Grow, fight, collect and evade in the last cosmic arena at the very end of time. Acquire MASS to evolve your EXOFORM from the nimble ATOM to the godlike OMEGA and compete for fun and dominance in a fast-paced, multiplayer shooter. ATOMEGA™ ! It is the very end of time. Reality dissolves like cotton candy in a puddle and all that exists are EXOFORMS, super advanced post-biological lifeforms; masters of matter and energy and the last, distant relative to man and machine. As the laws of physics slowly repeal the EXOFORMS fight for fun and dominance, replaying the final moments of the universe over and over in the last arena that will ever exist. 1st person retro-arena shooter. FIGHT LIKE IT’S THE END OF TIME! 1 Arena, 5 Variants, each on the brink of destruction. Compete online with up to 8 players.
Steam User 17
I played this when there were actual players. Sadly this game is dead and you can never find a game. Kinda wish there were more maps and an active player base.
Steam User 7
I really, really like the game.
The player count is pretty small... so it might be hard to get a match queued
One of my favorite aspects is how hard the sound design goes for this game, it carries the entire experience as you feel the weight of the stronger forms in both each step and their weapons. As it grows, it increases to a head in the form of a flesh-ripping laser of the Omega Form.
Steam User 4
As many have said, this game was great in it's prime, but to my dismay has pretty much died.
It had a unique style and was a blast to play.
I'd say it in it's current state it's not worth the A$ 14.95 price or pretty much anything until some youtuber picks it up and revives it. BUT it's totally worth getting to bully your friends in.
So it gets a solid 7.5/10
Steam User 3
this game was very fun. sadly not many still play this game. i think more people would play if the game could be updated. can reflections and ubisoft please update this game and keep it running?
Steam User 2
very fun only bad thing about it is no ones online but its a cool conscept
Steam User 1
This game has it's Unique Design, Style, Atmosphere and the SoundTracks are great!
But this game is extremely dead. It sure is fun playing with a full lobby but its so rare.
This game had so much potential
Steam User 0
Simple but fun game, it's really sad that it got abandoned but you can sometimes successfully get queued into a match
Definetely a hidden gem