7th Sea: A Pirate’s Pact
Fight for what’s right—as an up and coming pirate! Battle slavers, sea monsters, and your own corrupt government to become a hero of the high seas. But will you betray your own crew for wealth and power?
7th Sea: A Pirate’s Pact is a 200,000-word interactive adventure novel by Danielle Lauzon, set in the world of the table-top role playing game 7th Sea. It’s entirely text-based, without graphics or sound effects, and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.
Looking for adventure at sea? You’ll get more than you bargained for when you end up joining a pirate crew. These pirates are known among sailors for having their own moral code, one that is now yours. You’ll have the chance to rescue prisoners, uncover a secret plot, and even build a navy to liberate an island fort full of slaves.
But you’ll also be tempted to break your pirate bonds to seek your own gain. Would you still free the slaves if you could take out your own rivals instead? How far will you go to save your friends? And when you uncover corruption in your homeland, will you choose villainy or vengeance?
Earn your crew’s loyalty and they might make you their captain, but get careless and you might have to walk the plank!
- Play as male, female, or non-binary; gay, straight, bi, asexual, or poly.
- Choose from three different nations as your homeland, with distinct stories for each.
- Romance other pirate captains, or compete with them as your rivals.
- Fight for good, or work for evil.
- Lead a rescue, uncover a secret plot, and defeat tyranny.
- Visit various island nations to win them to your side and build a navy.
If it’s the pirate’s life for you, what will you sacrifice for freedom?
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词汇量很友好··· ···这个寒假玩过的文字游戏里观感不那么阴间的游戏之一(没错我就是在内涵death collector你好好想想为什么这么多人给你打差评说你文字量大而且生僻词超多,而且还是外国评论··· ···),基本不用查单词就可以看懂。
内容还彳亍,虽然平时玩得海盗题材游戏比较少但是对这个游戏还是比较喜欢滴,不过感觉没啥动力二刷了··· ···就单纯地觉得有点像普通的冒险故事,不是非常非常出彩··· ···用来消磨时间还是很不错滴
还有比较有意思的是最后可以选择成为海盗或者私掠船船长··· ···总的来说结局还是很多样化的所以我一个小小的老牌贵族后裔为什么会走上这样一条充满刺激的道路··· ···
个人支线的话··· ···感觉就、很甜?不过好像暂时没有看到啥特别吸引的地方()
再,诺灵顿准将,啊不是,莫里斯船长真香!(?误)严重怀疑这个人设就是照着准将做的,棕色短卷发蓝色眼睛彬彬有礼同时又有贵族气派一丝不苟的老男人··· ···呜呜呜呜爹咪我直接斯哈斯哈当场暴毙(圆满.jpg) 再,后期会有完全不知道怎么发展起来的修罗场剧情··· ···我整个人直接傻掉好吧?一个大任务结束之后看到这段剧情我直接~%?…,# *'☆&℃$︿★?这河里吗?这像画吗???来偷袭我这个年轻的小同志,不讲武德啊!(震声)如果我真的成了一个商船船长,我肯定是最能打的那一个··· ···战过海怪,医过顽疾,走过绳桥,还和最恶名昭著的海盗肩并肩··· ···传奇竟是我自己!(误)