A Boy and His Blob
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A Boy and His Blob makes its triumphant return! A reimagining of the NES classic, as the boy, you feed your blob jelly beans and watch him transform into cool and useful objects to solve puzzles and escape danger. With its robust and emotionally driven story, challenging puzzles, and visually impressive art style, A Boy and His Blob is sure to become a classic once again.
When Blobolonia is threatened by an evil Emperor, the blob comes to Earth looking for help. Instead, he finds a young boy. Help the blob dethrone the evil Emperor that’s terrorizing Blobolonia and establish a friendship with the blob that will last a lifetime.
- Experience the heartwarming story through an all-new, hand-drawn and animated presentation!
- Transform the blob into 15 useful items by feeding him jelly beans such as the all-new Caramel Cannon and Bubble Gum Bouncer and classic beans like the Licorice Ladder, Apple Jack and Tangerine Trampoline.
- Traverse woods, swamps, caves, the Blobolonian Outskirts and even the Emperor’s Citadel through 40 breathtaking levels filled with hidden treasures! Collect treasure to unlock 40 additional challenge levels that will put your skills to the ultimate test!
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很好的游戏,非常推荐游玩,细腻的画风,可爱的泡泡怪,以及带着的童年回忆,对我来说都是加分点。游戏时长很少,原因在于以前已经在手机上通关了前四章,最后的两关不知道为什么搁置了,只记得打了一半就放弃了,这次也算是弥补了以前的遗憾。游戏难度算是适中吧,普通关卡里自动存档点非常多,只有挑战关卡会在地图出生点复活,但是大部分挑战关卡并不长,就是简单的解谜,当然也有一些跳跳乐类的挑战关卡,有点难度。特别是第三章的第二关,我看评论区也有没打过这关弃游的,我也是打了差不多一个小时左右。整体来讲难度并不高,剧情全在普通关卡,挑战关卡奖励是一些游戏的制作细节,游戏的OST,绝对的物超所值的游戏, 唯一的遗憾是最终的一幕两人还是分开了,最后小男孩孤身一人望向月亮真得太催泪了。 非常推荐给喜欢解谜,卡通类型游戏的人游玩。