7 Days To Save The World
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“President! President! Your presence is urgently required!”
Can you lead your nation for seven days?
7DTSTW is a simulation where you dream at night and make decisions as Mr. President during the day. The future of your country is in your hands.
Take responsibility, decide about the state’s budget and expenses, invest in the stock market and forge alliances. While you face numerous challenges during the day, every night poses a new adventure in your dreams.
You have the power to do the good! But you could also rule with hardship.
Are you not afraid of challenges of heart and mind?
Whether you like to puzzle, jump&run, explore or play RPGs, there is something in 7DTSTW for every taste.
Steam User 0
This is an amazing game that really shows you how your actions can affect everything, and how difficult it can be to make the right decision when put in a difficult situation.
Definitely recommend this game for everyone
Steam User 0
Wanted to review this game when i finished it but i couldn't leave such a unique experience wanting too long.
This game is very creative with the fact that it has so many different types of genres meshed into one, you probably couldn't tell what game your playing! Starting off with the game it gets you making some pretty morally challenging decisions that impact the world, in which you decide on being more off a dictator or in my opinion the harder role the good guy! The most unique aspect of this game is in your dreams where the game starts to become completely different.
One thing id also like to talk about is the developers who are pretty fast acting when it comes to fixing there game, because when i first played it, i couldn't get past a certain point and I had made a video on it and it got fixed pretty fast! So hopefully they don't stop doing what there doing cause i think they got alot of potential in creating amazing games!
Steam User 1
Yes yes...
that's some good stuff...