
  • Anihance Screenshot 1
  • Anihance Screenshot 3
  • Anihance Screenshot 5

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Enhance your Anime with A.I.

Anihance improves the video quality of anime in real time while you watch the video in a web browser or video player.

Enjoy high resolution video

With Anihance detail is added, lines and edges look sharper, colors are more intense, contrast is improved and the video looks less noisy. The Anihance A.I. can upscale and greatly improve image quality for old Anime videos. But it also enhances recent Anime releases! There are several quality levels in the application that you can tweak to your liking.

Easy to use

Simply watch a fullscreen Anime and see the video enhancement on your screen! Anihance uses highly efficient and optimized artificial neural networks to perform the quality enhancement. This makes sure that it runs in real time while also achieving the best possible visual quality.

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Age Verification
To be able to see content under adult tag.