ChessLocke is chess with RPG elements. Your pieces gain experience points, level ups, and new abilities to unlock and upgrade as you progress through a campaign where every game is unique.
ChessLocke uses standard Chess movements on an 8×8 game board, but your pieces will also have a set of new abilities to help you win games. The object of ChessLocke is to land on the enemy Throne and stay there for 1 turn. The Throne is simply the square where the Kings always start. Unlike traditional Chess, if the King is captured, the game continues.
Once a game ends, your total experience points (XP) will be accumulated to spend on new abilities and upgrades for those abilities. You will accumulate XP by winning games, capturing enemy pieces, and other various achievements. Each power piece has 3 unique abilities to help win games that may assist in capturing enemy pieces, defending ally pieces, and other utility. For example, the Knight has a Joust ability, which allows a straight-line attack. The Bishop has a Revive ability, which allows the player to bring back a removed piece. The King has Dub Knight, which allows a Pawn to be promoted to Knight for the rest of the game. Players will decide which abilities to purchase to use in game.
The single-player Campaign consists of 50 missions where piece placements are different for each game. For example, your Rooks may swap places with your Bishops, you might start with only 5 Pawns, or maybe your Knights start on the 3rd row. There may be Walls placed on certain squares in a game where neither player may land nor pass through, however Knights can jump over Walls as they can jump over ally or enemy pieces.
Completing the Campaign unlocks the Dungeon, which is 50 more missions, but instead of each mission having equal pieces and advantages, the Dungeon’s opponent will have more pieces and better advantages positional. Each mission will be like a puzzle you must solve.
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Steam User 2
A hundred stages,
A new perspective on playing Chess.
Other than the usual rules and move,
Innovative skills from the pieces makes the game much challenging and menacing.
Once grasping the essence of the skills, the board is an onslaught.
Enjoyable and time well spent.
Steam User 1
This is wild and surprisingly complex. I almost don't understand it at all but I get through it and take some mental stimulation from it. Specializing in Game Theory in my senior year of college took the challenge out of it because I removed the mystery of strategy games while studying it, as a way of making my major into a working skill. But this was still a learning experience for me. I learned how to push myself to think again...Winning builds you up if you do something with that momentum. Don't let anyone tell you anything different.
Now that I've played through the whole game (And beat it like it owed me money. All dungeons and missions done in 38.8 hours, with about 10 hours of breaks)
....This is truly the companion game that Chess needed. Regular 32-piece, 8x8 2D chess, be it speed chess, timed or classical, leads to too many draws, and I like the wilder nature of Chesslocke. Chesslocke doesn't have the harshness of conventional Chess due to the "Simply pick the better upgrade path" upgrade tree, but it certainly has more flash, more variety and is more relaxed, making is feel very good.
9/10. More wild than chess, but not as challenging as it could be. I didn't need to think 30 moves ahead, I just needed to factor the game down, control squares, use maximum employment and get super aggressive. I cut through the game like butter but have to think hard to play regular Chess which means that I'm not as smart as I feel after beating this game.
Steam User 2
welp relearning chess I guess lol