Wicked Dolls
Wicked Dolls is an online co-op psychological horror game for up to 4 people. You and your partners must carefully analyze, using various items, which are the weaknesses of each evil spirit that possesses the dolls and use that to your advantage. Investigate all clues and strategize to create the right trap. The ritual must not fail. Your life is at risk!
Dynamic gaming experience:
– 1 to 4 players; test the limits of fear by playing alone, or, count on a team to deal more intensely with the evil that lurks in the darkness.
– Items appear in different locations around the house in each match.
– Find out what each spirit likes and hates. This could save your life.
– Each spirit is attracted to different items. Getting them wrong can be fatal.
– Your behavior can determine the actions of the possessed dolls. Be careful!
– Enemies can confuse you. Evil is not always what is expected.
Wicked Dolls is a complete horror experience where every detail matters. As you explore the house, you must solve puzzles, collect items and escape the evil entity that possessed the doll. Listen carefully, pay attention to the details and analyze your surroundings carefully. Evil lurks in the shadows.
– Split up to cover more ground or stay in a group to increase survivability.
– Use curiosity to your advantage. Every detail is important, be careful not to miss anything.
– Trust your instincts. Use items that the spirits like or hate at the right time.
Steam User 3
For $6, this game has some potential for minimal cost. This by no means is a reinvention of indie horror but the game has some unique aspects. The feeling of being hunted by a 5ft doll is enough the get some scare in. Time will tell, but for half the price of a movie ticket, even if we get 5-10 hours of enjoyable gameplay over time, I'm good with it.
Steam User 2
For low cost, this game has enough in it to give a few jump scares, a little fun with a group figuring out the mechanics and some interesting dynamics. The doll model is creepy.
A lot of work is needed on the items ( EMF 5 is constant across all ghosts and not different so is pointless, and UV doesn't work) however, it was still fun enough for a short period.
Don't buy if you are expecting Phasmaphobia level quality.
Steam User 16
They rented the same house in Ghost Watchers! Lol!