Arc Tracker

  • Arc Tracker Screenshot 1
  • Arc Tracker Screenshot 2
  • Arc Tracker Screenshot 3
  • Arc Tracker Screenshot 4
  • Arc Tracker Screenshot 5

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Arc Tracker

Arc Tracker is a casual game where the “A.T.” moves along a circular orbit, avoiding various obstacles, collecting coins, and reaching the destination. It offers an immersive playing experience with minimalistic graphics, applying the bare minimum of objects and UI, accompanied by soothing sounds. The game features levels with various structures, and new levels will continuously be added through updates.

Main Objective

The main objective of Arc Tracker is to complete levels with minimum number of operation. Each level has a set number of standard operations for a perfect clear, and completing the level under this limit results in perfect clear. Even if you don’t achieve a perfect clear, you can still proceed to the next level. You can always return to previous levels to retry for a perfect clear.

Movement of A.T.

A.T. moves solely according to one rule: the circular orbit. Joysticks or arrow keys are not used. Once the center and direction of the orbit are set, A.T. moves automatically along the predetermined circular path. The orbit and direction can change depending on the level’s difficulty, allowing for more complex gameplay.


The orbit’s center is determined using the mouse. You can adjust the position of the orbit’s center by clicking or dragging. In some cases, you might need to adjust the center of the orbit more precisely. For this purpose, a magnifying glass option is available, which enlarges the area around the mouse pointer. This feature is activated by default and also can be disabled or in the menu screen. The direction of movement is set either by directly clicking the UI buttons on the screen or by using the A/D keys on the keyboard.

Play Modes

Arc Tracker has three play modes: BASIC, AUTO, and DYNAMIC.

  • BASIC: This mode has easier controls. A.T., moving along the circular orbit, will stop and wait for the next orbit and direction to be set. This mode is automatically selected when you first start the game.
  • AUTO: This mode shares the same levels as BASIC mode, with a similar method of operation. The key difference is that once A.T. starts moving, it never stops unless it hits an obstacle or reaches the destination. Therefore, even while setting the next orbit, A.T. continues to move, making the controls more challenging as you need to consider the timing of switching orbits.
  • DYNAMIC: This mode fundamentally differs from BASIC and AUTO mode. You can change the center of the orbit in real-time using drag actions, allowing A.T. to follow continuously changing orbits and create trajectories other than circles. This mode has levels different from other modes, and the most challenging controls.

User Experience

Arc Tracker aims to focus on the game’s logic itself within a minimalistic mood. The variety of play modes and levels based on the single rule of the circular orbit will approach you sometimes as a brain-teasing puzzle, at other times as a high-difficulty control challenge, and occasionally as simple casual fun or a feast for the eyes.

The unique control method of A.T. is easy to adapt to but hard to master. How about challenging yourself to achieve a perfect clear in all levels?

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