The Neverland of the Mountain and Sea
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- 980331834
- 人们离开地球,奔向星海彼端新的家园已有几个世纪了。地球上只留下很少的人类负责看管这已略显破旧的居所。
- 随着地球上设施与服务逐步停摆,原本便利的生活也逐渐麻烦起来。但愿意留下来的人,却也很享受这份“麻烦”。
- 章珺是从乌托邦回到地球的少数人。和兄长牧浲,机器人管家贝翠一起,生活在移动屋“竹篮”里。
- 这天,从黛山林场工作归来的章珺,遇到了奥兹派来的信使白符鸠。
- 白符鸠送来的,是机械管家贝翠的升级报告书,而这份报告,打破了平静。让原本闲适的生活,变得有趣了起来……
- 这里没有朋克,没有废土,没有毁灭或是残酷,甚至没有激烈的矛盾或是价值观的碰撞。只有在未来世界,恬静而略显懒散的生活。
- 期待您,一起欣赏这部兼顾浪漫与闲适的超治愈电子分镜本。
- 全游戏由800套CG组成,用类似全CG的方式讲述故事。
- 真4K分辨率,细致入微。
- 全程配音,细致的音效演出,动人的音乐。
- 完全独立世界观和时间线。
- 章珺:枫刹若舞
- 牧浲:王心语
- 贝翠:闲戈
- 白符鸠:Z君
- 播音员:王心语
- 汉克:王心语
- 维修机器人:王心语
- Griffths女士:龙十三
- Gustav Yu
Steam User 0
I've now finished all of Magenta Factory's games and hope they release more soon!
The fact that it took me, a non-native who reads slowly in Chinese, less than 5 hours to finish the game is indicative of how short it is, which is surprising because it must have taken a lot of work to develop the 3D models, the music and the concept. My guess is that they will in fact release more related content. Hopefully we also get more Shan Gui II.
Anyway, since East 73 the art and music on MF's games have always been a strength. Neverland is in some aspects the prettiest of their games, although there's something to the way the human characters look that isn't to my liking. The music is the best, Gustav Yu outdid himself.
The story and the dialogues, delivered by professional-sounding voice actors, are well-written enough that I felt immersed and wanted to keep going. The emotional scenes work, but a good chunk of the game is just chill, which is part of what I love about MF. Just hanging out at the outside among friends. Lovely. This time, I haven't found the sense of nostalgia, of something lost due to the passage of time but that remains precious, that is present in their other games.
Fanservice only subtracts from my experience of visual novels, and this is MF's game that goes the farthest, including a few of scenes with full female nudity. If this was a random game I picked I think I'd have just dropped it, as I'd assume it is catered to an audience who doesn't place enough of a premium on good storytelling.
I honestly doubt I'll find anything like their games among Chinese visual novels. This has been quite the experience :)
Steam User 0
Story was excellent. The lore is really interesting and I was hoping to find out more about the world. Still, good value although short.
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