Star Shift Rebellion
Play Star Shift Origins
Star Shift Legacy
the Game
Infernis Prime is a mining colony in the Outer Rim, under brutal occupation. With the help of a hacked android and the discovery of a dark secret, the rebels finally have a chance. This is the story of how the Outer Rim Coalition formed, and how they broke free.
There are no levels in Star Shift Rebellion; skills and stat increases are managed by Knowledge Points acquired from battle.
In addition to the standard turn-based combat, there is a tactical battle system for fleet and army combat.
Unique skill trees exist depending on a character’s species and class.
Time has been shattered. Only you and your crew can unlock the mystery before it’s too late!
A soundtrack from multiple independent artists that enhances the experience.
Steam User 3
Super good! reminds me of phantasy star end of the millennium!
needs some more level up aspects and more explore the universe! maybe that's there upcoming game or is this a 4x strategy
Steam User 3
i never expected this to be soooo good. don't usually leave reviews but man i had to for this one.
Steam User 4
I'm nowhere close to done with this yet but let me just say that if you're a fan of SNES era JRPG's, Tactics based RPGs, SRPGs, Ukranian RPG's (the spicy kind lol), rebel insurgencies fighting against authoritarian genocidal regimes (this really escalated quickly didn't it?), then this is criminally under-priced for the value proposition.
My only 'complaint' with it so far is not even a real complaint worth sharing, a certain frequently used word choice that's jarring to me is all, so i'm not even going to give that complaint a chance to breathe on it's own here. Buy the game. if you're getting it at time of writing this i'd almost say wait til it's full price again because at a full price of $7.99 i couldn't even go see Dune Part 2 right now.
Steam User 1
Not usually a fan of Sci Fi because i dont think the genre looks good... but this game looks awesome. The cutscenes are great. The story ended up being so much better than what i expected at first. I found myself laughing at many of the jokes too. The cliffhanger at the end has me invested in the series.
The battle system is pretty good too. I would recommend this to anyone who likes RPGs and/or Scifi genre. And
even to the rest of players, i would say, give this a try.
Steam User 1
Similar to the previous installment, the game is a fun, engaging, classic JRPG flavor but with a decent sci fi story and an interesting combat system.
I appreciated that the 'dungeons' in this installment were shorter and more sweet. JRPG combat is a chore at the best of times, and this knew when to move things along.
That said, I felt that some things could have been improved: You spend more time shopping to outfit your 7 member party that the game almost feels like it's a shopping simulator. Why can't you see what equipment your charaters have while comparing what the vendor is selling is a mystery. Yes it shows you how the stats would change, but I can't remember if party member #5 of group 2 has an antimatter rifle or a graviton pistol without backing out to look. Repeat this for 10-12 pieces of equipment for each party member and it becomes more than an inconvenience. For all the time you spend shopping, this would have been a significant quality of life improvement.
Would recommend, looking forward to next installment.
Steam User 1
Fair warning, while it's a fun game, it's VERY short for traditional RPG fans. It's also a bit harder than what you may be used to in the early game, even on normal difficulty. Not unreasonably so, but it definitely doesn't hold your hand or pull any punches because it's the beginning of the game.
Star Shift Origins was a tech demo, conceptually. Even shorter than this, and actually a little easy. Star Shift Rebellion is proof of concept for this dev team. And it's a darn good concept. It isn't going to revolutionize RPGs, but it's got enough old school in its DNA to be familiar, while inject enough fun and interesting takes on a lot of staples in the genre to make it new and exciting. There are no glaring issues of any kind (or at least none I came across), and while the story is a LITTLE Saturday Cartoons villain-y, it's pretty adult in it's presentation. People do die, and graphically, and not just to be edgy.
There are some things I think could do with some improvement, but overall I have no actual complaints, and nothing I noticed needed any MAJOR rebalancing... EXCEPT: giving the MC "Brain Drain" on the class that can automatically regen their version of MP is ACTUALLY broken. And while it takes a heavy investment on another character, having 2 of them that can rocket through skill trees is actually a little absurd.
The good:
+Leveling (very non-standard approach, love it)
-Full access to every possible piece of equipment (except the LITERAL endgame weapons) from the very first "town" with an INCREDIBLY fast and easy way to make the money to buy everything actually makes the game very easy. Paired with the ridiculously fast "leveling" you can do with the MC and you can actually cheese the game super hard without meaning to.
-Explanations are pretty much non-existent. If you're a RPG veteran, other than minor adjustments to systems you're familiar with but are called something else, there's no major hurdles to get over. However, this is NOT for players new to the genre.
-Gear is not very well explained, and since it takes pretty hefty "exp" investments to make a character specialize in a weapon, you can absolutely waste points. And past a certain point, combat encounters are hard limited, so you can easily mess that up. It's not going to "ruin" a character, but it does feel wasteful when clearer indicators on what stats do what could easily make that avoidable.
-Short. I mean REALLY short. Origins, this teams "first" title in this... trilogy? was shorter, but, again, for vets of the genre, this is going to feel like a set up than an actual game. I don't think this is a negative in that it's BAD, just that it's definitely going to be something that, understandably, would keep some people from spending the money on it.
-The "strategy" layer. It's not bad, but it's INCREDIBLY easy, and I was NOT expecting that. It makes sense, it'd be a shame to be stuck in one of those combats when you actually can't affect anything about them outside of what orders you give in the combat itself, but I don't know if it's possible to fail all but 1 of them, and that 1 it would still be difficult to fail it. I tend to enjoy games that mix genres, but because it feels like it's only included for story elements AND to be able to claim it's MORE than just an RPG, I think it would be better to remove those elements and focus that time and effort on the RPG part of the game... OR make those elements more integral to the game by using some kind of systems that either tie back to the other parts so there's payoff in some respects (story choices give you more or less units, or stronger/weaker ones, etc.). It doesn't actively hurt the game in any way, but it definitely feels like it's ancillary rather than essential.
I know I laid out some pretty long criticisms, but they're HYPER specific, and despite the fact that I have criticisms to make, I really don't think anything I'm giving feedback on harms the game in ANY way other than diverting attention and focus away from the other elements. Which I think are actually very well done, again, considering the fact that it's an indie dev team. I enjoyed Origins and was happy to leave a positive review. I enjoyed Rebellion and am happy to leave a positive review. And I'm eagerly looking forward to the 3rd title and expect more of the same.
Steam User 1
Very cool sci fi space JRPG that you will most likely enjoy so pick it up.
Here's my first look at the game: