The man who cures his city from a zombie virus struggles to retain the society he once knew. Dawning the superhero persona Spryward, Deshaun Martin takes on a corporate political infrastructure that suppresses society’s revitalization. Face off against super powered villains, The Wizard, the Metroborg, and a mystical beast Broxa. In a post-civilization landscape can the city stronghold of Credell afford to put up with superhero antics?Gameplay : Story transitions from motion comic panels to levels.
Linear 2.5D platforming levels.
Use your electromagnetism ability to perform aerials, dash attacks, climb walls, and more.
Call on your pal slushy to gain his slinging abilities.
Unlock and wear new super suits.
Instead of turning into a zombie, infection gave Deshaun green skin and super powers. He can manipulate friction on an electromagnetic level. This allows him to slide and stick to any surface. He can halt his own connection to gravity for a short time causing immense heat. Along with friction based powers he has super strength, increased range of hearing, and durability. It’s up to Spryward and his friends at the Adams Corporation to hold back the zombie virus and this new wave of villainy. This game takes place in the Apastron universe.
Steam User 1
Very Fun. I like the idea of 2d sprites in a 3d space. I also very much like comic book fighting games, and am surprised at how little games take advantage of the cool idea.