Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion
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Ahoy! The Land of Ooo is underwater and it’s up to Finn and Jake to find out why. Join our heroes as they explore the high seas, search for hidden clues, interrogate shady suspects and fight pirates to solve the mystery and save their waterlogged world! Key Features: - Explore the Land of Ooo freely, discover secrets and collect loot with playable fan-favourite characters, Finn, Jake, BMO and Marceline. - Set sail across the high seas between kingdoms and venture into uncharted territories to figure out what’s going on. - Upgrade your heroes, use items, spells, potions and unique ultimate hero abilities to battle bad guys in fast-paced tactical combat. - An original adventure with the English voice cast.
Steam User 9
I'm a pretty big fan of the show so I wanted to give this a shot, I think Adventure Time's worldbuilding lends itself well to videogames but has strangely not really had any particular breakout games. Pirates of the Enchiridion is a cute little game with fun, if simple, combat. The cutscenes are cute but there are so few and the game is often completely silent which is bizarre, it kind of feels incomplete and the game just...stops. If you are a fan of the show and want to waste an afternoon in Ooo then pick it up on a sale.
Steam User 8
Fun and short game that doesn't stray too far from the show. Some things I did not like were the combat and no fast travel ( as far as I could see) and barely any characters from the show showed up. I wish the combat was real time but it was still fine. This game just makes me want an open world rpg that takes place in the land of Ooo with a character creator instead of playing as an established character.
Steam User 15
Having the original voice actors is a big win for me! Feels like a extension of the show!
Steam User 5
If you love Adventure Time, then you'll enjoy this game. The combat, puzzles, and story are all pretty fun. You will notice that some voices of the characters aren't the usual voice actors, and it is jarring when it happens. It's a decent game if you don't know what Adventure Time is, but you'll not enjoy it as much as a fan. 5/10 if you don't know what Adventure Time is and 7/10 if you enjoy Adventure Time. The game is pretty short. I 100% it at 10 hours.
Steam User 6
as a really big adventure time fan i felt obligated to play this game.
i enjoy playing it quite a lot. the humor is spot on, and the entire game feels like a long standalone episode of it's own. the game also seemingly plays out right before the end of the series. the game has tons of, TONS of references to the show too, obviously.and the gameplay isn't *too* repetitive.
the bugs and inconveniences in this game are constant however. most commonly: falling out of the map at random places, the inability to use special attacks, scary situations where you softlock yourself by switching into a character that just walked through a part you weren't supposed to go to, and you can't leave since you don't have the zone unlocked (you have to go into the menu to load your save back up, hoping it didn't save randomly) and last but not least: BMO switching into moonwalk as his entire playermodel is switched as he walks forward, backwards. this one didn't happen many times but it was still funny to see. right. you can also put random npcs through walls and they'll just walk in there instead
if bugs annoy you a lot, then i wouldn't recommend it. if you can look past that and restart your game every single time you can't use your specials, then i'd recommend it. which i did have to do 3 times under my 6 hour current playtime.
Steam User 5
If you're a fan of the show and want to visit some places of Ooo, totally go for it! the game is very simple and seems to have been made by people who wanted to make an interesting and functional game and not just a "generic game" with a AT skin, it is not too elongated, the quests contents makes references to the series without adding anything more and does not have unnecessary content.
I you're not a fan, I still recommend it, but just wait for a sale.
Steam User 4
It 100% has that good Adventure Time Charm in its writing, characters, voice acting and looks/vibes there is no doubt about that.
However this is a poorly made game. Bugs, Poor animations, boring gameplay, a pace that is slow and the a story that is kind of mediocre in its connective tissue.
It doesn't tell you when it takes place, but its near the end of the show and will have some spoilers if you aren't caught up.
If you got this for a kid that loves Adventure Time you wont get any complaints.
But if your not a kid and are a fan of Adventure Time i would say get this on a discount but in terms of game design dont get your hopes up.