Game Dev Story
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Manage your own game company and try to create a million-selling game in this unique simulation.
Features the ability to develop your company’s own game console, plus a system for changing your staff members’ professions.
Hire talented people and train them to develop their skills.
As your staff gets more experience, you will unlock a wider array of game genres and content to develop.
Try to find the most popular combinations and develop for the latest platform!
Your staff members can have a variety of game-related professions, from programmer to sound engineer.
Work hard and you may reach the top of the video game industry!
Try searching for "Kairosoft" to see all of our games!!
Developer Homepages. Feel free to follow me♪
Steam User 4
Completely inaccurate game development simulation. When you attempt to release a game before it's finished, your secretary will tell you that "You can't release an unfinished game" and you're not allowed to ship it.
But hey, at least I can fire all my employees for no good reason, so that's spot on! :)
Jokes aside it's a great game and after a decade still holds a spot in my heart. Plays perfectly on the Steam Deck, has a lot of charm, and scratches a management itch that so few games do. Well worth playing for full price or on sale.
Steam User 14
very first kairosoft game that I've played when it came out on app store. Nostalgic. Still doing a good job i guess but it doesn't feel right to play with my computer. There are much better tycoon computer games with so much depth. With this graphic and this depth, i dare say it's an audacity of them to pull it out as a computer game. Perhaps the nostalgia is the selling point.
앱스토어에 나와 처음 플레이 했던 나의 카이로소프트 게임. 추억돋고, 괜찮게 뽑혔지만 컴퓨터로 하기엔 뭔가 기분이 이상하다. 타이쿤 게임으로는 휠씬 낫고 깊이가 있는 컴퓨터 게임이 있기 때문. 이 그래픽과 이 깊이로, 나는 감히 이들이 이걸 컴퓨터 게임으로 낸건 일종의 뻔뻔함이 느껴지기까지 한다. 추억이 셀링포인트인 것일수도
Steam User 1
My first impression was just "ok", but then I read the guides and wiki an realized that I was missing the most of this game's depth (which the game has, despite the looks). This game is really fun once you understand how it works.
Steam User 8
Warning, although this game looks like a quick bite size game, you will lose some sleep playing this game. It's hard to stop. I managed to complete all achievements in 2 sitting.
It is short but for that price, it is worth it and absolutely can fill your management itch!
Steam User 0
I've played this on my Switch as well other places and I have to say that this game is the same no matter where you play it and it's fun. If you put time into this, you can unlock everything and that I've done at the other places I've played it on. It's a pretty fun and cheap game that you don't have to worry about breaking the back for so to speak.
Creating team of workers is pretty cool and if you play it long enough, you will start to see some funny name and you know who they are easy. One of the fun things that you can do is train different type of people and that even includes a bear. You can train your workers and upgrade your team. Which if you stick with one good one max them out to lvl 5 on all the positions, you can upgrade them to hardware making (being able to create a console)
Yes the game is pixelated but that truly adds to the charm of this. It has a very retro style and the soundtrack gives the game a nostalgic feel, which takes you back to the classic simulation games from the ‘90s.
So my final thoughts on Game Dev Story is this - It's a very delightful simulation game that offers hours of engaging and addictive game. If you’re a fan of simulation games or just curious about the game development process, Then this is the one for you. Kairosoft really hit it spot on with this and you should really check out their other work as well. So I have to say that I really highly recommend this game with ease.
Steam User 0
forgive my low amount of hours here, i put countless hours when i played this game on phone many years ago and really glad that it come to pc,.this is my 1st game-dev game and still the best game-dev game i ever played. i've played other game of the same kind like game tycoon, mad game tycoon 1 and 2, city game studio and many more, none of them can top this game. I really wish Kairosoft would make a sequel of this game,.would love to play more game-dev game
Steam User 2
For a Kairosoft game, this one is pretty distinct from the rest. I wouldn't go so far as to say it's challenging, but I will say it's the first one I've cracked open a guide for. It constantly keeps you on your toes with new console releases, sudden events both good and bad, and the uncertainty of how your next release will do... it's a game where player choice has a lot of impact on how your run will go! All the console and company names are really charming and nostalgic, too. Of all the Kairosoft games I've played, this one definitely stands out as especially distinctive. Don't let its age put you off: it's a lot of fun!