.
- I played with Russian voice overs, sometimes it's great and sometimes it's awful, feels like actors weren't instructed properly which emotion the character was suppose to convey, so it has weird moments where the actor shouts and swears, but it's not really necessary and the other way around when char is very calm when the situation is anything but. Main protagonist is a bit of a "brute", but to my surprise it actually has a lore explanation on why he is that way, so that's not a negative.
- The movement is clunky, I often found myself getting stuck during fights in some boxes or other objects while running around. Thank goodness there are some great abilities that can save you in sticky situations like that, so I didn't really die that often because of that.
- Most melee weapons are trash, energy weapons aren't really powerful and are mostly useless except for the basic energy gun.
- A bit too many locked door puzzles, while I did enjoy them in the beginning, by the end of the game they became tedious. There's an option to auto-solve those in accessibility settings, but I didn't use it.
A bunch of small bugs, for example whenever you pull up to a tight space you always get a split second view through the ceiling, some animations are in "low-fps" weird state, constant achievement pop-up for no reason, enemies/objects getting stuck mid air. Occasional stutters and the shaders are taking too much time to compile at the start of the game. Sometimes script doesn't trigger the necessary events in Annihilation Instinct DLC, so you have to reload or replay.
Having said all that the game isn't bad at all and I actually liked it, but it has many annoyances. I give 7-10 to games I like, so in this case I can't give it anything higher than a 7/10.
DLC #1 - Annihilation Instinct
Main story gives you a major decision at the end of the game and this DLC shows you the non-canon ending and what would happen after it.
Knowing which ending is canon kind of detracts from this DLC's value to be honest and makes it skippable. It's not bad overall, but nothing special.
DLC #2 - Trapped in limbo
This DLC is very different from the main story. It feels like a mod more than an actual official release, a compilation of experiments that devs probably did for fun while they were drunk having a hackathon in the office. It's wacky, it's silly, but as weird as it is I actually liked it in the end, but it takes some time to "click".
DLC #3 - Enchantment Under the Sea
Now this is the real deal, this is all I wanted from the game, take everything I wrote in the "nuances" and "cons" section and remove it, devs basically fixed everything I didn't like, your melee weapon is now powerful, the enemies are no longer bullet sponges, no open world infinite spawns, just linear, well paced story. Couple of new skills were added to spice things up and we have a great DLC worth the wait. Devs cooked with this one, don't miss it, it's a continuation of the main plot's canon ending.
DLC #4 - ???
To be concluded...
Steam User 109
Great Potential
Horrendous execution
I struggle to say not recommended though.....on sale.
Can't describe it any better than that. It's so freakin cool, and so fun, at every interval that it works, until the DEVs apparently decide they don't know what type of game they're making or it feels like a train that veered off a track and suddenly into the nearest wall for no apparent reason.
The boss design when you hit the first "boss" enemy (rolly boi, so I guess technically the second), it's some of the worst I've ever seen in a video game. Okay maybe that's a bit exaggerated. But it's infuriating because everything about it is so cool in concept, except the devs apparently think that they have a game where the player character moves like some mf from titanfall and you can have an a fast style boss that immediately and relentlessly closing distance on you. Which would work, except that the game is designed around slow, clunky feeling combat with limited movement. So guess what? It feels out of place and absolutely. freaking. horrendous. to play through as you can't get away from a giant enemy basically capable of one hitting you. And every friggen time you have to go through the same in game "cutscene" to start the fight again, and why? Come on
There are other examples, but that's basically it in a nutshell. The writing is similar, fantastic concept, great atmosphere, and then the characters for some reason they decide to be.....giga edgelords? Or something?
It's worth it at like 20 bucks because it's fun for sure, but christ, what were they thinking with some of this stuff? So many things are so good but some of the executions and design choices are just straight up baffling. You can clearly see areas where there were big chunks of potential that feel wasted.
Edit: Also, in the accessibility settings, do yourself a favor and just turn on auto qte, it's there. Honestly, I'm comically sick of QTE's in game design, and turning it on makes the stealth "system" feel slightly less terrible. Yet another baffling decision there as well from a design perspective.
Final Edit after finishing the last part of the game: Still the same thoughts really. I enjoyed the journey, loved the atmosphere and the concepts. The parts that I really didn't enjoy, like the open world sections, or the often frustrating combat mechanics, stuck out. The other concern really is that the journey was fun but I wasn't satisfied with the destination, aka the ending, and there is no mission select but there is a new game plus that the game doesn't explicitly tell you about (until you open the new game menu), etc. The NG+ I think might make me want to play through it again...but with some dialogue skips, definitely. In closing, Atomic Heart is as equally flawed as it is interesting. Still enjoyed it overall though.
Steam User 88
Awesome graphics, not elden ring difficult, neither solitaire easy, enjoyable story. My life's better after playing it.
Steam User 86
I feel that if they had simply lowered the dialogue during the early and middle of the stages of the game and improved the combat, this game would be fantastic. For a game of this magnitude for a company and development team so new to games, it is genuinely quite impressive and overall, I did enjoy it.
- The story setting and theme.
- Game optimisation.
- Enemy variety (I am impressed).
- Fridge lady.
- Terekshova
- Soviet Granny.
- Perk trees.
- Door unlocking puzzles.
- Visuals.
- The main character talks too much. This takes away from the story as I sometimes feel that less is more. As someone playing this game subbed, too much dialogue happens during fight scenes which means I miss it.
- The gunplay and glove abililities are a bit weak, even with upgrades. I wish when you made contact with shots or a melee weapon, it had more pop and more damage was visibile.
- Having to respec part of your character for certain boss battles.
- At times the game can feel a bit boring and empty. It would have been better to see more living people throughout the story, even if some of them die shortly afterwards. Certain areas to feel less open and for exploration (others may disagree, but open world games get a bit samey these days).
- The flying robots that repair destroyed enemies. Get rid of this rubbish. Especially in the outside areas where you want to explore but can't.
- Too many individual boss fights for my liking. I do enjoy the challenge they present, but after a while you get a bit sick and tired of having to respec your characters and then fighting them.
- This game would have benefited from being a little shorter in terms of story length.
Steam User 49
Crispy critters, I really enjoyed this game! it reminded me a lot of Bioshock and similar. I enjoyed pretty much everything. My only stressful and annoying moments were in the DLC Trapped in Limbo during the goose part... OMG!!! That was so hard!!! I ended up switching to an Xbox controller for that, but otherwise it was a very fun and sometimes bizarre game. Someday I need to go back in there and just watch all the cartoons. :D (And yeah... I say 'critters' all the time in real life (what can I say, I'm a southern gal) so now my son and I say 'crispy critters' all the time instead.)